Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Title
Now showing items 21-40 of 3144
Activin A und Follistatin bei bakteriellen Infektionen - Der Einfluss von Activin A auf Mikrogliazellen in vitro und der Einfluss von Follistatin auf den Verlauf einer E. coli-K1-Sepsis im Mausmodell
(2012-10-01)High concentrations of Activin A and Follistatin can be found in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with bacterial meningitis. Patients suffering from a sepsis have increased concentrations of Activin A and Follistatin ... -
Activity-dependent turnover of the Perineural Extracellular Matrix
(2024-04-05)The different molecules present in the extracellular space of the brain make-up the perineural extracellular matrix (ECM). One of the specializations of the perineural ECM, the perineural nets (PNNs), are lattice-like ... -
Adaptive designs for clinical trials in cardiovascular diseases
(2018-12-07)Cardiovascular diseases are diseases of the heart and blood vessels constituting a major cause of death and disability worldwide. Cardiovascular drug development aims to deliver efficacious drugs to address the public ... -
Adäquate und inadäquate Schockabgaben implantierbarer Kardioverter- Defibrillatoren bei Kindern, Jugendlichen und Patienten mit einem angeborenen Herzfehler
(2021-02-11)In pediatric cardiology and cardiology of adults with congenital heart disease, indication for implantation of an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) is often based on underlying diseases like primarily electrical ... -
Additiver Mikroglia-vermittelter Neuronenschaden durch β-Amyloid und bakterielle Toll-like-Rezeptor-Agonisten in primären murinen Mikroglia-Neuronen-Kokulturen. Entwicklung eines Auswertungsalgorithmus zur Quantifizierung des Neuronenschadens mit Hilfe einer Software zur objektorientierten Bildanalyse
(2012-06-06)Activated microglia is considered to be involved in the progression of Alzheimer´s dementia (AD). We investigated the effect of Aβ40 and exogenous agonists of TLR1/2 [Pam3CSK4] and TLR4 [LPS] on neurons in primary ... -
Adherence to paediatric antiretroviral therapy in South Africa
(2009-06-03)Introduction. In South Africa, the HIV epidemic has risen sharply in numbers over the past decade, and a growing number of children are treated with antiretroviral therapy. This study aimed ... -
Adipositas im Kindes- und Jugendalter: Charakterisierung eines Therapiekollektivs und Prädiktoren für den Therapieerfolg
(2012-02-15)Methods: This study includes data of 462 children and adolescents (219 girls, mean age 10,53 years; 243 boys, mean age 11,07 years), collected between March 2005 and Febuary 2008 ... -
Adjuvante Radiochemotherapie beim lokal fortgeschrittenen Rektumkarzinom. Behandlungsergebnisse der Strahlentherapie und Evaluation.
(2017-03-03)We retrospectively analyzed the therapeutical outcome of patients with locally advanced rectal carcinoma, treated with postoperative radiochemotherapy. Our aim was to evaluate the efficiancy of the treatment performed at ... -
Age-dependent alterations of medial olivocochlear efferent synapses in the murine cochlea
(2024-10-11)Age-related hearing loss, also referred to as presbycusis, is defined as bilateral, symmetrical sensorineural hearing loss caused by age-related alterations of the auditory system. Previous studies on ARHL have investigated ... -
Age-dependent changes in the exocytotic efficacy in Kir6.2 ablated mouse pancreatic beta cells
(2014-03-31)ATP-sensitive K+ channels (K channels) regulate cellular energy metabolism in control of membrane excitability. The KATP channel of pancreatic β-cells is composed of SUR1 and ... -
Aktuelle Validierungsdaten und Ergebnisse zur Prävalenzanalyse, prädiktiven Aussagekraft, klinischen Anwendbarkeit und Eignung zur therapeutischen Verlaufskontrolle der Hospital Anxiety and Deprssion Sclae (HADS) in der somatischen Medizin
(2015-02-05)Aim of this dissertation is to investigate empirical data representing the psychometric properties and applications of the HADS in various fields of clinical somatic medicine. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale ... -
Akute Appendizitis - Verlässligkeit der präoperativen Diagnostik, chirurgisches Management und Vergleich des intraoperativen und histopathologischen Befundes
(2016-07-15)Acute appendicitis is one of the most common causes of acute abdomen. Correct diagnosis and treatment is a surgical responsibility and is of high value within the surgical emergency care. Due to diverse clinical manifestations ... -
Akute Auswirkungen transkranieller Gleichstromstimulation auf Parameter kortikaler Erregbarkeit
(2012-07-16)Background: Non-invasive brain stimulation with weak direct currents (transcranial direct current stimulation, tDCS) enables the alteration of cortical activity and excitability of the human brain. It has been demonstrated ... -
Akuter ST-Strecken-Hebungsinfarkt (STEMI) bei Patientinnen und Patienten mit zusätzlich chronischem Verschluss in einem Nicht-Infarkt-Gefäß: klinische Relevanz und prognostische Bedeutung
(2018-04-06)The topic of "chronic total coronary occlusion" (CTO) is in focus, as in recent years, techniques have been developed that make it possible to achieve revascularization by percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) even in ... -
Akutschmerztherapie in der stationären Patientenversorgung an deutschen Krankenhäusern
(2018-01-04)In 2007, the German national guidelines on "Treatment of acute perioperative and post-traumatic pain" were published. The aim of this study was to describe current structure and process data for acute pain management in ... -
Akzeptanz elektronischer Befragung zur Lebensqualität in der Hausarztpraxis
(2011-04-05)Background: Patients health related quality of life (HRQoL) has rarely been systematically monitored in general practice. Electronic resources might facilitate and promote the routine ... -
Der ALK-Rezeptor in zellulären Modellen des humanen Neuroblastomkrebses: Aktivierung und Signalisierung
(2018-01-08)This thesis is about different mutations of the tyrosine kinase ALK and their role in the human neuroblastoma cancer. The ALK subtypes wildtype, F1174L, R1275Q, Y1604F and I1250T have been investigated in a laboratory ... -
Allergische und irritative Kontaktdermatitis in Filaggrin- und Hornerin-defizienten Mäusen
(2020-10-13)The two epithelial structural proteins filaggrin (Flg) and hornerin (Hrnr) play a major role in upholding the integrity of the skin barrier function. Loss-of-function mutations in these genes cause an epidermal barrier ... -
Allgemeinärztliche Beurteilungen und Einstellungen zur Sterbehilfe
(2004-03-26)Objective: To describe the attitudes of German general practitioners (GPs) concerning euthanasia. Design: Nation-wide anonymous postal questionnaire survey. ... -
alpha-Synuclein: Synaptische Funktion und Rolle bei der Pathogenese der Parkinson-Syndrome
(2002-05-28)The Synuclein protein family comprises the paralogs a-, b-, g-Synuclein and Synoretin. a- and b-Synuclein are predominantly expressed in the brain, whereas g-Synuclein is expressed in the ...