Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Title
Now showing items 1975-1994 of 3144
Oberschenkelfraktur beim Polytrauma
(2010-11-03)Introduction:This retrospective study is conducted with trauma room patients who were registered consecutively in a timeframe between September 1994 to December 2000 and who had multiple ... -
Das obstruktive Schlafapnoesyndrom als Risikofaktor für eine diastolische Ventrikelfunktionsstörung
(2012-11-19)The association of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) with diastolic dysfunction is unclear. We investigated whether OSA independently affects diastolic function in a primary care cohort of patients with cardiovascular risk ... -
Occurence and characteristics of allergic rhinitis in 195 patients with chronic rhinosinusitis
(2020-11-27)The role of allergic rhinitis as a causative immunopathological factor in chronic rhinosinusitis is controversial despite extensive investigation in the last 20 years. To further explore this relationship, we conducted a ... -
Die OCT-gestützte Analyse des vitreoretinalen Interfaces zur Evaluierung neuer prädiktiver Faktoren für eine erfolgreiche enzymatische Vitreolyse im Rahmen der intravitrealen Ocriplasmin-Therapie
(2019-10-08)The present retrospective multicenter cohort study deals with the search for further predictive factors for the treatment of vitreomacular traction syndrome with ocriplasmin. The first question deals with nature of the ... -
Oligodendrozytenpopulationen in Läsionen der multiplen Sklerose sowie der toxisch- und autoimmun-induzierten Demyelinisierung
(2021-07-21)The objective of the present work was to investigate the density of cells of the oligodendroglial lineage in early lesions of MS patients as well as in animal-derived tissue samples. Demyelination was studied within the ... -
On small farms and the design of contracts in agricultural markets - Experimental evidence from Vietnam
(2012-06-20)Over the past two decades the agrifood industry in developing countries has undergone rapid modernization. Economic growth, rising incomes, urbanization and the spread of western lifestyles have led to changes in consumption ... -
One-carbon metabolism in lung cancer
(2020-10-26)One-carbon metabolism (1CM) plays a central role in cell proliferation and an elevated activity is accounted for the progression of several cancer types. Increased 1CM is a known risk factor for lung cancer and the anti-folate ... -
Onkologische Ergebnisse sowie objektive und subjektive Erfassung der Kehlkopffunktion nach organerhaltender lasermikrochirurgischer Resektion und adjuvanter Radio(chemo)therapie bei lokal fortgeschrittenen Larynxkarzinomen
(2010-09-28)BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) and adjuvant radiotherapy are an established therapy regimen for locally advanced laryngeal cancer. Aim of the present study was ... -
Onkologische und funktionelle Ergebnisse verschiedener Therapiestrategien bei Plattenepithelkarzinomen der Subglottis
(2021-09-16)Approximately 5 % of laryngeal carcinoma is located in the subglottis, making it a rare tumor site for which only few studies exist. Primary subglottic tumors are usually asymptomatic or symptoms occur late therefore the ... -
Onkologisches Ergebnis von Patienten mit Plattenepithelkarzinomen der Kopf-Hals-Region nach selektiver Neck Dissection in Abhängigkeit von operierten Lymphknotenregionen
(2019-08-15)Ninety per cent of all upper aerodigestive tract malignancies are squamous cell carcinomas. Therefor it is the 7th most frequently malignancy in relation to incidence and mortality. Most important for the patient’s prognosis ... -
Das Onkoprotein Mdm4 und seine Wirkung auf die DNA-Replikation
(2024-08-05)The oncoprotein MDM4, together with its family member MDM2, is one of the most important regulators of the tumor suppressor p53. This study demonstrates that loss of MDM4 in p53-deficient cells significantly compromises ... -
Operationsbedürftige abdominelle Shunt-Komplikationen beim kindlichen Hydrozephalus und der Stellenwert einer interdisziplinären chirurgischen Versorgung
(2020-03-23)The following dissertation describes the surgical interventions which where necessary to treat pediatric patients with abdominal complications after insertion of an ventriculo-peritoneal shunt system. Especially the ... -
Operative Therapie der ligamentären vorderen Kreuzbandruptur im Wachstumsalter - klinische Ergebnisse einer Multicenterstudie bei Patienten bis zu zwölf Jahren und systematische Analyse der Literatur
(2012-08-10)A variety of different surgical techniques have been developed for the treatment of intraligamentary anterior cruciate ligament ruptures in patients during the growth phase due to concern about long-term growth disturbances ... -
Die operative Versorgung der kindlichen Katarakt. Eine retrospektive Datenanalyse über 25 Jahre
(2019-03-19)Background: The aim of this study was to assess the spectrum and frequency of intra- and postoperative complications in children with congenital lens opacity requiring treatment. In addition there was an investigation of ... -
Operative Versorgung von Karotisstenosen in Kombination mit herzchirurgischen Eingriffen an der extrakorporalen Zirkulation
(2017-06-02)100 Patients undergoing simultaneous carotid endarterectomy and heart surgery using cardiopulmonary bypass were examined retrospectively. Pre- and postoperative data were collected and analyzed. Risk factors influencing ... -
Operative versus konservative Therapie der vorderen Kreuzbandruptur im Wachstumsalter – eine Metaanalyse
(2011-06-08)Treatment of anterior cruciate ligament rupture in children and adolescents is still controversial discussed. Aim of the study was to examine whether a rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament in patients with open ... -
Operieren oder Beobachten des Halses nach laserchirurgischer Resektion von Malignomen des oberen Aerodigestivtrakts mit N0-Hals
(2011-01-19)Introduction: Different opinions exist for appropriate management of the clinically N0-neck in Cancer of the Upper Aerodigestive Tract (UADT). As neck-dissections (ND) can result in significant ... -
Optical Analysis of Mitochondrial Function and Heterogeneity in Cultured Hippocampal Astrocytes
(2010-05-21)This thesis aimed to reveal deeper insight into the heterogeneity of mitochondria in cultured astrocytes of the neonatal rat hippocampus. During the past two decades both the role of ... -
Optical characterization of ligand-induced staining of olfactory receptor neurons in Xenopus laevis
(2015-10-07)This thesis aimed at investigating ligand-induced staining (LIS) as a new labelling technique to visualize ORN subpopulation in larval X.l. In the course of this study, it was at first validated that LIS is a suitable ... -
Optimierte expressionsbasierte Mikrodissektion an Formalin-fixiertem Gewebe des Adenokarzinoms der Lunge
(2021-04-13)In precision medicine of tumors, the analysis of specific DNA alterations is crucial for targeted therapy. Lung cancer represents a prototypical example and is also one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths ...