Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Title
Now showing items 1196-1215 of 3144
Exzitabilitätsuntersuchungen von Motoneuronen an Patienten mit benignem Faszikulations-Crampus-Syndrom und die Funktion von HCN-Kanälen
(2016-02-02)Background: The mechanisms responsible for the benign cramp fasciculation syndrome (BFCS) are still not clarified. For the first time threshold tracking was performed on a bigger amount of BFCS patients. Methods: Threshold ... -
Faziale Wahrnehmung und subjektive Beurteilung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit versus ohne unilateraler Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumensegelspalte: Eine Eye-Tracking-Studie
(2021-10-08)Objectives: In adults, facial deviations caused by cleft lip and/or palate (CLP) lead to longer fixations in the mouth/nose regions and more negative attractiveness ratings. However, little is known about the perception ... -
FE-Analysis of Posterior Pelvic Ring Stability with Supra-acetabular Fixator
(2024-06-07)Background Unstable pelvic ring injuries remain a common problem in trauma patients, accounting for 14-20% of all cases, with a concerning mortality rate of 10-20%, mainly due to exsanguinating hemorrhage. The clinical ... -
Fehlerbezogene Hirnpotenziale bei Kindern mit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS)
(2011-06-07)Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a very common and highly heritable child psychiatric disorder, which is characterized by age-inappropriate levels of hyperactivity, ... -
Femorale und tibiale Transplantatfixation der vorderen Kreuzbandplastik mit der neuartigen bioresorbierbaren Interferenzschraube Milagro®
(2011-01-27)Ligament graft fixation with bioabsorbable interference screws is a standard procedure in cruciate ligament replacement. It is the aim of this study to examine the clinical results as well ... -
Femurfrakturen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen
(2012-10-15)In the treatment of femoral fractures in children it is important to consider the characteristics of the infantile bone. Leg length discrepancies as well as the psychosocial pressure represent problems in the therapy. ... -
FGFR-Alterationen in primären und oligometastasierten kolorektalen Karzinomen
(2020-11-03)The outcome of metastatic colorectal cancer patients is up to now unsatisfactory and there is a need for effective therapeutic options. Fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) and FGF ligand alterations have been investigated ... -
Finite element analysis investigation of positive reduction in the femoral neck fracture
(2025-02-05)Aim Gotfried positive reduction offers an alternative strategy for femoral neck fracture (FNF) when achieving anatomical reduction is challenging. However, quantifying positive reduction and assessing the potential issues ... -
"Fit For School": Effekte eines Elterninterventionsprogramms auf den Schlaf, die Stressverarbeitung und die Cortisol-Exkretion bei Grundschulkindern
(2013-01-18)Theoretical Background: Sleep Disorders in children are in the present time not uncommon. With a high prevalence of 20% are are widespread and set a high burden (Fricke- Oerkermann et al. 2007). An essential condition ... -
Flimmerverschmelzungsfrequenz bei Normalpersonen, AMD und Optikopathien
(2017-09-07)Critical Flicker-fusion Frequency in healthy probands, patients with AMD and optic neuropathy The determination of critical flicker-fusion frequency ( CFF) is a well established neurophysiological method. The ... -
FLK50-Score zur Vorhersage des Lungenkrebsrisikos bis-50jähriger Probanden. Eine methodische Arbeit auf Basis einer Familienstudie
(2012-01-26)Lung cancer is one of the most common causes of death in Germany. Since the prognosis remains poor, its prevention is of particular significance. Persons at high risk profit most from ... -
Fluoreszenz-in-situ-Hybridisierung und funktionelle Analyse der KMT2A-MAML2 Translokation in epithelialen Thymusneoplasien und den humanen Zelllinien 1889c und MP-57
(2024-04-25)Thymoma and thymic carcinoma are very rare epithelial neoplasms of the thymus. Little is known about the pathogenesis of these tumors. Targeted therapeutic approaches have hardly been established to date, and the recurrence ... -
Fluoreszenzkorrelationsspektroskopie und Rasterkorrelationsmikroskopie molekularer Prozesse in Nervenzellen
(2003-11-14)Passive diffusion of molecules and active transport processes of organelles are of interest in many cellular systems. To understand how the intracellular milieu affects the diffusion ... -
Fluoreszenzmikroskopische Untersuchung der Wirkung von Östrogen, Alendronat, Raloxifen und Cimicifuga auf die Knochenheilung der ovarektomierten Ratte
(2011-02-22)Effekts of blackcohosh and estrogen on metaphyseal fracture Healing in the early stage of osteoporosis in ovarectomized rats. -
Fluoridabgabe von verschiedenen Füllungsmaterialien in den an die Restauration angrenzenden Zahnschmelz
(2009-08-13)Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare the fluoride uptake of the enamel adjacent to different kinds of dental filling materials over a period of 72 hours.Materials and methods: ... -
Fokussierte transthorakale Echokardiographie bei Patienten mit akutem Koronarsyndrom (ACS) in der präklinischen Notfallmedizin
(2020-03-10)Cardiovascular diseases are among the leading causes of death in Germany. In the present study, the feasibility and validity of focused transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) in patients with NSTE-ACS in the preclinical ... -
Formkongruenzen zwischen Ein-Feilen-NiTi-Systemen und korrespondierenden Guttaperchastiften
(2019-03-13)Abstract: Introduction: To simplify the preparation and obturation of root canals, various manufacturers offer single-file systems with matching gutta-percha points (GP). The aim of this study was to determine the file ... -
Fournier-Gangrän: Krankheitsverlauf in Abhängigkeit von Komorbiditäten und Therapie
(2012-08-02)Fournier's gangrene is defined as a necrotizing fasciitis of the perineal, genital or perianal region which is often caused by a synergistical infection of aerobic and anaerobic agents. Its potentially lethal course ... -
FOXO3 in myogener Differenzierung vor dem Hintergrund von Sarkopenie und Kachexie
(2024-11-19)Sarcopenia and cachexia are medical conditions that are characterized to different extent by a loss in muscle strength and muscle mass and cause a serious negative impact on patient`s health and quality of life. Until now ... -
Fragebogen zur Evaluation der Körperkonstitution im Rahmen der japanischen Kampo-Medizin
(2024-11-29)Introduction: In traditional Japanese Kampo medicine, a profound anamnesis is completed by clinical examination. The resulting clinical image forms the basis of the patient’s diagnosis pattern, including the recent mental, ...