Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Mausberg, Rainer Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 41-60 of 177
Dorsale Fusionen der Halswirbelsäule: Stabilität des Operationsergebnisses im Langzeitverlauf
(2018-04-30)Martinez R, v. Eckardstein K, Woschek N, Rohde V: Outcome of disease-related myelopathy after cervical posterior decompression plus instrumentation. 64. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (DGNC). ... -
Charakterisierung des Targetingverhaltens präsynaptischer Proteine
(2018-04-24)Studying features of proteins can be done by expressing recombinant versions of those proteins in a cellular environment which facilitates correct transport and distribution. Here this model was used to study features ... -
Mundgesundheitssituation dialysepflichtiger Patienten mit und ohne Diabetes mellitus - Ergebnisse einer multizentrischen klinischen Querschnittsstudie
(2018-04-04)Purpose of this part of the clinical cross-sectional study was to determine and compare the oral health, degree of education and the oral health related quality of life of diabetes mellitus patients (DM) in dialysis therapy ... -
Einfluss der selektiven Inhibition proinflammatorischer Lipoxygenase auf den osteoporotischen Knochen im Ovariektomodell der Ratte
(2018-03-23)Osteoporosis is now a serious widespread disease in Germany. Since the population aged and health care costs continuously increased, the treatment of osteoporosis poses a major socio-economic challenge for society. Established ... -
Korrelation der p53-, EGFR- und SGLT1-Expression im histopathologischen Präparat mit den Nebenwirkungen und dem Outcome einer primären Radio(chemo)Therapie bei Patienten mit lokal fortgeschrittenem Kopf-Hals-Tumor
(2018-03-12)Purpose: To test for a possible correlation between the expression of p53, EGFR and SGLT1 in biopsies of locally advanced, inoperable head and neck cancer with the toxicitiy and the outcome of a primary radio(cehmo) ... -
Angiogene Auswirkung der retardierten Freisetzung von rh-BMP-2 und rh-VEGF im Muskel der Ratte. Immunhistochemische Auswertung von CD31 und CD34
(2018-01-23)Bone defects of the facial skull are associated with a extensive amount of treatment. In therapy, the focus is not only on the functional reconstruction, but also on a satisfactory aesthetic rehabilitation for the ... -
Analyse neuroprotektiver und neuroregenerativer Mechanismen nach Applikation ektoper miRNA-124 am Schlaganfallmodell der Maus
(2018-01-15)Stroke is a disease with major implications for the patients. Due to a small time window and many contraindications only few patients get treatment with thrombolysis. In search of new therapeutic strategies the focus lies ... -
Akutschmerztherapie in der stationären Patientenversorgung an deutschen Krankenhäusern
(2018-01-04)In 2007, the German national guidelines on "Treatment of acute perioperative and post-traumatic pain" were published. The aim of this study was to describe current structure and process data for acute pain management in ... -
Chairside-Nachweis aktivierter Matrixmetalloproteinase-8 (aMMP-8) sowie Detektion potenziell parodontalpathogener Bakterien zur parodontalen Risikoeinschätzung in der Blutspende
(2017-12-06)The aim of this clinical cross-sectional study was to find out whether an aMMP-8 point-of-care test is adequate for chairside identification of periodontally diseased patients by the transfusion medic. Furthermore it was ... -
Peritumorale Hirnödeme bei intrakraniellen Meningeomen: Einfluss von Alter, Geschlecht, Tumorgröße, Tumorlokalisation und histologischem Subtyp
(2017-11-29)Whilst meningiomas have been subject of extensive prior research, this publication examines the genesis mechanism of peritumoral edema by quantifying the influence of age, sex, tumor size, tumor location, and histological ... -
Entwicklung und Validierung eines neuen Schnellmessverfahrens für Adrenalin im Blutserum
(2017-10-10)Two new rapid methods for measuring adrenaline in human blood serum have been established. Both methods use HEK 293 cells, from which two stable cell lines were developed - one cell line was transfected with the Epac1-camps ... -
Die Rolle desTGF-ß-Rezeptors Typ I bei der Überexpression von Smurf1 und Smurf2 in chondrogenen Progenitorzellen
(2017-09-26)The TGF-ß signaling pathway including all its individual components appears to play a significant and unique role in CPCs as well as during the development and progression of osteoarthrosis. The path of signal transmission ... -
Validierung einer Rehabilitationsmaßnahme bei Charcot Marie Tooth- Erkrankung (CMT)
(2017-09-22)In collaboration with a rehabilitation clinic in Germany, succeeded by specific rehabilitation measures (Maggi et al 2011) to quantify initial significant improvements in relation to the functional integrity of the affected ... -
Angiopoetin-1 im Kontext von EPCs-vermittelter Nephroprotektion nach akuter renaler Ischämie
(2017-09-19)Aim Acute kidney injury significantly worsens the prognosis of hospitalized patients. Endothelial progenitor cells have been proven as effective tool for AKI prevention in mice. Pharmacological EPC precondition-ing may ... -
Einfluss von Zungenreinigern vor einer antibakteriellen Therapie bei Multiband-Patienten auf die Rekolonisationszeit von Mutans-Streptokokken
(2017-08-11)Aim of the study: The aim of this in vivo study was to investigate the influence of tongue cleaning to the recolonization of Streptococcus mutans after a professional tooth cleaning and EC40® varnish application in patients ... -
Die Beeinflussung des instrumentellen Lernens durch Placebo- und Noceboeffekte
(2017-08-09)Placebo / nocebo effects and the underlying mechanisms are currently the subject of intensive research. However, up to the present time, not all backgrounds could be fully illuminated. Numerous studies have been concerned ... -
Krümmungsmorphologie der Gelenkflächen im Radiokarpalgelenk und funktionelle Konsequenzen.
(2017-07-13)A morphological analysis of functional consequences of the radiocarpal joint surfaces. The following four hypotheses were investigated: 1. The radiocarpal joint consists of two diarthroses, working independently of each ... -
Die Implementierung eines Kinderpalliativzimmers auf einer Normalstation - Eine qualitative Studie
(2017-06-23)In the context of an enhancement of the (medical) care structure for children receiving palliative care the Medical Care Unit at University of Göttingen has installed a special Children’s Palliative Care Room (CPCR). The ... -
Die Bedeutung der glomerulären Basalmembrankomponente Nidogen-1 bei podozytären Erkrankungen der Niere
(2017-05-22)The basement membrane composition of the glomeruli is an important factor in the pathogenesis of many renal diseases. The understanding of the interactions of the BM components and the pathogenesis of glomerular renal ... -
Stellenwert der transoralen CO2-Lasermikrochirurgie bei der Rezidiv-Behandlung glottischer Frühkarzinome nach primärer Strahlentherapie
(2017-05-08)Objective: Recurrent glottic cancer after radiotherapy could be managed by open neck or endoscopic surgery. The aim of this study is to position the value of transoral CO2 laser surgery (TLM) in recurrence of early glottic ...