Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Title
Now showing items 2376-2395 of 3138
S-100B als Verlaufsparameter beim ischämischen Schlaganfall
(2012-02-21)Stroke is the third leading cause of death and the leading cause of invalidity after the age of 65. It is necessary to identify and protect endangered tissue to start the adequate treatment ... -
s100β und Homocystein im Serum von stationär behandelten alkoholabhängigen Patienten als Verlaufsvariablen des akuten Alkoholentzugssyndroms
(2014-01-21)Elevations of serum homocysteine levels are a consistent finding in alcohol addiction. Serum S100B levels are altered in different neuropsychiatric disorders but not well investigated in alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Because ... -
Safety and first promising results of a long-term human hypoxia protocol with uniquely comprehensive monitoring
(2024-12-19)Human cells can adapt to reduced oxygen (O2) conditions and impaired metabolism. Therefore, hypoxia evolves to be a critical physiological driver for improved performance. A demand-driven reduced oxygen availability occurring ... -
Die sagittale Kompensationskurve - Eine Untersuchung ihrer Veränderung und Abhängigkeit von Zahnbogenlänge, -breite und -symmetrie anhand multipel erstellter Klasse-I-Verzahnungen
(2016-06-02)Introduction: Dental literature contains clinical studies, that investigates the modification of the curve of spee (COS) based on their genesis, their occurrence during the growth or connection to other factors. Numerous ... -
Sauberkeit von Milchzahnwurzelkanälen nach Präparation mit unterschiedlichen Nickel-Titan-Systemen - Eine REM-Studie
(2023-02-23)Introduction: In the present in-vitro study the cleaning efficacy of two rotary Ni-Ti preparation systems was examined on the root canal walls of primary molars. The aim was to compare the different rotary systems with the ... -
Schichtenspezifische Charakterisierung der VIPcre/tdTomato-Mauslinie mittels neurochemischer Marker
(2015-07-28)The neurons of the neocortex can be subdivided into excitatory and inhibitory neurons. The inhibitory neurons, which make up 20-30% of the neurons are GABAergic interneurons, which can be distinguished by morphological, ... -
Schichtenspezifische Charakterisierung Somatostatin-exprimierender Interneurone in der GIN- und SOMcre/tdTomato-Maus mittels neurochemischer Marker im primären somatosensorischen Barrel-Kortex
(2018-11-02)Inhibitory GABAergic interneurons count about 20-30% of all cortical neurons which can be distinguished by their molecular, morphological and electrophysiological characteristics (Ascoli et al., 2008, Markram et al., 2004). ... -
Schichtenspezifische Charakterisierung von Parvalbumin-exprimierenden Neuronen im primären somatosensorischen Kortex der Maus
(2020-07-06)The neurons of the primary somatosensory cortex of the mouse can be divided into inhibitory and excitatory populations. The group of inhibitory interneurons, which comprise about 15-20% of the neurons, release the ... -
Schizophrene Störungen und Abhängigkeitserkrankungen
(2012-04-26)In the study the question, if there are more diseases of addiction founding by patients with schizophrenia was clear confirmed. Significant higher incidents of nicotine (Addiction of smoking) by patients with schizophrenia ... -
Schizophrenie als Gyrifikationsstörung?
(2010-05-14)An increased gyrification index (GI) has been demonstrated in the frontal lobe of patients with schizophrenia. This hypergyria may serve as a neurodevelopmental or endophenotypic marker in ... -
Der Schlaf im Verlauf einer Behandlung mit Interpersoneller Psychotherapie im Vergleich mit progressiver Muskelrelaxation von Patienten mit primärer Insomnie
(2011-09-29)Major life events, lacking social competence and a tendency of taking in negative feelings are predisposing and eliciting factors of insomnia. Interpersonal therapy (IPT) treats these factors ... -
Schlaf um jeden Preis
(2019-10-24)PURPOSE: Key Question was to find out if prior experiences with sleep-inducing drugs at home and positive experiences with this medication during a hospital stay have an influence on the wish to continue taking ... -
Das Schlafapnoe-Syndrom bei Dialysepatienten
(2010-08-10)Dialysis patients suffer exceptionally often from the sleep apnea syndrome (SAS). However, the typical symptoms of these sleep-related breathing disorders (SRBD) remain often disregarded, ... -
Schlafbeschwerden bei Depressionen und Bipolarer Störung im Therapieverlauf unter intermittierender Theta-Burst-Stimulation oder medikamentöser Behandlung
(2024-01-17)A total of 73 test subjects in a depressive phase were compared over 5 weeks for changes in their sleep complaints over the course of different therapies: 38 subjects received intermittent theta burst stimulation and 35 ... -
Schmerzmanagement in der konservativen Medizin
(2023-10-24)For years deficits of the quality of pain therapy has been described in German hospitals. The objective of the following study was to identify structures and processes of pain management in internal medicine and fields of ... -
Schmerztherapie in der Onkologie- eine bundesweite Umfrage unter der Schirmherrschaft der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hämatologie/ Onkologie
(2017-02-24)Background: Pain is one of the most prevalent and distressing symptoms of patients suffering from cancer. In the field of oncology comprehensive expertise is pursued not only with respect to the administration of ... -
Schutzwirkung eines hochkonzentrierten Fluoridgels gegen erosiven und erosiv-abrasiven Zahnschmelzverlust
(2010-11-18)The aim of this study was to determine maximum attainable protection of enamel from erosion and erosion abrasion using a highly fluoridated gel with and without additional fluoride from ... -
Schwangerschaftskonfliktberatung bei Frauen mit Migrationshintergrund
(2023-01-03)Counselling women with a pregnancy conflict and as well as a migration background presents counsellors with language barriers and challenges in cross-cultural communication. Within the framework of a qualitative study, ... -
Schwannzell-Remyelinisierung bei Neuromyelitis optica
(2023-11-07)Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is a chronic, autoimmune inflammatory, astrocyte depleting and demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS) and typically affects the spinal cord (myelitis) and optic nerves (neuritis ... -
Schwere Osteoporose unklarer Genese- Ergebnisse intensiver Diagnostik, inklusive Knochenbiopsie und Genetik
(2023-01-31)Schwere Osteoporose unklarer Genese - Ergebnisse intensiver Diagnostik einschließlich Knochenbiopsien und molekulargenetische Untersuchungen Einleitung: Bei manchen Betroffenen mit schwerer Osteoporose wird mittels ...