Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Title
Now showing items 2203-2222 of 3144
Qualitative Evaluation ethischer Fallbesprechungen
(2018-03-20)Background and aims: In order to ensure quality of ethics consultation provided by a clinical ethics committee (CEC), the evaluation of its work is a common process. Yet, evaluations using qualitative interpretative methods ... -
Qualitative und quantitative Untersuchungen der Ovarien des in Gefangenschaft lebenden Weißbüschelaffen (Callithrix jacchus) in Relation zu kritischen physiologischen und biochemischen Indikatoren im Zusammenhang mit Übergewicht
(2010-11-03)Callithrix jacchus is a new-world primate with a short generation time, which is used in many areas of research. The last wild-caught marmosets were imported into Europe in the early 1970s. ... -
Qualität der Single-Cone-Wurzelkanalobturation nach Wurzelkanal-präparation mit Single-File- oder Multiple-Files-Technik – Eine Mikro-CT-Studie
(2021-11-08)Aim: It was the aim of the study to compare the quality of single-cone root canal obturation following preparation with single-file or multiple-files technique using micro-computer-tomography. Materials and methods: ... -
Die Qualität der stationären Versorgung von Menschen mit Demenz- eine Analyse auf Grundlage der VIPP- Datenbank
(2018-08-13)The increasing epidemiological relevance of dementia highlights the importance of precise knowledge and transparency of the care situation of patients with dementia. The present paper is a secondary data analysis based on ... -
Qualitätskontrolle in der Behandlung von Pseudarthrosen der Klinik für Unfallchirurgie, Plastisch und Wiederherstellungschirurgie der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
(2016-05-11)Bone fractures, which do not heal within 4 months, indicate a delayed-union. If within 6 to at most 8 months bone integrity is not reached, experts call it non-union. Despite modern bone osteosynthesis and osteoinductive ... -
Qualitätsverbesserung in der Schmerztherapie konservativer (nicht operativer) Patienten (QUIKS) - Ein Modul des QUIPS-Projekts zum Benchmarking der Schmerztherapie bei konservativen Patienten
(2021-01-28)Background. National and international surveys have shown that the quality of pain therapy in hospitals shows deficits, especially in the nonoperative disciplines. Objective. The objective was to develop and clinically ... -
Quantifizierung der Dyssynchronie und Torsion des Herzens bei Fallot‘scher Tetralogie
(2024-06-04)The myocardial dysfunction in patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot (rTOF) remains not fully understood. This study quantified dyssynchrony using various MRI-based functional analyses and LV torsion analysis in 37 ... -
Quantifizierung der Freisetzung bakterieller DNA in Modellen experimenteller bakterieller Meningitis
(2012-10-25)Bacterial meningitis is still a quite severe illness which is associated with local and systemic inflammation and can cause long-term neurological sequelae or death. Common bacteria causing meningitis in Germany are ... -
Quantifizierung der rechtsventrikulären Funktion mittels dreidimensionaler Echokardiographie im Vergleich zur kardialen MRT
(2022-03-28)Threedimensional echocardiografic quantification of the right ventriclular function compared to cardiac MRI. -
Quantifizierung von Entzündungszellen („Immuno-Score“) im Knochenmark von Patienten mit myelodysplastischem Syndrom (MDS)
(2022-10-25)MDS is a complex disease with its challenging diagnosis and prognosis determination. The prognosis of patients with MDS is very heterogeneous and therefore prognostic systems have to be developed that allow risk stratification ... -
Quantifizierung von Propofol in der Atemluft mittels endtidaler Ionenmobilitätsspektrometrie
(2011-05-18)Propofol is frequently used as part of total intravenous anesthesia. The use of the substance may result in complications when the dosage is too high as well as too low. In the absence of ... -
Quantifizierung von Sevofluran an Anästhesiearbeitsplätzen mittels Ionenmobilitätsspektrometrie
(2014-07-28)Background: Occupational exposure to sevoflurane has the potential to cause health damage in hospital personnel. Workplace contamination with the substance is mostly assessed using photoacoustic infrared spectrometry or ... -
Das Quantifizierungs-Inventar für somatoforme Syndrome (QUISS)
(2007-08-01)Background: A somatoform disorder is a disabling psychiatric illness, which is mostly chronic without adequate treatment. To date, there is no disturbance model, which is able to explain ... -
Quantile Estimation based on the Almost Sure Central Limit Theorem
(2006-03-10)One of the basic problems in applied statistical decision theory lies in the estimation of quantiles of unknown distributions. The main aim of this dissertation is to introduce a new ... -
Quantitative Analyse der myokardialen Wandbewegung unter Dobutamin-Stress bei Patienten mit zirrhotischer Kardiomyopathie mittels magnetresonanztomographischem Feature-Tracking
(2021-07-08)Diagnostic of cirrhotic cardiomyopathy, a condition of heart failure in patients with liver cirrhosis, is not standardized yet. Compromised latent systolic dysfunction occurs solely under stress conditions mostly and is ... -
Quantitative Analysen hippocampaler Interneuronen in zwei transgenen Alzheimer Mausmodellen
(2022-09-20)Characteristic pathologies of Alzheimer's disease are extracellular amyloid plaques, early intracellular Aβ accumulation and marked neuronal loss. The Tg4-42 mouse model expresses the Aβ4-42 peptide, which accumulates ... -
Quantitative analysis of neuropathological alterations in two transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer's disease
(2016-11-03)Mouse models of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) contribute a lot to the understanding of etiology and pathology of AD. However, the entire clinical and neuropathological pictures of familial or sporadic AD in humans cannot be ... -
Quantitative analysis of the spontaneous activity and response profiles of odorant receptor neurons in larval Xenopus laevis using the cell-attached patch-clamp technique
(2020-06-19)The scope of this thesis was to investigate the activity of ORNs in larval Xenopus laevis in the absence and presence of adequate stimuli. Acute nose-brain slice preparations of the olfactory epithelium, the olfactory ... -
Quantitative Anatomie zweier Formen von dendritischen Dornfortsätzen an hippocampalen Pyramidenzellen
(2019-02-22)This study deals with the anatomy of the postsynaptic spines from hippocampal pyramidal cells. Mushroom spines as well as stumpy spines are analyzed. While the anatomy and function of the presynapse is well-researched, the ... -
Quantitative Genexpressionsanalyse im respiratorischen Netzwerk an Mausmodellen für das Rett-Syndrom
(2011-03-02)Rett syndrome is a severe neurodevelopmental disease that affects especially girls. The clinical characteristics are autistic behaviour, seizures, stereotypical movements like washing hands, ...