Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Title
Now showing items 2830-2849 of 3144
Validierung der nicht-mydriatischen Funduskamera „Cobra“ als Screeningverfahren zur Erkennung von diabetischer Retinopathie bei Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus in der Diabetesambulanz der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
(2023-09-13)Purpose: Retinopathy screening as part of regular preventive examinations may contribute to better care of diabetic patients. In the diabetes outpatient clinic of the University Medical Center Göttingen, we investigated ... -
Validierung des Totalen Rechts/Links-Volumen-Index als MRT-Parameter zur Evaluation des Schweregrads der Ebstein Anomalie – eine Follow-Up-Studie
(2021-06-18)Objectives: Classification of clinical severity of Ebstein anomaly remains a challenge. Recently, we proposed a simple CMR based index, the Total Right/Left Volume Index (1) as a measure of disease severity in Ebstein ... -
Validierung einer Rehabilitationsmaßnahme bei Charcot Marie Tooth- Erkrankung (CMT)
(2017-09-22)In collaboration with a rehabilitation clinic in Germany, succeeded by specific rehabilitation measures (Maggi et al 2011) to quantify initial significant improvements in relation to the functional integrity of the affected ... -
Validierung eines Computerprogramms zur Simulation des intraoperativen Temperaturverlaufs und zur Vorhersage des Auftretens von perioperativer Hypothermie
(2010-04-21)Perioperative hypothermia is one of the most common side effects of anaesthesia. At this time, the necessity for thermal protection is typically indicated by the experienced health personnel, ... -
Validierung eines neuen Instrumentes (PapCone) zur zytologischen Abstrichentnahme an der Cervix Uteri
(2011-03-04)In 1960 the gynecological cytology in Germany was established by founding the German Society for Cytology. At the end of the 60th the first cytology schools have been formed and in the year ... -
Validierung und Entwicklung von Modellen für die Vorhersage des klinischen Behandlungsergebnisses bei älteren Patient:innen mit chronischen Subduralhämatomen
(2022-12-15)Background: The Subdural Hematoma in the Elderly (SHE) score was developed as a model to predict 30-day mortality from acute, chronic and mixed subdural hematoma in the elderly population after minor or no trauma. Emerging ... -
Validität human-transgener Mausmodelle für die Parkinson-Krankheit und die Lewy-Körper-Demenz
(2022-08-01)The aim of this dissertation proposal was to investigate crucial yet controversially discussed key subjects of neurodegenerative multi-system disorders associated with alpha-synuclein (SNCA) aggregation, i.e. Parkinson´s ... -
Validität und Reliabilität eines Instruments zur Messung der Qualität der Kommunikation und seine Eignung im studentischen Unterricht
(2014-07-15)Questions and aims: The aim of this study (thesis) is to investigate if a short-version of the „Calgary-Cambridge Observation Guide for the Medical Interview“ (CCOG) by Kurtz and Silverman (1996), translated into German, ... -
Variabilität der Magenentleerungsgeschwindigkeit und ihre Beziehung zum Spontan-Nüchtern-Blutzucker bei Patienten mit langjährigem Diabetes mellitus Typ 1
(2016-11-16)Gastric emptying can be delayed due to a neuropathy of the gastrointestinal tract. Former experiments showed that a rapid changing in the blood glucose concentration leads to a deceleration (hyperglycaemia) or increase ... -
Variabilität des Therapieansprechens von Gemcitabin bei Pankreaskarzinom: Identifizierung relevanter Genpolymorphismen
(2013-01-23)Gene polymophisms could play an important role in the variability of therapy response in gemcitabine treated patients with pancreatic carcinoma. The retrospective study showed that a polymorphism in ENT-1, a carrier of ... -
Varianten im FANCA-Gen bei Fanconi-Anämie-Patienten aus Pakistan im internationalen Vergleich
(2023-07-12)Fanconi anemia (FA) mostly shows an autosomal recessive inheritance, and in the case of Fanconi Anemia Complementation Group G (FANCG), it is inherited in an X-linked trait, while in Fanconi Anemia Complementation Group R ... -
Variation des exspiratorischen Umschaltkriteriums während assistierter Beatmung bei chronisch obstruktiver Lungenerkrankung – Untersuchung der Patient-Ventilator-Interaktion am Lungenmodell
(2015-11-10)Introduction: During pressure support ventilation (PSV) the ventilator cycles to the expiratory phase when the inspiratory flow falls below a predefined percentage of the peak-flow, the off-cycling criterion. In COPD ... -
Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (VCAM-1) modulates plasticity of human melanoma cells
(2021-04-09)Malignant melanoma is by far the type of skin cancer with the highest mortality. As is the case for most cancers, metastasis is the major limiting factor determining therapeutic options and survival of the patients. Despite ... -
Vaskuläres Regenerationspotential im Muskel und endotheliale Vorläuferzellen im Blut bei Patienten mit Myositis
(2018-05-28)The pathogenesis of dermatomyositis (DM) is believed to rely on humeral mechanisms, whereas the hypothesized cause of polymyositis (PM) are cytotoxic T cells. Necrotizing myopathy (NM) is histopathologically characterized ... -
Verarbeitung des relativen Belohnungswertes im menschlichen Gehirn. Eine Metaanalyse hirnbildgebender Studien.
(2012-02-06)In human life rewards function as an incentive for goal-directed behaviour and contribute amongst others to learning and optimising behaviour. By functional imaging using fmri and pet, ... -
Veränderte kortikale Plastizität und Konnektivität bei psychisch nicht erkrankten erstgradigen Angehörigen von Patienten mit einer Schizophrenie
(2019-07-31)Content: Impaired cortical plasticity and brain dysconnectivity are discussed to be essential pathomechanisms of schizophrenia. NMDA receptors, glutamate and intracellular calcium concentration play a key role in this ... -
Veränderung der kognitiven Funktionen durch körperliches Training bei Schizophrenie - Eine kontrollierte Studie
(2018-04-12)Aerobic exercise has been shown to improve symptoms in multi episode schizophrenia, including cognitive impairments, but results are inconsistent. Therefore, we evaluated the effects of an enriched environment paradigm ... -
Veränderung der kortikalen Erregbarkeit durch mehrmonatige transkutane Vagus-Nerv-Stimulation bei Patienten mit einer chronischen Schizophrenie
(2022-10-27)In this doctoral thesis, I explore if several months of transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation will induce a change in motorcortical excitability in patients with chronic schizophrenia. This study is the first that ... -
Veränderung der kortikalen Inhibition und Fazilitation bei Patienten mit einem Risikostadium für eine Schizophrenie im Vergleich mit Schizophrenie-Ersterkrankten und gesunden Kontrollprobanden.
(2023-02-23)Impaired cortical inhibition in general, and reduced GABAA neurotransmission in particular, have been shown in people with schizophrenia. Especially a reduced short intracortical inhibition (SICI) measured by transcranial ... -
Veränderung der motorkortikalen Exzitabilität durch eine kontrollierte Sportintervention bei Menschen mit einer Schizophrenie und gesunden Teilnehmern
(2022-04-01)Compared to a healthy control group, people with schizophrenia have a impaired neuroplasticity. In many investigations with the help of the TMS in schizophrenic patients has shown reduced motor-cortical inhibition will. ...