Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Title
Now showing items 253-272 of 3138
B Cell Antigen Receptor-intrinsic Costimulation of IgG and IgE Isotypes
(2012-06-27)B cells express different isotypes of the B cell antigen receptor (BCR) on their surface and secrete soluble forms of their antigen binding immunoglobulins (Ig) upon differentiation to plasma cells. Naïve mature B cells ... -
B-Zell-Pathomechanismen der akuten und chronischen Myositis: Ex-Vivo- und In-Vitro-Untersuchungen
(2014-04-22)B-cell-associated pathomechanisms of acute and chronic myositis: ex vivo and in vitro studies Sporadic inclusion body myositis (sIBM) is the most common acquired inflammatory myopathy of elderly people. Pathology includes ... -
BAG1 stellt die Bildung funktionaler DJ-1-L166P-Dimere und deren Chaperon-Aktivität wieder her
(2011-01-18)DJ-1 (PARK7) is the encoded protein from one of the four chromosomal loci associated with autosomal recessive, early onset parkinsonism. While evidence from genetic and biochemical studies ... -
Die bakterielle Endophthalmitis- Retrospektive Analyse über 10 Jahre an der UMG-Augenklinik
(2023-06-27)Bacterial endophthalmitis describes a rarely occurring intraocular inflammatory process, which is also one of the most serious diagnoses in ophthalmology. The cause of endophthalmitis is the spread of germs into the interior ... -
Bakterielle Kolonisation von teleskopierbaren Titanimplantaten (VEPTR-System) bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Wirbelsäulendeformitäten
(2017-08-16)This dissertation deals with bacterial colonisation of the Vertical-expandable-prosthetic-titanium-rib (VEPTR) system for the treatment of children and adolescents with spinal deformities. Possible influencing factors for ... -
Bakterielle Translokation beim kritisch kranken Patienten mit aneurysmatischer Subarachnoidalblutung
(2023-02-16)Sepsis is the most common reason for the death of critically ill patients. The pathogenesis of sepsis is therefore of central importance in order to find therapeutic approaches for this common clinical picture. The strictest ... -
Barrieren und Potentiale der Lebensstilberatung in der Hausarztpraxis.
(2018-01-17)An inactive lifestyle is considered one of the major causes for type 2 diabetes and non-specific neck pain. Consequently, lifestyle interventions are endorsed as promising therapeutic option. But, unfortunately, there is ... -
Batterielaufzeiten implantierbarer Kardioverter-Defibrillatoren
(2022-01-14)Due to the expanded indications for implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD) in the prophylaxis of sudden cardiac death, more and more ICDs are being implanted. The unit changes that are often necessary in this context ... -
Bax-Inhibitor-1-vermittelte Neuroprotektion
(2007-03-05)BI-1 (Bax-Inhibitor-1) has been characterized as anti-apoptotic protein in yeast, plants and various mammalian cell lines.To explore the function of BI-1 in neurons, HA- as well as GFP-tagged ... -
Bayesian methods for borrowing information in clinical drug development
(2020-12-11)Clinical drug development is the process of investigating potential pharmaceutical therapies in clinical trials. The clinical investigation of drugs consists of four phases. The aim is bringing a candidate drug from early ... -
Bedeutung der Atmung für die Dynamik des Liquor- und Venensystems – eine in-vivo Echtzeit-Phasenkontrast-MRT-Studie
(2024-06-05)CSF circulation disorders are still poorly understood. Studies indicate a connection to functional disorders of the venous system. Recently, respiration has been identified as the main driving force of the CSF system. The ... -
Bedeutung der Blockade des lokalen Angiotensinsystems für die chronisch progrediente Niereninsuffizienz im Rahmen der Alport-Nephritis
(2012-08-30)The alport syndrome is the second most common hereditary renal disease, that is characterized by chronic and progressive renal failure. The main therapeutic focus at present is to delay the progression of the disease, since ... -
Die Bedeutung der Ca2+/Calmodulin-abhängigen Proteinkinase IIδ für die zytosolische Natrium- und Kalziumüberladung sowie Arrhythmogenese in Herzmuskelzellen
(2013-01-14)The expression and activity of the Ca2+/Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIδ (CaMK IIδ) is increased in heart failure and correlates with progression of disease. Also, reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are increasingly ... -
Die Bedeutung der Coiled-coil-Domäne für die Inaktivierung des Transkriptionsfaktors STAT1
(2020-05-07)Heterozygous gain-of-function (GOF) mutations in the transcription factor STAT1 (signal transductor and activator of transcription 1) result in increased expression of cytokine-regulated target genes. The abnormally high ... -
Die Bedeutung der Deubiquitinase OTUD4 in Bezug auf die Tumorprogression epithelialer Tumoren
(2016-08-24)Die Grundannahme dieser Arbeit war, dass OTUD4 als Deubiqutinase die Funktion der Demethylase ALKBH3 stabilisiert, indem es den proteasomalen Abbau von ALKBH3 durch Deubiquitinierung verhindert. Um diese Annahme zu ... -
Bedeutung der früh-postoperativen Schilddrüsenstoffwechsellage und des Non-Thyroidal-Illness-Syndroms für das Auftreten einer Wundheilungsstörung oder Anastomoseninsuffizienz nach viszeralchirurgischen Eingriffen
(2015-11-03)Wound healing disorder (WHD) and anastomotic leakage (AL) are still two of the most common complications after visceral surgery although several factors influencing their occurrence have been revealed. They contribute to ... -
Die Bedeutung der glomerulären Basalmembrankomponente Nidogen-1 bei podozytären Erkrankungen der Niere
(2017-05-22)The basement membrane composition of the glomeruli is an important factor in the pathogenesis of many renal diseases. The understanding of the interactions of the BM components and the pathogenesis of glomerular renal ... -
Die Bedeutung der Hämoxygenase-1/ Kohlenmonoxid- und NO-Synthase/Stickoxid-Signalsystem für das Wachstum von primär kultivierten adulten Rattenhepatozyten
(2012-02-27)Carbon monoxide (CO) and nitric oxide (NO) play important roles in liver regeneration in vivo. The aim of this study was to investigate whether CO and NO are positively involved in the proliferation of cultured hepatocytes. ... -
Die Bedeutung der Hedgehog- Signalkaskade in der Tumorgenese von spinalen und kraniellen Chordomen
(2017-07-13)Chordoma is a rare type of cancer that occurs in the bones of the skull base and spine, arising from remnants of embryonic notochord. Although they are slow growing, chordomas are highly recurrent, locally invasive and ... -
Die Bedeutung der Kalzium/Calmodulin-abhängigen Proteinkinase II für den gestörten Kalziumstoffwechsel der isolierten Rattenherzmuskelzelle unter Doxorubicinbehandlung
(2013-07-08)Doxorubicin (DOX), a member of the anthracycline family, is one of the oldest and most commonly used chemotherapeutic agents. Despite its therapeutic benefits, its cardiotoxic potential, resulting in severe cardiac damage, ...