Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Title
Now showing items 383-402 of 3090
C-terminally truncated Amyloid-β peptides in Alzheimer’s dementia: Deposition of Aβ37, Aβ38, and Aβ39 in the brains of patients with sporadic and familiar Alzheimer’s dementia and in transgenic mouse models.
(2018-01-24)Alzheimer's dementia is a devastating neurodegenerative disease characterized by profound neuropathological changes of the brain. Imbalances in the production of aggregation-prone Amyloid-Beta Peptides are believed to play ... -
Calciumtransienten in Peroxisomen
(2024-11-12)Introduction: Peroxisomes are small cell organelles that play an important role in metabolic functions such as alpha- and beta-oxidation of fatty acids and ROS-homeostasis. So far the data of calcium concentrations and ... -
Cancer cell death by mitotic failure upon combined kinase inhibition
(2022-06-02)Cancer cells are prone to replicative stress to a greater extent than healthy cells are. Thus, replicative stress might be a way to target cancer cells in a more specific way than conventional chemotherapeutics do. According ... -
Candida-Blutkulturisolate in Deutschland und Österreich
(2008-08-28)Cotent of this thesis are 1. establishment of the mikrodillution suscebtibilitytesting for yeasts as defined by the CLSI (National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards 2002) for the NRZSM (National Reference ... -
Cannabinoid-basierte Therapie in einem Modell für die sporadische Alzheimer-Erkrankung
(2022-09-14)The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is involved in several metabolic processes of the human body and has among others a neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effect on the central nervous system. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) ... -
Cannabinoid-induzierte Verhaltensveränderungen unter chronischem psychosozialem Stress im Mausmodell als Analoga cannabinoid-typischer Psychopathologie
(2024-07-31)In the present dissertation, based on the current state of research, the relationship between chronic psychosocial stress and stimulation or blockade of the CB1 receptor is investigated using two animal experimental studies. ... -
Cannabinoidrezeptor CB1 und Endothelin-B-Rezeptor: Interaktion im Hippokampus
(2008-05-09)Cell membrane standing receptors are known to mediate antiapoptotic signalling in the brain of juvenile rats. This thesis illuminates the interaction between two cell membrane standing receptors CB1 and ET-B in the brain ... -
Cardiac Looping und die frühe Topogenese der AV-Region: Untersuchung an Hühnerembryonen
(2017-08-10)The early embryonic heart is a tubular structure that forms by merging of left and right heart fields (HF) along the midline of the dorsal pericardial wall. During HF merging, the initially linear heart tube elongates and ... -
Cartilage Adjacent Subchondral Bone in Ageing and Disease as a Diagnostic and Therapeutic Target
(2021-05-06)Osteochondral unit is emerging as a focal point in osteoarthritis (OA) research, with subchondral bone (SB) attracting more attention as a critical contributing factor to the initiation and progression of OA. In particular, ... -
Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein in der Pathogenese der Arthrosis deformans
(2007-02-12)As a member of the thrombospondin gene family, cartilage oligomeric protein (COMP) is found mainly in the extracellular matrix often associated with cartilage tissue as well as synovia and ... -
CD30 Expression bei Patienten mit einer Mycosis fungoides unter Berücksichtigung der inter- und intraindividuellen Variabilität sowie histologischen und klinischen Parametern
(2023-02-03)Aim of the study: CD30 expression in mycosis fungoides is heterogeneous and mostly not comparable. CD30 is a therapeutic target and a misinterpretation of this biomarker can influence therapy. The study focused on the ... -
CD4+ epidermale Zellen: Nachweis und Charakterisierung in humaner und muriner Epidermis
(2021-05-20)Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common tumor entity in human skin. Its development is often closely related to overactivation of the Hedgehog (Hh) pathway by mutation of the tumor suppressor Patched (Ptch). Preliminary ... -
Cell-cell communication between chondrocytes and osteoblasts through miR-221-3p loaded extracellular vesicles
(2022-08-30)Osteoarthritis (OA) is a whole joint disease manifested by cartilage degeneration and subchondral bone remodeling, and bone-cartilage communication plays a vital role in the disease progression with the existence of ... -
Chairside-Nachweis aktivierter Matrixmetalloproteinase-8 (aMMP-8) sowie Detektion potenziell parodontalpathogener Bakterien zur parodontalen Risikoeinschätzung in der Blutspende
(2017-12-06)The aim of this clinical cross-sectional study was to find out whether an aMMP-8 point-of-care test is adequate for chairside identification of periodontally diseased patients by the transfusion medic. Furthermore it was ... -
CHALLENGE-Studie: Morphometrisches Tumoransprechen in Korrelation mit bildgebenden Verfahren (Spiral-CT und PET) bei Patienten mit NSCLC IIIA/B unter Induktionstherapie
(2021-07-09)CHALLENGE Trial: Morphometric tumor response correlated with imaging (CT and PET-scan) in induction therapy in patients with NSCLC IIIA/B. Introduction: In 2004 we started a phase II trial with induction therapy ... -
Chancen und Risiken pharmakogenetischer Untersuchungen aus der Sicht von Hausärzten
(2009-07-22)Introduction: The aim of pharmacogenetic tests is to optimise therapies by the use of genetic information. Their future implementation in primary care depends, besides others; on the level ... -
Characterisation of human ribosome assembly factors
(2023-11-09)Ribosomes are highly conserved ribonucleoprotein complexes for translating the genetic code encoded in mRNAs into functional proteins. In consist of a small and large subunit containing ribosomal RNAs as well as ribosomal ... -
Characterisation of the RNA modifying enzyme ABH1
(2022-04-28)Ribonucleic acid (RNA) modifications have been found in all coding and non-coding RNAs and represent a key mechanism in the homeostatic control of cell metabolism including gene expression and regulation. Therefore, the ... -
Characterization of ENTH domain proteins and their interaction with SNAREs in S.cerevisiae
(2005-07-29)SNAREs play an important role in the membrane fusion events as fusogenic proteins. Therefore, localization and activity of SNAREs has to be tightly controlled. Regulatory proteins ... -
Characterization of human breast cancer cells affected by coculture conditions and kisspeptin-10
(2013-07-04)Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. Lethality is mainly attributed to a severe metastatic spread in patients. Research in new therapeutic treatments demands the understanding of the metastatic processes ...