Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Title
Now showing items 1940-1959 of 3040
Outcome und Risikofaktoren der Versorgung von distalen Femurfrakturen
(2024-08-19)In the retrospective study, 70 patients with a total of 75 distal femur fractures were examined, who presented as acute patients at the University Medical Center Göttingen from January 2012 to December 2018. The aim of the ... -
Oxaliplatin in der perioperativen, multimodalen Behandlung (präoperative Chemoradiotherapie, TME-Chirurgie und postoperative Chemotherapie) des Rektumkarzinoms – eine monozentrische Analyse –
(2021-02-10)Due to conflicting study results, the use of oxaliplatin (OX) in perioperative multimodal treatment (MMT) for locally advanced adenocarcinoma of the rectum (LARC; clinically staged as cUICC stages II or III) is not recommended ... -
Oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of renal injury: the effect of the antioxidant danshensu on renal fibrosis
(2022-11-29)Chronic kidney disease (CKD), often manifested in its end-stage as renal fibrosis, is a widespread illness, for example in children following congenital urinary obstruction and in adults due to an increasing number of ... -
Oxidativer Stress als Biomarker für die (Neben-) Wirkungen von Strahlentherapie: Bestimmung von Isoprostanspiegeln und Genexpressionsprofilen in Patientenproben
(2011-11-14)Radiotherapy is used to treat prostate cancer as well as locally advanced rectal cancer within a preoperative chemoradiotherapy. To understand the causal relationship between the effect of ... -
Oxidativer Stress und mitochondriale Dysfunktion in einem Mausmodell des Rett-Syndroms.
(2016-07-14)Rett syndrome is a postnatal neurodevelopmental disorder whose major cause are mutations in the methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) gene. It primarily affects girls and it is associated with cognitive impairment, motor ... -
Ökonomische Relevanz von Herzinsuffizienz mit erhaltener Ejektionsfraktion und der Einfluss einer Therapie mit Spironolacton. Ergebnisse der prospektiven, randomisierten und placebo- kontrollierten ALDO-DHF-Studie
(2018-06-14)Approximately half of the patients with congestive heart failure have a preserved ejection fraction (heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, HFpEF). It has become a common condition with increasing importance due ... -
Östrogenes Potential des endokrinen Disruptors 4-MBC im Reproduktionstrakt von ovariektomierten Ratten
(2011-04-28)4-MBC is an absorber of ultraviolet light which is preferable used as sunscreen. It has been identified as a xenoestrogenic compound supposably by interactions with estrogen receptors (ERs). ... -
Der Östrogenrezeptor ERβ unter dem Einfluss selektiver Östrogenrezeptorliganden in kastrationsresistenten Prostatakarzinomzellen
(2020-06-25)Prostate cancer can develop to a castration-resistant form during and through a lowering of the androgen level to castration level and can continue to grow. So far, there is no confirmed therapy that can be used successfully ... -
Paläodontologische Untersuchungen an Skeletresten aus der Wüstung Drudewenshusen im südniedersächsischen Eichsfeld
(2015-04-10)Paleopathology is the inter-disciplinary field of expertise of anthropologists, medical doctors and archeologists who research the diseases of bygone generations. In this context, teeth hold a special significance, as their ... -
Paläopathologische Untersuchungen am Cranium der Population von Baunach (Oberfranken) mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der spezifischen und unspezifischen Infektionskrankheiten - Ein Beitrag zur Rekonstruktion des Gesundheitsstatus einer frühmittelalterlichen dörflichen Population Süddeutschlands
(2012-04-23)In this investigation become 52 skulls of a village population (7. - 9. Jhd. A.D.) from Baunach (southern Germany) examines. According to the occurred anthropological age- and gender regulation the available skulls are ... -
Paläopathologische Untersuchungen an den Kinderskeleten der Mad'arovce-Kultur des frühbronzezeitlichen Gräberfeldes von Jelšovce, Slowakei
(2013-02-15)During the European Bronze Age, diseases severely influenced the health of ancient peoples. In particular subadults were affected since those included the weakest groups of a community. The living conditions in the past ... -
Paläopathologische Untersuchungen an prähistorischen Zähnen und Kieferfragmenten – ein Beitrag zur zahnmedizinisch-epidemiologischen Rekonstruktion einer neolithischen Population aus Erwitte-Schmerlecke (Soest, Galeriegrab I)
(2019-08-15)The present work is part of the DFG project "Genesis and structure of the Hessian-Westphalian megalithic using the example of the Soester group" within the framework of the DFG priority Program 1400 (SCHU 396/31 / 1-3). ... -
Palliative Sedierung bei amyotropher Lateralsklerose
(2021-06-03)Palliative care aims at improving and maintaining the quality of life of terminally ill patients. In this context palliative sedation can be used to alleviate intractable symptoms. The indication and implementation of ... -
Palliativmedizin und Notfallmedizin: Zwei unterschiedliche medizinische Bereiche - Kenntnisse und Wünsche notfallmedizinischen Personals
(2010-10-27)In recent years outpatient palliative care, even for patients in an advanced state of their disease, has gained importance. Palliative care medical emergencies account for approximately 3% ... -
Palliativmedizinischer Notfall - Patientenverfügungen im Rettungsdienst und Evaluation einer Schulungsmaßnahme von Rettungsdienstmitarbeitern der Berufsfeuerwehr Essen
(2016-08-24)Palliative emergencies are common in emergency services. The present work deals with palliative emergencies and advance health care directives (ACD) in emergency service. Within this work paramedics of the Essen fire and ... -
Palliativpatienten mit malignen pulmonalen Erkrankungen: Charakteristika und Verteilung der klinischen Symptome unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Atemnot
(2012-10-04)Background Patients with advanced lung cancer are a special focus in palliative care not only for epidemiological or prognostic reasons. Also, their symptom burden is felt to be widespread and difficult to treat. This ... -
Pankreatisch zystische Neoplasien und das orointestinale Mikrobiom: Evaluierung als Biomarker
(2024-09-24)Pancreatic cystic neoplasms (PCN) are mostly benign cystic lesions of the pancreas, which can be a precursor lesion for pancreatic cancer. The risk of malignancy varies widely, depending on the entity of the PCN. Despite ... -
Panton-Valentine-Leukozidin-assoziierte Infektionen bei ambulanten Patienten in Niedersachsen
(2012-03-01)Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) isolates carrying genes that encode for Panton-Valentine-Leukocidin (PVL) are mainly associated with deep skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI). ... -
Paraffin-embedded-tissue-blot-Analyse des PrPsc-Vorkommens im lymphatischen Gewebe bei sporadischer Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Erkrankung
(2021-08-18)Prion diseases comprise a neurodegenerative group of diseases in humans and animals whose common feature is that they are triggered by an incorrectly folded endogenous (PrPc) protein (PrPsc), are always fatal and are ... -
Parakrine Beeinflussung der Genexpression in vitro von chondrogenen Zellen in der Osteoarthrose
(2016-03-22)Analysis of the gene-Expression profiles of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), chondrogenic progenitor cells (CPC) and Chondrocytes in 3D-Coculture-Systems and in conditions with osteoarthrotic conditioned culture media. The ...