Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Title
Now showing items 2156-2175 of 3028
Ranibizumab for Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion Associated Macular Edema Study (RABAMES) - Eine dreiarmige klinische Studie zur Wirksamkeit von Ranibizumab (Lucentis®) im Vergleich zur alleinigen GRID-Laserkoagulation und einer Kombination aus beiden Therapien zur Behandlung des chronischen Makulaödems nach retinalem Venenastverschluss
(2012-12-20)The Ranibizumab for Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion Associated Macular Edema Study (RABAMES) investigated effectiveness and safety of intravitreal applied ranibizumab and grid laser coagulation as well as a combination of ... -
Rauchverhalten vor und nach Diagnose und Therapie bei Patient*innen mit oralem Plattenepithelkarzinom
(2024-08-12)Smoking is one of the main risk factors for the development of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Additionally, patients who maintain tobacco consumption after diagnosis and therapy exhibit an increased risk of recurrence, a ... -
Re-Expression von Östrogenrezeptor-α und DERLIN-3 in triple-negativen Mammakarzinomzellen durch den DNA-Methyltransferase-Inhibitor RG108 als Voraussetzung für den therapeutischen Einsatz von Antiöstrogenen und zur Verhinderung des Warburg-Effekts
(2024-05-02)Despite all efforts in preclinical and clinical research, no significant improvement in the prognosis of patients with TNBC has been achieved in recent years. The lack of ERα, which prevents endocrine therapy, and the ... -
Reaktive Astrozytenveränderungen in Multiple-Sklerose-Läsionen: Morphologische und immunhistochemische Analyse unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Läsionsaktivitäten und immunpathologischer Subtypen
(2011-06-15)Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a heterogeneous disease characterized by demyelination, inflammation, axonal loss, and astrogliosis. However, the role of astrocytes in the pathogenesis of MS ... -
Die Reaktivierung der FMR1-Transkription in Fibroblasten von Patienten mit Fragilem-X-Syndrom durch Methotrexat
(2014-12-16)The characteristical phenotype of patients with fragile X syndrome is caused by a loss of FMRP expression. In this connection a DNA hypermethylation of the promotor region leads to transcriptional silencing of the FMR1 ... -
Rectus-internus-Fadenoperation versus Rectus-internus-Rücklagerung beim frühkindlichen Schielsyndrom
(2016-02-22)Background: Beside combined recess-resect procedures, bilateral medial rectus recession and bimedial posterior fixation sutures and also a combination of both are common in surgery for infantile esotropia. We compared ... -
Redoxmodulation epileptischer Anfälle in einem Mausmodell für das Rett-Syndrom.
(2024-10-16)The aim of the present dissertation was to investigate and evaluate the therapeutic benefit of an oral antioxidant therapy on the epilepsy symptoms associated with Rett syndrome. A shift in the cellular redox balance towards ... -
Reduktion der Gesamtbiopsieanzahl und Verbesserung der Tumordetektionsrate in der MRT/TRUS-Fusionsbiopsie der Prostata unter Verwendung eines optimierten Computeralgorithmus
(2023-06-28)Prostate carcinoma is the most frequently diagnosed male carcinoma in Germany. For patients, it is crucial to detect clinically significant malignancies. Here, the prostate biopsy is the method of choice. The aim of this ... -
Reduzierte Variabilität der Herzfrequenz bei Patienten mit Epilepsie bzw. unter antikonvulsiver Medikation
(2013-08-28)Heart Rate Variability in 152 Patients with Epilepsie or with chronicle pains who received antiepileptic drugs was studied. We used 24 hour ECG, time domaine. There was no significant diffirence between patients and healthy ... -
Reelin-immunreaktive Zellen im prälimbischen Kortex männlicher Ratten: Einfluss von Stress
(2012-03-21)Introduction: In the adult mammalian brain reelin, an extracellular glycoprotein, promotes the stability of the cellular actin-cytoskeleton of neurons. Previous research showed ... -
Reevaluation der potenziell onkogenen, Lymphom-assoziierten Missense-Mutation D427H im STAT3-Molekül
(2023-01-06)The transcription factor STAT3 (signal transducer and activator of transcription 3) promotes cell proliferation, immunomodulation, and maintenance of a stem cell state, such that its constitutive activation in cells carries ... -
Regenerationspotenzial CD133+-hämatopoetischer Progenitorzellen der humanen Nabelschnur beim Nierendefekt im Mausmodell
(2009-03-31)Damage of tubular epithelium is irreversible in most cases. Persisting degradation or chronic inflammatory processes finally lead to renal failure. Up to now, the therapeutic options are ... -
Regionale Lungenventilation bei gesunden Probanden ermittelt mittels elektrischer Impedanztomographie
(2011-02-23)To determine the effect of age and posture on regional lung ventilation, eight young (26 +/- 1 years, mean +/- S.D.) and eight old (73 +/- 5 years) healthy men were studied by electrical ... -
Regulation and therapeutic targeting of MTHFD2 and EZH2 in KRAS mutated human pulmonary adenocarcinoma
(2023-07-17)With nearly 40 %, pulmonary adenocarcinomas are the main subgroup of non-small cell lung cancers. Activating KRAS mutations occur in about 30 % of pulmonary adenocarcinoma cases and the discovery of the G12C KRAS ... -
Regulation by Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 Beta of CBP transcriptional coactivator involved in insulin-dependent glucagon gene transcription
(2007-02-12)The peptide hormone glucagon is a functional antagonist of insulin and it stimulates glucose output from the liver. Insulin inhibits glucagon secretion and glucagon gene transcription. ... -
Regulation der Dual-leucine-zipper-kinase (DLK) durch "prädiabetische" Signale in endothelialen HUVEC-Zellen und die Bedeutung der DLK für die Angiogenese in einem Mausmodell
(2013-11-21)Diabetes mellitus and its serious effects on veins and arterys are a major problem in todays society. Important aspects of the disease are microangiopathy and macroangiopathy, which may lead to stroke or death. It is ... -
Regulation der mRNA von Toll-Like-Rezeptoren bei experimentellen ZNS-Infektionen
(2012-11-20)Regulation of the mRNA of toll-like receptors in experimental CNS infections Toll-like receptors are sensors and regulators of innate immunity. We investigated the expression of TLRs in experimental infections with ... -
Regulation der Nestinexpression bei der epithelial-mesenchymalen Transition
(2012-01-25)The process of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) has long been known as one of the potential main factors in the formation of fibrous tissue. This investigation analyzed the relationship ... -
Regulation der „spleen tyrosine kinase“ Syk im B-Zell-Antigen-Rezeptor-Signalweg
(2013-11-25)The “spleen tyrosine kinase” Syk offers transducer functions for a number of ITAM-based immune cell receptors and is critical for the development and activation of B lymphocytes. Furthermore Syk has been implicated in the ... -
Regulation des Autophagieproteins ULK1 im MPTP-Mausmodell des Morbus Parkinson
(2022-11-08)Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a widespread neurodegenerative condition. Owing to the absence of suitable biomarkers, a diagnosis can only be made upon onset of clinical symptoms like tremor, rigidity or bradykinesia. They ...