Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Title
Now showing items 1659-1678 of 3093
L-FABP und H-FABP als neue prognostische Biomarker für den Beginn einer Nierenersatztherapie im Falle eines akuten Nierenversagens
(2012-03-08)Acute kidney injury (AKI) has an important meaning in modern medicine. A lot of surveys could demonstrate that acute kidney injury is an independent risk factor for mortality. Despite the ... -
Laborchemische und klinische Parameter als Marker der Krankheitsaktivität bei Morbus Crohn und Colitis ulcerosa
(2019-04-25)The analyses carried out in the study showed that for Crohn´s disease CRP is the parameter that should be mostly considered at the timepoint of examination. For even better assessment of clinical disease activity the ... -
Lageanomalien und Geminischwangerschaft - Handling und Outcome von Risikogeburten am Orotta Hospital in Asmara / Eritrea
(2014-02-20)The aim of this study was to estimate the outcome of singleton- and twin pregnancies in both breech and cephalic presentation. Furthermore it was necessary to clarify which alterations to the pre- and perinatal management ... -
Lageentwicklung des Proepikards und des Mündungsabschnittes des Pulmonalvenenstammes bei Xenopus laevis
(2012-06-12)INTRODUCTION. This study focuses on two aspects of the development of the venous heart pole that might be controlled by the specification of the left-right (L-R) body axis. These are (1) the development of the proepicardium ... -
Laminine während der Knorpelentwicklung, im gesunden Knorpel und deren Bedeutung für die Pathogenese der Osteoarthritis des Menschen
(2011-05-13)The laminin subunits α1, α3, α5, β1, and γ1 were detected in this study as components of the extracellular matrix of human cartilage and in the mesenchymal limb systems, and by all, except for laminin-α1, was not known ... -
Langfristige Auswirkungen von ß-Ecdyson auf Knochen und Knorpel
(2014-04-17)The major role of estrogen deficiency for pathogenesis of postmenopausal osteoporosis is well known. The phytoecdysteroid ß-ecdysone has shown bone-protective as well as bone-anabolic effects in former and mainly short-term ... -
Der langfristige Effekt einer RAAS-Blockade auf den Krankheitsverlauf bei heterozygoten Mutationsträgern des Alport-Syndroms
(2020-02-11)Alport Syndrome (AS) is a hereditary disease that leads to a progressive loss of glomerular basement membrane function due to mutations in collagen IV, but AS is also associated with extra renal symptoms such as hearing ... -
Langfristige Therapieverläufe bei psychosomatischen Patienten nach stationärer psychosomatischer Behandlung - eine Katamnesestudie am Beispiel der Station 2024 der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
(2017-03-16)This thesis is about the evaluation of long-term therapy effects in a predominantly psychocardiological patient collectiv (132 test persons) after an inpatient psychosomatic treatment referred to the model of ward 2024 ... -
Langlebigkeit wiederbefestigter Zahnfragmente im Vergleich zu Kompositrestaurationen zur Therapie von Schmelz-Dentin-Frakturen
(2025-01-08)The adhesive reattachment of a tooth fragment is a treatment option for traumatic enamel-dentin-fractures in permanent teeth. If the fragment is not available or cannot be reattached, the fracture can be treated with a ... -
Langzeit- und Kurzzeiteffekte von 20-Hydroxyecdyson auf das Mammagewebe ovarektomierter und nicht ovarektomierter Ratten
(2012-04-19)Due to the decreased estrogen levels, bone deficiencies occur in the postmenopausal transition. The use of classical hormone replacement therapy (HRT) might be linked to an elevated risk of breast cancer. Therefore, the ... -
Langzeit-EIT-Monitoring als Indikator für die Entstehung eines Lungenödems während maschineller Beatmung im Tierexperiment
(2024-02-02)In the present study, the question of the extent to which long-term EIT monitoring (EIT = electrical impedance tomography) is suitable as an indicator for the development of pulmonary oedema during mechanical VILI ventilation ... -
Langzeit-Rezidivrate von paroxysmalem Vorhofflimmern bei Patienten mit akuter zerebraler Ischämie
(2021-10-04)Acute cerebral ischaemia is regarded as the second leading cause of death worldwide and the main cause of longstanding or permanent disability. Atrial fibrillation-associated cerebral ischaemia is related to a high risk ... -
Langzeitbeobachtungen zur Injektionsdynamik der Botulinum-Toxin-Therapie bei Patienten mit verschiedenen fazialen Dyskinesien
(2013-10-30)Abstract Background: Rare information exists about the long term development of patients with blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm and synkinesis following defective healing of the facial nerve. This retrospective analysis ... -
Langzeiteffekte multimodaler Behandlung chronischer Schmerzen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der analgetischen Medikation
(2013-07-01)According to recent surveys in Germany, eleven million adults suffer from chronic pain. The treatment of patients and the prevention of chronicity is therefore an important challenge of our time. Multimodal treatment ... -
Das Langzeitergebnis von Rattenaortentransplantaten nach protrahierter Kältekonservierung in der Gefäßprotektionslösung TiProtec®
(2019-02-25)Title: Long-term results of rat aortic isograft transplantation after prolonged cold storage in the vascular preservation solution TiProtec® Objectives: The need for biological arterial vessel replacement in case of ... -
Langzeitergebnisse eines interventionellen Vorhofohrverschlusses durch einen AMPLATZER-LAA-Okkluder in einem Hochrisikokollektiv
(2024-01-04)LAA occlusion with the Amplatzer devices - long term outcomes in a high-risk cohort LAA ooclusion is a favorable therapeutic option in patients with atrial fibrillation and contra-indications for oral anticoagulation ... -
Langzeitergebnisse nach AV-Kanal-Korrektur bei Patienten mit Trisomie 21
(2022-03-10)Objectives: Trisomy 21 is often associated with heart defects and especially of the atrioventricular canal (AV-canal). The aim of the study was the analysis of outcomes after correction of AV-canal defects comparing surgical ... -
Langzeitergebnisse nach intraartikulären Stauchungsbrüchen des distalen Tibiaendes (Pilonfrakturen)
(2011-04-20)Pilon fractures are severe intraarticular fractures of the tibial plafond, often with extensive destruction of the bearing area and severe soft tissue damage. Objective of the treatment is ... -
Langzeitergebnisse nach totaler extraperitonealer Hernioplastik (TEP) bei Patienten mit dem Erstereignis einer Leistenhernie
(2018-04-23)The total extraperitoneal hernioplasty (TEP) is a common technique for a laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair. The aim of the study was to analyze the long-term effect after TEP as well as potential risk factors. To collect ... -
Langzeitergebnisse nach transabdomineller präperitonealer Netzplastik (TAPP) bei Patienten mit dem Erstereignis einer Leistenhernie
(2019-06-13)Inguinal hernia repair is one of the most common elective general surgical operations in the world. The transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) inguinal hernia repair is, along with the total extraperitoneal hernioplasty (TEP), ...