Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Title
Now showing items 504-523 of 3138
Darmschädigung durch Photonen-Strahlung nach Einzeitbestrahlung der Leber
(2012-01-13)[Introduction] Ionizing radiation is routinely used in the treatment of malign tumors. Unfortunately, radiation injury of non-tumoral tissue may be the consequence. Previous ... -
Darstellbarkeit von Knochenstrukturen und enossalen Implantaten mit der digitalen Volumentomographie und zweidimensionalem Zahnfilmverfahren
(2016-09-23)Introduction: This study compares cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and two dimensional intraoral radiography with regard to the visibility of bone structures, foreign bodies located in bone structures and dental implants. ... -
Darstellbarkeit von Knochenstrukturen und enossalen Implantaten mit der Flächendetektor-Volumencomputertomographie und mit konventionellen radiologischen Verfahren - Ein Methodenvergleich
(2011-01-17)Purpose: The basis for successful dental implant insertion depends both on clinical findings and adequate radiologic representation of the proposed site of insertion. The aim of this study ... -
Darstellung der Wirksamkeit von kognitiv-behavioraler Therapie und Antidepressiva-Therapie bei der Behandlung der Generalisierten Angststörung
(2012-02-29)The efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) was depicted based on meta-analytic methods by means of effect size (ES) calculations ... -
Darstellung der Ziele und Probleme von Patienten mit Generalisierter Angststörung
(2010-11-17)The text analysis with PATH (Problems and aims in therapy); (Staats et al. 1996; Staats et al. 2002) and mastery-awareness scale (Staats 2009) provides a multidimensional view on the ... -
Darstellung von Artikulationsbewegungen stotternder Erwachsener in der Hochgeschwindigkeits-Magnetresonanztomographie
(2023-01-24)Stuttering is a speech flow disorder. The symptomatology includes blocking, repetition and prolongation of words or syllables. Approximately 1% of adults worldwide are affected. Cerebral neuroimaging methods have steadily ... -
Datenbankanalyse zur Myasthenia gravis - Korrelation der Lebensqualität zum klinischen Verlauf
(2023-12-04)As a chronic disease, myasthenia gravis typically results in abnormal muscular fatigue. It accompanies patients for years or even decades and can severely restrict their quality of life and activities of daily living. At ... -
Die DDR-1-knockout-Maus – ein neues Tiermodell für Osteoarthritis im Kiefergelenk
(2019-05-29)Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis is a not yet fully understood disease, although many patients are affected by it. For the investigation of the molecular biological and pathophysiological foundations leading to the ... -
De - und Remyelinisierung in Dopaminrezeptor-defizienten Mäusen
(2012-05-31)De-and remyelination in dopamine receptor-deficient mice Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous-system with destruction of myelin sheaths, axonal damage and only ... -
De novo Induktion von Anaphylatoxin C5a-Rezeptoren in Hepatocyten der Ratte durch den Entzündungsauslöser Lipopolysaccharid in vivo
(2002-08-01)In normal rat liver, anaphylatoxin C5a receptors (C5aR) are only expressed by nonparenchymal cells, mainly Kupffer cells and hepatic stellate cells, weakly by sinusoidal endothelial ... -
Decis State - Dysfunktionen neuronaler Mechanismen der Impulskontrolle bei Suchterkrankung –eine funktionell-kernspintomographische Untersuchung von Patienten mit langjähriger Alkoholabhängigkeit
(2020-05-26)The mesolimbic dopamine system plays a central role in the development of addiction. Some of its areas enable quick (impulsive) desires for preferred or conditioned stimuli. On the other hand, pre-frontal areas, which ...
Decis-State: Einfluss des Sättigungsgrades auf das Entscheidungsverhalten und die funktionelle Interaktion neuronaler Systeme - Eine fMRT-Studie
(2012-06-26)Obesity is one of the most pressing issues in modern medicine. Previous studies indicated that food images activate distinct brain areas such as the nucleus accumbens (Nacc), ventral tegmental Area (VTA), orbitofrontal ... -
Decoding motor neuron behavior for advanced control of upper limb prostheses
(2016-12-16)One of the main challenges in upper limb prosthesis control to date is to provide devices intuitive to use and capable to reproduce the natural movements of the arm and hand. One approach to solve this challenge is to ... -
Demenzspezifische Konsile im Allgemeinkrankenhaus – Beschreibung und Auswertung eines innovativen Projektes zur Verbesserung der medizinischen Versorgung von Menschen mit Demenz
(2025-01-28)Background: Dementia disorders are polymorphic and among the most common psychiatric disorders seen in general hospitals. They can be associated with a variety of complications such as behavioral problems or delirium. ... -
Dendritisches Polyglycerolsulfat als neues Therapeutikum der akuten GvHD
(2024-04-26)Despite decades of research, acute GvHD (aGvHD) remains to be one of the leading causes of increased mortality and morbidity for patients following stem cell transplantation. Due to the limited therapeutic options for the ... -
DeNoPa Kassel: Die prospektive Langzeit-Follow-up-Studie zu Biomarkern und nicht-motorischen Symptomen bei Morbus Parkinson - Pilotstudie baseline
(2012-11-16)To date there are no accepted and sufficient validated biomarkers for Parkinson's disease (PD). Diagnosis is exclusively based on motor symptoms and the response on dopaminergic medication. Misdiagnoses are common ... -
Dentaler und parodontaler Mundgesundheitszustand von Blutspendern in der Transfusionsmedizin: Ergebnisse einer klinischen Querschnittstudie
(2019-06-04)Aim: The aim of this clinical cross-sectional study was to evaluate the oral health status and behavior of blood donors. In addition, it was investigated whether an association between the local infection periodontitis and ... -
Depressivität, Angst, Vitale Erschöpfung, Lebensqualität und ihr Zusammenhang mit Herzfrequenzvariabilität bei Patienten mit kardiovaskulären Risikofaktoren
(2012-08-17)Depression, anxiety, vital exhaustion and the quality of life influence the onset, course and prognosis of cardial diseases. A dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system is a possible explanation for this connection. The ... -
Deskriptive Studie zur zahnärztlichen Betreuung und Versorgung demenzkranker Patienten im Raum Göttingen
(2020-07-30)For dementia patients, dental care generally presents a challenge, in particular due to cognitive impairment, psychic- and behavioral symptoms, as well as an (often subsequently) limited autonomous intraoral care. This ... -
Detektion diagnostischer Frühmarker der Nierenfibrose im Urin von Patienten mit Alport-Syndrom mittels proteomischer Methoden
(2024-02-02)Detection of early diagnostic tools of kidney sclerosis in the urine of patients with Alport-Syndrome using proteomic methods.