Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Title
Now showing items 1264-1283 of 3138
GABA(b)-Rezeptor-vermittelte Modulation an Martinotti-Zellen im primär somatosensorischen (Barrel-)Kortex der Maus
(2022-03-31)Under physiological conditions the brain is subject to continuous remodelling processes. In this case exizitation und inhibitation - and especially their balance - are important factors. Neuronal plasticity makes the brain ... -
Galectin-3 bei Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz mit erhaltener Ejektionsfraktion (HFpEF) - Klinische Assoziationen, Einfluss einer Aldosteron-Rezeptor-Blockade und prognostische Bedeutung - Ergebnisse der Aldo-DHF- Studie
(2015-01-29)Half of patients with heart failure suffer from heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and cardiac fibrosis is believed to be a major pathophysiological component in this condition. Galectin-3 is a marker of ... -
Gallengangskomplikationen und Gallengangsanastomosenstenosen nach orthotopen Lebertransplantationen - Retrospektive Untersuchung von 220 Lebertransplantationen der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
(2016-02-17)Objective: Over 40y passed since the first liver transplantation has been performed. After the development of the immunosuppressant Cyclosporin A significant increase in the survival rates up to 60-70% could be achieved. ... -
Ganganalyse nach Talusfraktur
(2024-12-09)The talus is the bony connection between the lower leg and foot. It articulates with the tibia, fibula, calcaneus and navicular bone and is part of the ankle joint and the subtalar joint. The talus fracture is a rare ... -
Gastrointestinale Motilität und infektiologischer Verlauf bei kritisch kranken Patienten mit spontaner intrazerebraler parenchymatöser Blutung
(2024-11-05)This study aims to identify the risk factors for the development of inflammatory processes such as systemic inflammatory response syndrome and sepsis in patients with spontaneous intracerebral parenchymal hemorrhage and ... -
Gastrointestinale Motilität und infektiologischer Verlauf bei polytraumatisierten Patienten mit und ohne Schädel-Hirn-Trauma
(2021-09-09)Retrospective analysis if gastrointestinal dysfunction in polytrauma patients increases the risk of sepsis. The medical records of 100 polytrauma patients (ISS ≥ 16, lying on ICU between 2010 and 2014) have been searched ... -
Gastrointestinale Motilitätsstörungen als Risikofaktor für Sepsis – eine retrospektive Untersuchung bei Patienten mit isoliertem Schädel-Hirn-Trauma
(2022-11-07)Referring to the initial hypothesis of "Gut-as-a-motor-of-sepsis," this study aims to elicit reasons for systemic inflammation in critically ill patients with traumatic brain injury. Statistical evidence that certain ... -
Gedanken der integrativen Psychotherapie im religiös-philosophischen Werk Martin Bubers
(2017-12-14)The following thesis aims to present a novel reception of Martin Buber’s thought regarding the theory and practice of psychotherapy. Its goal is to describe some of the modern views on integrative psychotherapy and its ... -
Gefahren von Gefäßverletzungen bei schwerem Beckentrauma
(2022-08-11)Pelvic fractures with concomitant vascular injuries are rare events. 25% of severely injured patients experience a relevant pelvic injury. 3-9% of these have a significant vascular injury. The aim of the study was to develop ... -
Genauigkeit der Implantatlage und perioperativer klinischer Verlauf nach konventioneller, minimalinvasiver und Roboter-assistierter Implantation von Pedikelschrauben
(2014-01-27)Robotic-guided and percutaneous pedicle screw placement are emerging technologies. We here report a retrospective cohort analysis comparing conventional open to open robotic-guided and percutaneous robotic-guided pedicle ... -
Genauigkeit von Gesichtsbogen und zweidimensionaler Kephalometrie in Zeiten dreidimensionaler computergestützter Dysgnathietherapie
(2020-11-09)Conventional planning method in orthognathic surgery is based on two-dimensional X-rays and by face-bow transfer mounted plaster models of the maxilla. Thanks to the introduction of three-dimensional imaging (CBCT) and ... -
Gene Transfer Into the Inner Ear
(2019-10-21)In humans, in whom speech and speech perception is essential for communication and social interaction, deafness is a severe disorder. One of the genetic non-syndromic forms is the autosomal recessive nonsyndromic deafness ... -
Gene-Environment Interaction and Extension to Empirical Hierarchical Bayes Models in Genome-Wide Association Studies
(2014-07-24)There are over 100,000 human diseases of which only around 10,000 are known to be monogenic, resulting from modification in a single gene. Many multifactorial diseases, such as cancer and lung cancer in particular, are ... -
Gene-Set Meta-Analysis to Discover Molecular-Biological Pathways Associated to Lung Cancer
(2017-06-09)During the last two decades the search for risk factors of many human diseases turned into a new direction, since it got feasible to gauge the human genome. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) were carried out to identify ... -
Generation of human innervated engineered skeletal muscle
(2024-10-10)In this medical thesis we made use of human induced pluripotent stem cells and organoid technique to establish a protocol for the generation of spinal motor neuron organoids. Additionally, spinal motor neuron organoids ... -
Generierung von Antikörper-Bibliotheken und Selektion von Antikörpern gegen die Integrine αvβ5 und α5β1 mittels Phagen-Display-Technologie
(2008-10-23)Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels, plays a major role in controlling growth and survival of tumours. As cell adhesion molecules, integrins directly influence the function and ... -
Genetic modification in CPVT patient specific induced pluripotent stem cells with CRISPR/Cas9
(2019-12-02)CPVT is a genetic cardiac disorder leading to sudden cardiac death in young patients without structural abnormalities of the heart. Abnormal Ca2+ handling in CMs causes severe arrhythmia during physical or emotional stress ... -
Genetisch bedingte Variabilität der Expression von Genen des TGFß-Signalwegs und deren Bedeutung für die Zellvitalität: Untersuchungen in T-Lymphozyten, immortalisierten B-Lymphozyten und Fibroblasten
(2013-01-29)The TGFbeta pathway is involved in a huge number of biological functions and, hence, relevant for a plethora of clinical disorders. A major function of this pathway is its contribution to fibrotic conditions as it may ... -
Genetische Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit in Deutschland (1993-2010) - Charakterisierung dreier häufiger Mutationen in Abgrenzung zur sporadischen Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit und eine klinische Darstellung von seltenen Mutationen
(2014-04-01)This dissertation presents common and rare genetic CJD in their clinical presentation. The aim was to find a differentiation between the sporadic CJD and the common genetic CJD E200K and V210I. The other part was a clinical ... -
Genetische Determinanten in der Genese und Strahlentherapie des Prostatakarzinoms
(2015-03-13)Prostate cancer ranks first in newly diagnosed cancer cases wordwide. Radiotherapy in curative intention is a suitable treatment for many different stages of the disease. Transformal Growth Factor beta (TGFB) has been shown ...