Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Title
Now showing items 1327-1346 of 3138
Haben Lignane im Weizen- und Leinsamenbrot eine östrogenartige Wirkung auf Uterus und Mamma bei der ovarektomierten Ratte im Vergleich mit 17-β-Östradiol?
(2015-11-02)An increasing contamination of our environment with estrogen-like acting substances and a growing number of reports about negative health effects of endocrine disruptors in human and wildlife lead to one question: is our ... -
Halsgefäßstenosen Computertomographische Angiographie (CTA) versus Digitale Subtraktionsangiographie (DSA)
(2013-08-27)The stroke ranks among the most common lethal diseases in Germany. Approximately 20% of the insults are caused by occlusion or embolic effective material of plaque ruptures of constricted cervical vessels. An early diagnosis ... -
Haltungsveränderungen bei SchülerInnen der 5. Klasse durch das Tragen von unterschiedlich schweren Schulranzen
(2014-03-11)The aim of this work was to answer the question if there are differences in the incidence of back pain and postural changes in students of 5th grade after the reduction of the weight of their school bags. The prospective ... -
Hans Reichenbach (1864 - 1937), Hygieniker und Wissenschaftler
(2010-08-18)This dissertation is about the life and work of Professor Reichenbach (1864 - 1937). -
Haplotypanalyse bei Familien mit einem Kind mit CHARGE- Syndrom und Kandidatengenscreening CHD8 und FAM124B
(2018-07-19)The CHARGE (coloboma, heart defects, atresia of the choanae, retarded growth and development, genital hypoplasia, ear anomalies and deafness) syndrome is an autosomal dominant inherited malformation syndrome caused by ... -
Hat die Spezialisierung von Intensivstationen einen Einfluss auf den Behandlungserfolg von Patienten mit aneurysmatischer Subarachnoidalblutung?
(2017-10-11)The subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is a devastating bleeding into the subarachnoid space leading to death in 50 % of all cases. One third of the survivors are dependend on lifelong care. The main cause for SAH is the rupture ... -
Hausärztliche Behandlung des Tinnitus aurium aus der Perspektive von Patienten und Hausärzten
(2008-04-08)Background and objectives: Due to insufficient diagnostic and therapeutic options, ambulatory care for patients with tinnitus is often unsatisfying for general practitioners (GPs) as well ... -
Hausärztliche Versorgung am Lebensende (HAVEL)
(2014-03-27)Background: General practitioners (GPs) play an essential role for patients in their last phase of life. But little is known about the amount of end of life care provided by general practitioners (GPs) in Germany. Therefore ... -
Hausärztliches Vorgehen bei der medikamentösen Therapie der Herzinsuffizienz
(2007-12-11)BACKGROUND: Cardiac insufficiency is becoming increasingly prevalent in industrialized nations. It plays a decisive role in the practices of family doctors as well. Studies have shown that ... -
Hausbesuch oder Visite – wie erleben Hausärzte und Pflegekräfte den Heimbesuch im Pflegeheim?
(2017-08-21)Background: The increasing number of residents in nursing homes and their complex health status will challenge medical care and the interaction between nurses and general practition-ers (GPs). The nursing home visit is a ... -
Hautveränderungen im Gesicht: kognitive Wahrnehmung und emotionale Reaktion - eine Analyse des Betrachtungsverhaltens unter Erprobung der Restricted Focus View (RFV)-Technik
(2015-03-16)Skin alterations and skin diseases can cause feelings of disfigurement. A crucial part is linked to the recognition of a changed observational behaviour by interaction partners. In this study observational behaviour was ... -
Häufige Wiedervorstellungen in der Patientenversorgung von Geflüchteten
(2020-11-26)Background: Asylum seeker and refugee patients represent a vulnerable group in many regards. Ensuring the provision of adequate medical care for refugee patients in Germany poses challenges for both healthcare system ... -
Häufigkeit der intra- und frühen postoperativen Blutungskomplikationen bei Netzhautoperationen in Abhängigkeit von gerinnungshemmenden Substanzen
(2024-04-26)In numerous fields of operative medicine, high-quality studies and guidelines are available for the perioperative management of hemostasis-modulating agents. However, in vitreoretinal surgery, meaningful recommendations ... -
Häufigkeit des postoperativen Makulaödems nach primärer rhegmatogener Ablatio retinae
(2020-02-25)Purpose To assess the incidence of cystoid macular edema (CME) diagnosed by spectral domain-optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) after primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) surgery. Methods From April 2016 ... -
Häufigkeit postoperativer Metamorphopsie bei rhegmatogener Ablatio retinae mit Makulabeteiligung
(2022-11-10)The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of postoperative metamorphopsia after successful surgical treatment of primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with macular involvement in relation to the ... -
Häufigkeit und Auswirkungen der ASS Non-Response bei kardiochirurgischen Patienten
(2018-01-04)Coronary artery disease (CAD) is accompanied with high morbidity and mortality that can be treated with a revascularization procedure. Nearly all patients receive acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) for secondary prevention of major ... -
Häufigkeit und prognostische Auswirkungen einer rechtsventrikulären Beteiligung am akuten Myokardinfarkt
(2023-05-26)In the western world, acute myocardial infarction and its following injuries are among the most common causes of death, despite falling incidence. Medicine now offers a variety of modern treatment options, including drug ... -
Häufigkeit und Qualität der endodontischen Versorgung und Prävalenz periapikaler Parodontitiden
(2022-12-12)The aim of the present thesis was to determine the frequency and quality of endodontic care and the need for endodontic treatment by evaluation of radiographs of a selected group of patients. Another aim was to compare the ... -
HDAC inhibitor valproic acid increases CRABP2 expression and in combination with retinoic acid synergistically inhibits proliferation in glioblastoma cells
(2016-12-12)Background: Although integrated treatments were implemented, glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) remains one of the most lethal primary brain tumors. The cellular retinoic acid–binding protein 2 (CRABP2) plays a crucial role, ... -
Heart-Fatty Acid Binding Protein und α-Synuklein im Serum als mögliche Markerkandidaten für Parkinson und Demenz
(2018-02-28)Parkinson’s disease is a frequent neurodegenerative disease and dementia one of the complications that affects patients life quality significantly. So far the pathological mechanisms leading to Parkinson’s disease aren't ...