Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Title
Now showing items 1760-1779 of 3144
Machbarkeits-Studie zur Implementierung formativer Key-Feature-Prüfungen in der Zahnmedizin
(2025-02-07)This study examines the feasibility and optimization of formative key feature cases in dental education. The aim was to determine whether this examination format is suitable for capturing critical key aspects of dental ... -
Magnet-Resonanz-Tomographie-Diagnostik beim fortgeschrittenen Rektumkarzinom (UICC II bis IV) vor und nach neoadjuvanter Radio-/Chemotherapie - Stellenwert aus chirurgischer Sicht
(2018-07-31)Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in advanced rectal cancer (UICC stages II to IV) before and after neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy – its significance from the surgical point of view. Hasibullah Habibi Abstract Background: ... -
Magnetresonanz (MR)-tomographische Erfassung der fortgeleiteten zentralvenösen Pulskurve in den duralen venösen Sinus mittels zeitlich hoch aufgelöster Echo-Planar-Imaging (EPI)-Technik
(2012-10-26)The present work deals with the phenomenon of rhythmic signal oscillations in the dural sinuses which was occasionally observed by repetitive imaging of the neurocranium in one layer using ultrafast functional MRI ... -
Magnetresonanztomographie bei Patienten mit der E200K- und V210I-Mutation
(2014-10-10)Prion diseases are a group of rare infectious neurodegenerative disorders, which are caused by aggregation of the misfolded pathological prion protein. Three subtypes can be distinguished according to their etiology: ... -
Die Magnetresonanztomographie im Therapiemonitoring liposomaler Glukokortikosteroide in zwei Tiermodellen der Multiplen Sklerose unter Berücksichtigung von Läsions- und Seitenventrikelgröße sowie Liquorsignalintensität
(2012-03-16)The efficacy of liposomal glucocorticosteroids is examined in two animal models of multiple sclerosis by quantitative evaluation of T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Furthermore the ... -
Magnetresonanztomographie-basierte Volumetrie bei hereditären spinozerebellären Ataxien
(2008-11-04)Autosomal dominant inherited spinocerebellar ataxias (SCA) are a heterogeneous group of disorders that are clinically characterized by a slowly progressive syndrome of ataxia and depending ... -
Magnetresonanztomographische Detektion von Fibrose im linken Vorhof bei Patienten nach Schlaganfall
(2019-07-10)Atrial fibrillation is one of the major risk factors for ischemic stroke. Left atrial fibrosis is considered to be a hallmark of the structural remodeling in atrial fibrillation and can be detected and quantified non-invasively ... -
Magnetresonanztomographische und manometrische Untersuchungen zur Verlagerung oropharyngealer Strukturen während des Saugschluckvorgangs
(2014-09-08)Suction ability plays an important role in supporting oral nutrition and needs special care following neurological disorders and tumor-associated defects. However, the details of suction are still poorly understood. The ... -
Magnetresonanztomographische Untersuchung der Hirnnerven- Anatomie unter Verwendung von Volumensequenzen bei 3 Tesla
(2010-01-12)A protocol for 3D Magnetic Resonance Imaging of cranial nerves I-XII at 3 Tesla and a post-processing protocol for visualization of their intracranial course is presented. Based on high resolution data acquisition ... -
Makrophageninfiltration, Hypoxie und Stickstoffmonoxidsynthasen im humanen Nierenzellkarzinom
(2011-11-29)The aim of my thesis was an example of human renal cell carcinoma to investigate the Makrophageninfiltrate terms of their distribution and density of occurrence of hypoxia and the possible ... -
Makula-Pucker-Chirurgie mit und ohne Delamination der Membrana limitans interna bei Patienten mit Metamorphopsien
(2012-06-12)Purpose: This study was performend to evaluate whether there is a positive effect on anatomical and functional outcome of patients with macular pucker by additional delamination of the internal limiting membrane (ILM). ... -
Malnutrition und Outcome bei älteren Patienten (≥ 65 Jahre) mit aggressiven Non-Hodgkin-Lymphomen
(2021-06-08)Both malnutrition and serum albumin (SA) have been shown to be independent negative predictors of impaired treatment response in many hematological malignancies. The body mass index (BMI) as an easily measurable value is ... -
Mamma-MRT als primäres bildgebendes Verfahren in der Brustkrebsfrüherkennung (Mamma-MRT-Screening)
(2015-12-11)The use of Breast MRI for screening. Purpose: We evaluated the efficiency of breast MRI for screening and compared the results to mammography. Is there any additional information concerning the outcome by using Mammography? ... -
Mamma-MRT in Intervallen von maximal 24 Monaten: Einfluss auf das Tumorstadium
(2020-06-08)This study investigated the effect of HR-MRI breast cancer screening of asymptomatic women at intervals of maximum 24 months and its influence on the tumor stage at time of diagnosis. In this study all women were included ... -
"Man muss nicht jeder Sau hinterherrennen, die gerade mal wieder durchs Dorf getrieben wird."<br \> Wie diskutieren Patienten den Unterschied zwischen Wissenschaft und Erleben in einem Multiple-Sklerose-Online-Forum
(2017-08-14)The vascular hypothesis of multiple sclerosis (MS), called chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI), and its treatment (known as liberation therapy) is known as the first example of the patients successfully ... -
Management der nekrotisierenden Pankreatitis - Stellenwert der Kolektomie
(2016-02-16)The acute necrotizing pancreatitis is a disease with increasing incidence. Despite improvements in diagnosis, intensive medical therapy and advanced surgical techniques in the last decades, the mortality remains ... -
Management der tiefen Beinvenenthrombose
(2008-01-22)Introduction: The diagnostic investigations and treatment of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) has changed recently, due to laboratory tests such as the D-dimer, medical imaging i.e. duplex ... -
Manipulation of the Working Memory Performance in Humans using Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation over the Frontoparietal Network
(2018-11-14)The working memory (WM) is a key mechanism that ensures complex behavior in humans. It requires the bilateral activation of the fronto-parietal brain network and has been subdivided on the phonological loop, which processes ... -
Manometrische und endoskopische Diagnostik oropharyngealer Dysphagien
(2013-12-09)Organic swallowing disorders occur due to peripheric anatomic lesions, neurologic and neuromuscular diseases. There is still a lack of objective diagnostics regarding the oropharygeal phase of swallowing. This study presents ... -
Manometrische Untersuchungen der oralen Phase des Schluckaktes
(2013-08-23)Swallowing disorders become increasingly common with age and can compromise the quality of life. An abnormal swallowing pattern in children and adolescents may have a pathological effect on the development of craniofacial ...