Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Title
Now showing items 2071-2090 of 3062
Prävalenz von Insomniebeschwerden und deren Assoziation mit dem Konsum psychotroper Substanzen bei Jugendlichen in Deutschland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Kaffeekonsums
(2014-06-25)Objective: To study associations of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and coffee use and insomnia complaints (IC) in adolescents with special consideration of the influence of coffee consumption on these relationships. Methods: ... -
Prävalenz von und Risikofaktoren für dentale Erosionen bei Göttinger Kindergartenkindern
(2018-03-19)OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were: (1) to investigate the prevalence, the severity and the distribution of erosive tooth wear in kindergarten children of Göttingen aged 3-7 years, and (2) to identify and compare ... -
Prävalenz, Antibiotikaresistenz und klinische Relevanz einer Besiedlung des Respirationstraktes mit Streptococcus pneumoniae in einer geriatrischen Klinik
(2020-11-25)Colonization of the pharynx by Streptococcus pneumoniae was studied in 185 in-hospital geriatric patients (median age 81 years) from 29 March 2011 to 22 June 2011. Swabs were plated on blood agar plates. Colonies with a ... -
Prävalenz, Risikofaktoren und klinische Ausprägung der systolischen und diastolischen Herzinsuffizienz in einem hausärztlichen Risikokollektiv sowie Wertigkeit echokardiographischer Parameter und natriuretischer Peptide zur Diagnosestellung der diastolischen Herzinsuffizienz
(2011-07-18)Introduction:Because of their rising prevalence both systolic and diastolic heart failure have a great relevance concerning public health and medical economy. Due to the different etiology, ... -
Prävention des Nierenversagens und der Nierenfibrose bei hereditären Erkrankungen der glomerulären Basalmembran (Alport-Syndrom) bei COL4A3-Knockout-Mäusen mit dem Reninantagonisten Aliskiren
(2012-05-31)The nephroprotectiv properties of the direct renin inhibitor Aliskiren in homozygote COL4A3 knockout mice were analysed in this paper. Consistent with the human disease Alport Syndrome, the mouse model shows the same ... -
Prävention von Lebensstil-assoziierten Erkrankungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter
(2015-11-10)Obesity and a lack of physical activity dominate the discussion regarding the health of children and adolescents in Germany. The prevalence of obesity has increased since 1980, physical performance and the extent of physical ... -
Präventive Nachuntersuchung von Patienten mit Totalendoprothesen des Hüftgelenkes Typ BF 100
(2011-08-08)The aim of the study was to find remote query alternatives for the physical examination of total hip replacement. Significant distinction in patient characteristics and questions from ... -
Die präzise Ultrastruktur der Organellen der dendritischen Spines
(2018-11-01)The following work deals with the ultrastructure of dendritic spines. The presynaptic is a well-researched part of the brain, and functions and strutures within it are well known. The postsynapse, on the other hand, which ... -
Prediction of patients’ response to immune checkpoint inhibitors in the treatment of advanced NSCLC
(2021-02-12)Lung cancer is one of the most frequently occurring malignancies at the present time and still the leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Checkpoint pathway inhibitors are a family of cancer immunotherapy that has been ... -
Preoperative MELD score as a predictor for post hemihepatectomy complications
(2014-04-23)Background: As diagnostic techniques and surgical outcomes improve, the rate that hemihepatectomy is performed for various indications will continue to rise. Objectives: To explore the preoperative predictors of postoperative ... -
Prevalence of infectious risk factors during pregnancy: An infectiological snapshot of 180 pregnant women in a rural setting of Western Ghana
(2017-03-03)Prevalence of infectious risk factors during pregnancy: An infectiological snapshot of 180 pregnant women in a rural setting of Western Ghana A cross-sectional pilot study in a rural area of Western Ghana was carried out ... -
Die Prion-Protein-Isoformen
(2016-09-20)We performed two-dimensional immunoblotting of prion protein charge isomers of PrPC from human CSF of CJD patients with sporadic and familial CJD and control patients with distinct codon 129 polymorphism or different prion ... -
Das Problem der Ossifikation und Implantat-Wanderung nach VEPTR (vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib)-Implantation bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Thorax-Insuffizienz-Syndrom und Skoliose
(2012-06-26)Until now it was postulated - without scientific verification - that patients with VEPTR (vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib) treatment get later and less ossifications than children with growing rod treatment ... -
Problematik der Keimbelastung wasserführender Dentaleinheiten in der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Legionella pneumophila - Bestandsaufnahme und Möglichkeiten der Keimreduzierung
(2014-10-16)A total of 137 water samples were taken from 95 dental treatment units and additionally eight samples from the in-house water system directly before entry into the dental unit and were used to the calculation of the microbial ... -
Profil der schmerztherapeutisch beratenden Dienste am Beispiel einer Universitätsklinik
(2016-09-30)The goal of this study was to create a profile of pain consultation services (PCS) in a university hospital setting. In this particular study, pain consultation services consisted of an acute pain service (APS), a palliative ... -
Progenitorzelleigenschaften bei myelodysplastischen Syndromen (MDS) mit Eisenüberladung
(2011-10-07)In patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) iron overload caused by long term red blood cell transfusions is an important factor for comorbity. In this report we present the results ... -
Prognose pädiatrischer Patienten nach Neuroborreliose
(2007-11-27)Background: About long-term outcome of children with neuroborreliosis in europe few or conflicting data are available. Methods: For the present study we examined 59 of 61 pediatric patients ... -
Prognose von Patienten mit Alport-Syndrom unter Berücksichtigung einer medikamentösen Intervention und verschiedener Nierenersatzverfahren
(2015-01-20)Alport syndrome is a hereditary kidney disease which typically has a progressive course (Alport 1927). Several extrarenal symptoms such as inner ear hearing loss and a specific eye disease known as „Lenticonus“ can also ... -
Prognostische Aussagekraft von White Matter Lesions auf den kognitiven Verlauf bei Patienten mit zerebraler Mikroangiopathie
(2014-11-03)White matter lesions (WML) of the brain are a frequent finding in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and their significance remains a controversy. The aim of the study was to identify prognostic value of WML and other risk ... -
Die prognostische Bedeutung der Adipozytokine Leptin und Adiponectin bei der akuten Lungenembolie
(2011-10-04)Background: Leptin and Adiponectin are both adipocytokines. High Leptin is an independent cardiovascular risk factor and exerts prothrombotic effects. In contrast low Adiponectin increases ...