Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Title
Now showing items 594-613 of 3144
Echtzeit-Magnetresonanztomografie (real-time, RT-MRT) zur Evaluation von Schluckstörungen bei Patienten mit neurologischen Erkrankungen
(2022-11-09)The present work considered the use of novel real-time MRI for the assessment of neurogenic dysphagia. In the prospective pilot study, 10 patients with inclusion body myositis (IBM), 14 patients with myotonic dystrophy ... -
EEG network analyses in patients with genetic generalized epilepsy
(2023-08-24)Genetic generalized epilepsy (GGE) accounts for about 15% of all epilepsies (Jallon & Latour, 2005). Its etiology remains unknown and molecular processes have only partly been understood. In the clinical field patients ... -
Effects of overexpression of the ALS associated protein TDP-43 and its mutant on the axonal and somal proteome in compartimentalized primary cortical neurons of rats
(2024-08-22)Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease of the motor nervous system. During its course, the function of the upper and lower motor neurons is predominantly lost. It is a very severe ... -
Effects of Serotonin and Noradrenaline on Neuroplasticity and Excitability of The Primary Motor Cortex in Humans
(2017-05-03)In the thesis, we were interested to explore the impact of acute and chronic serotonergic and noradrenergic receptor activity enhancement on functional plasticity of the human brain. Furthermore, we investigated the acute ... -
Effects of the microRNA cluster 132/212 in primary dopaminergic neurons
(2021-02-19)The microRNA (miRNA) cluster 132/212 is highly involved in the regulation of cell growth and maturation in neurons and other cell types. This work investigated effects of increased levels of the miRNA strands miR-132-3p ... -
Effects of Wnt and different TLR stimulations on microglia-induced invasion of breast cancer cells
(2012-10-31)The role of the benign microenvironment in the primary tumor has recently come into focus. In particular, research has shown that blood-derived macrophages may support tumor progression. By contrast, the role of resident ... -
Der Effekt der aus Cimicifuga racemosa BNO 1055/C001 extrahierten Saponin- und Restfraktion und deren Subfraktionen auf die Herz- und Skelettmuskulatur der ovariektomierten Ratte
(2015-06-10)Demographic change continuously leads to an increasing proportion of climacteric females in the world’s population thus making diagnosis and adequate treatment of postmenopausal disease a crucial aspect of the every-day ... -
Effekt der Behandlung mit einem Lymphotoxin-β-Rezeptor-Antikörper auf ein neues Mausmodell für Einschlusskörpermyositis
(2024-12-20)Inclusion Body Myositis (IBM) is a muscle disease that presents itself with progressive atrophy and paresis of the muscle. Diagnosis remains challenging and yet no effective treatment option is known. This highlights the ... -
Effekt der Beta-Blocker-Therapie auf die Infektionsrate nach einem ischämischen Schlaganfall
(2021-04-30)Stroke-induced immunodepression is a well characterized complication of acute ischemic stroke. In experimental studies beta-blocker therapy reversed stroke-induced immunodepression, reduced infection rates and mortality. ... -
Effekt der Carbapenemasen Vim1, Ndm1 und Oxa48 auf die bakterielle Fitness von E. coli K12 MG1655
(2022-09-14)Antibiotic resistance is an important subject in clinic medicine. As part of this doctor's thesis, the effect of three different Carbapenemases Vim1, Ndm1 and Oxa48 on bacterial fitness of E. coli bacteria was examined. ... -
Der Effekt der H3.3K27M-Mutation auf die Antitumorwirkung von Curcumin
(2024-10-14)Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) are pediatric high-grade glioma (pedHGG) with a median overall survival of 11 months after diagnosis. The aggressiveness of this tumor entity appears to be further increased in the ... -
Effekt der kieferorthopädisch-kieferchirurgischen Therapie auf Gesichtsmimik und psychosoziales Befinden - eine 4D-Pilotstudie
(2024-05-21)This 4D pilot study investigated the influence of orthodontic-surgical treatment on facial expressions and psychosocial well-being. This study is the first to present a new innovative method of facial expression ...
Effekt der Myelinphagozytose auf Makrophagen und Mikroglia in vitro: Suppression inflammatorischer Aktivität und Apoptoseinduktion
(2008-10-30)Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is one of the most common neurodegenerative disorders causing disability in young and middle-aged patients and therefore has been arousing the interest of medical ... -
Der Effekt der pränatalen Dexamethasontherapie auf die Fettparameter der Nachkommen beim Callithrix jacchus
(2017-03-02)The aim of the present work was to investigate whether a prenatal dexamethasone therapy in the first and / or second trimester of pregnancy leads to certain metabolic changes in the male offspring. The test animals were ... -
Der Effekt der Pulsweite auf die kortikale Erregbarkeit hervorgerufen durch 5-Hz-cTMS
(2022-07-22)Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) is known as an important diagnostic and therapeutic clinical tool, for example in treatment of depression. Here, we wanted to optimize stimulation parameters in order to ... -
Der Effekt des Alterns auf funktionelle Deaktivierung im somatosensorischen System
(2009-05-12)Background and Purpose: Tactile stimulation via peripheral electrical nerve stimulation results in a measurable activation of the somatosensory system in fMRI studies. In addition to positive ... -
Der Effekt einer akuten Sportintervention auf die Stressreaktion bei Patient:innen mit Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung
(2022-12-14)In this study we investigated the effect of an acute exercise intervention on the stress response of patients with posttraumatic stress disorders, measured with several parameters such as Cortisol for HPA-axis, heart rate ... -
Effekt einer einmaligen Gruppenprophylaxesitzung auf die Mundhygiene bei Soldaten der Bundeswehr
(2010-02-01)Effect of a non-recurring group training on oral hygiene for soldiers od the Bundeswehr In this study the effect of a non-recurring group training on oral hygiene in soldiers of the Bundeswehr ... -
Effekt einer Palmitoylethanolamid-Prophylaxe auf alte oder neutropenische Mäuse nach intrazerebraler E. coli-Infektion
(2020-02-19)Easy-to-achieve interventions to promote healthy longevity are desired to diminish the incidence and severity of infections, as well as associated disability upon recovery. The dietary supplement palmitoylethanolamide ...
Effekt einer Tabakentwöhnung auf die Anzahl endothelialer Progenitorzellen und das kardiovaskuläre Risikoprofil
(2016-02-16)Tobacco use is a leading cause of preventable deaths worldwide. The impact of smoking cessation has a big influence in this. Smoking results in morphological and functional changes in the vascular endothelium, the so-called ...