Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Title
Now showing items 1554-1573 of 3135
Johannes Fredericus Samuel Esser, Wegbereiter der modernen plastischen Chirurgie - Die Berliner Zeit
(2007-06-20)The Dutch plastic surgeon Johannes (Jan) Fredericus Samuel Esser (1877-1946) has also been ship s doctor, art-dealer,businessman and an excellent chess player. Because of his epoc makin operating methods by ... -
"Des Juden buch von kreuczenach" - Ein Beitrag zur jüdischen Medizin des Mittelalters
(2011-05-17)Jewish Medicine in the Middle Ages is a wide subject. In order to get a clearer understanding, both the historical developments and Jewish cultural and religious characteristics have been ... -
Kalziumabhängige Effekte nikotinerger Modulation LTD-ähnlicher Neuroplastizität im Menschen mittels kathodaler tDCS
(2022-12-05)Nicotine modulates neuroplasticity and cognitive processes through neurotransmitter systems and changes in neuronal calcium concentrations. Nicotine administration attenuates plasticity changes induced by noninvasive brain ... -
Kalziumhandling und Kalziumpufferung bei familiärer dilatativer Kardiomyopathie am Modell der induzierten pluripotenten Stammzellen
(2024-01-29)Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a heterogeneous disease characterised by left ventricular dilatation and a reduced ejection fraction. In addition to progressive left heart failure, the poor clinical prognosis is primarily ... -
Kann die pränatale Gabe von Dexamethason Einfluss auf die skelettale Entwicklung haben?
(2015-01-07)The present work deals with the extent to which prenatal bone development is influenced by dexamethasone. The glucocorticoid therapy is widely used and its side effects are well known. Also, the effect on bone metabolism ... -
Kardiale Effekte der m6A-Methylierung auf micro-RNA-Bindung
(2022-09-12)Heart failure is a common syndrome and of huge medial relevance. Increased stress levels lead to an enlargement of cardiomyocytes and the heart becomes hypertrophic. This is accompanied by changes in gene expression and ... -
Kardiale Phänotypisierung einer transgenen Mauslinie mit herzspezifischer Calcium-Calmodulin-Kinase IIδc- Überexpression auf einem Phosphatase-Inhibitor-1- Knockout-Hintergrund
(2015-09-29)Since years cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in our population. In particular heart failure is of considerable importance. So, to understand molecular alterations in signal transduction and to identify ... -
Kardiovaskuläre Einflussfaktoren auf die gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität von onkologischen Patienten
(2024-02-29)Aims Five percent of the German population is living with the diagnosis of a malignant disease, which transforms – due to higher survival rates – to a chronic disease. Maintaining quality of life (QoL) has become increasingly ... -
Kardiovaskuläre Risikofaktoren bei Patienten mit frischem, nicht-arteriitischem Zentralarterienverschluss - Bedeutung der systematischen Abklärung und Einfluss auf die Therapie
(2014-03-31)Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) is an uncommon illness with an acute onset of painless visual loss and a poor prognosis for long-term vision. So far no treatment method has proven to be effective in a prospective ... -
kardiovaskuläre Stressreaktivität und Recovery bei Frauen: Der Einfluss von Major Depression und Kindheitstraumatisierungen
(2021-09-21)Background: Adverse childhood experiences are a risk factor for major depression. There is evidence that these patient groups have a higher risk to develop metabolic diseases such as high blood pressure. A possible link ... -
Kardiovaskuläres Magnetresonanztomographie-gestütztes Feature Tracking: Methodenvergleich und Reproduzierbarkeit
(2020-07-03)Myocardial feature tracking is a relatively new technique for quantitative wall motion analysis of the heart. Since it can be assumed that this method will also find its place in clinical routine diagnostics in the future, ... -
Kardiovaskuläres Risiko und Lebensqualität von Brustkrebsüberlebenden unter kohlenhydratreduzierter Ernährung – Auswertung der „KOLIBRI-Studie“
(2022-07-27)In the present “KOLIBRI” (carbohydrate limited breast cancer intervention) study, we analyzed the effects of a ketogenic diet, a moderate low-carbohydrate diet (LOGI) and a diet based on the recommendations of the “DGE” ... -
Kathodale transkranielle Gleichstromstimulation (tDCS) bei Gitarristen mit fokaler Dystonie
(2010-11-30)Musician s dystonia is a task-specific movement disorder with a painless loss of voluntary motor control. Very often it appears after intensified periods of instrumental practice. Defective ... -
Kathodale transkranielle Stromstimulation des visuellen Kortex als Verfahren zur prophylaktischen Behandlung der Migräne
(2021-03-19)The purpose of this study was to determine whether transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) can be an effective prophylactic therapy for migraine and migraine-associated pain. This painless and non-invasive method ... -
Kephalometrische und photogrammetrische Analysen von Weichteilveränderungen des Gesichtsprofils nach orthognathen chirurgischen Eingriffen
(2013-07-30)For dysgnathia of Angle Class II and III, the goal of therapy is not only the correction of dental and basal deformities itself, but also to achieve attractive aesthetics with improvement of the facial profile. For this ... -
Kernel Methods for Genes and Networks to Study Genome-Wide Associations of Lung Cancer and Rheumatoid Arthritis
(2014-02-28)The search for genetic causes of common complex diseases has been revolutionized by the ability to genotype exceptionally large numbers of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in hundreds of individuals at an affordable ... -
Kernel-Based Pathway Approaches for Testing and Selection
(2017-10-12)With the number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) available in genetic data currently constantly increasing, the evaluation of SNP sets has become a successful approach toward elucidating the genetic influence on ... -
Kieferorthopädische Röntgendiagnostik - Prävalenz von Nebenbefunden in Abhängigkeit des Patientenalters
(2021-11-24)Background: Panoramic radiographs and lateral cephalogram open a great diagnostic yield to detect occult pathologic events outside the dental area. Frequent pathological abnormalities were depicted in several clinicoradiological ... -
Kindliche Traumatisierung, elterliche Erziehungsstile, familiäre Vorbelastung und Geburtsrisikofaktoren bei Patienten mit Schizophrenie
(2012-03-02)Background: Until recently the frequency of child trauma in patients with schizophrenia has not been examined in studies using a sufficiently large sample and including a control ...