Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Title
Now showing items 2942-2961 of 3061
Wirkung der proinflammatorischen Zytokine TNFα und IL-1β auf die Aktivität und die Proteinmenge der Dual-Leucine-Zipper-Bearing Kinase in einer Betazelllinie
(2011-05-27)Aims/hypothesis:. In obesity, the production and secretion of the proinflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) and Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) are enhanced. These two cytokines ... -
Die Wirkung der selektiven Lipoxygenaseinhibitoren Baicalein und Zileuton auf die Knochenheilung im ovariektomierten Rattenmodell
(2023-08-08)Osteoporosis is the most common bone dysfunction worldwide. Decreased bone mass, destruction of bone tissue microarchitecture, and reduced bone strength characterize the disease. Particularly affected are postmenopausal ... -
Wirkung der vertikalen Ganzkörpervibration auf den gesunden und auf den osteoporotischen Knochen der weiblichen Ratte – eine fpVCT-Analyse des ersten Lendenwirbelkörpers und der osteotomierten Tibia
(2017-05-09)Osteoporosis is an important disease in the industrial countries (Bartl 2003). It results in a reduction of the bone mineral density (bmd) which increases the fracture risk significantly (Consensus Development Conference ... -
Die Wirkung des BDNF-Polymorphismus auf trankraniell induzierte Neuroplastizität
(2013-02-04)The thesis examines the effects of the BDNF polymorphism on the neuroplasticity, wich can be influenced by various electrical flow and magnetic stimulation methods -
Die Wirkung des Histondeacetylase-Inhibitors Valproinsäure auf Keimzelltumoren des Hodens
(2014-07-30)Testicular germ cell tumours (TGCT) are the most common malignancy in young men. They are clinically and histologically subdivided in seminomas and non-seminomas. In 2001 valproic acid (VPA) has been described as an ... -
Die Wirkung des kompetitiven Gastrin-releasing peptide-(GRP-) -Antagonisten RC 3095 auf das Wachstumsverhalten im Modell experimentell induzierter orthotoper Nierenzellkarzinome – Analyse mittels Volumencomputertomographie (VCT)
(2017-08-21)Despite the use of new drugs, renal tumours are still difficult to treat during the metastatic stage and have an unfavourable prognosis. Consequently, it makes sense to study new therapeutic paths in an animal model. In ... -
Die Wirkung des selektiven Androgenrezeptor-Modulators Ligandrol auf das Knochengewebe der Tibia am osteoporotischen Rattenmodell
(2021-04-12)In an aging society the number of women affected by osteoporosis will increase constantly. Due to the growing number of clinical cases and the associated costs, the socioeconomic significance of osteoporosis in our society ... -
Die Wirkung des targeted Chemotherapeutikums AESZ-108 (AN-152) auf GnRH- positive Pankreaskarzinomzelllinien
(2016-10-25)Pancreatic cancer is the fourth commonest cause of cancer-related mortality across the world. Because of the poor response to conventional chemotherapy, small molecules, radiation therapy and surgery, the development ... -
Wirkung einer intermittierenden Parathormon-Therapie auf die Lendenwirbelsäule männlicher Ratten in Abhängigkeit vom Applikationsintervall
(2019-01-04)Currently, teriparatide, a recombinant form of parathyroid hormone (PTH), is usually applied once daily as a subcutaneus injection for therapeutical purposes in the treatment of osteoporosis. Object of this study was to ... -
Die Wirkung eines RGMa-Antikörpers im Optikusneuritis-Modell
(2010-04-20)Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the CNS. The histopathological pattern shows a continuous destruction of the myelin due to inflammatory lesions. Additionally, ... -
Die Wirkung ionisierender Strahlung auf die elektromechanische Kopplung und den intrazellulären Ca2+-Haushalt in isolierten Herzmuskelzellen
(2012-07-20)Introduction: The radiooncological treatment procedure of tumors of the thorax (e.g. hodgdkin-lymphom, lung, mamma, oesophageal and gastric carcinoma) can in addition to the tumor expose the heart to ionizing radiation. ... -
Wirkung physiko-chemischer Oberflächencharakteristika auf Zytotoxizität verschiedener dentaler Komposite
(2019-05-10)Objective: The present in vitro study investigated the effects of different roughnesses and different chemical compositions of composites on L929 mouse fibroblasts and human gingivae fibroblasts (GF1). Material & Method: ... -
Die Wirkung von 20-OH-Ecdyson auf Osteoporose und das Fett im Kniegelenk im Zusammenhang mit dem Metabolischen Syndrom.
(2014-06-10)Postmenopausal women have an increasing risk of suffering from osteoporosis (Bord et al. 2003) and to developing the ‘metabolic syndrome’ (Carr 2003; Lobo 2008). These are two conditions with serious sequelae that are ... -
Die Wirkung von additiver systemischer Lysetherapie zur mechanischen Therapie auf das funktionelle Outcome in Schlaganfallpatient*innen mit proximalem Gefäßverschluss (LVOS) der vorderen Zirkulation
(2024-09-04)Background: Endovascular treatment (EVT) represents a highly effective intervention for the management of large vessel occlusion stroke (LVOS). The question of whether intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) prior to endovascular ... -
Die Wirkung von antiseptischen alkoholfreien Chlorhexidin-Mundspüllösungen auf den Stoffwechsel humaner Gingivafibroblasten
(2014-03-10)The aim of this in vitro study was to investigate the effect of two non-alcoholic chlorhexidine mouthwashes on fibroblasts of human oral mucosa as a function of time of exposure, CHX concentration and the measured time ... -
Wirkung von antiseptischen Mundspüllösungen auf die menschlichen Zellen der Mundschleimhaut - Eine in-vitro-Studie
(2011-06-03)Objectives: The aim was to investigate the effect of the oral antiseptics on metabolism, number of fibroblasts and epithelium cells, viability and cell diameter in relation to contact time. ... -
Wirkung von Baicalein auf die Lendenwirbelsäule der osteoporotischen Ratte
(2022-06-15)The goal of this study is to investigate the impact varying degrees of doses of Baicalein have on the Lumbar Spine of an ovariectomized rat. Therefore, 60 at the time of the ovariectomy three-month-old Sprague-Dawley-Rats ... -
Die Wirkung von Dihydrotestosteron, 17-ß-Östrogen, Genistein und Equol auf das Remodelling der defekten osteoporotischen Tibia der männlichen Ratte
(2013-12-02)Introduction: Osteoporosis was long considered to be women desease. Studies have shown the importance of further research on the area of male osteoporosis. The objective of our study was to show the effect of Dihydrotestosteron, ... -
Die Wirkung von Ecdyson und Vitamin D auf Knochen-, Muskel- und Fettgewebe bei der ovariektomierten Ratte, bestimmt mittels quantitativer Computertomographie
(2018-02-21)Ecdysone (Ecd) demonstrated muscle anabolic, antiosteoporotic and antilipotropic properties in ovariectomized (ovx) rats in multiple trails. But its mechanism af action in mammalia has not been understood until yet. Because ... -
Wirkung von Endokrinen Disruptoren auf die Tibiametaphyse der ovarektomierten Sprague Dawley Ratte
(2011-09-29)Endocrine disruptors (ED) have structural similarities to steroid hormones and can mimic the effect of endogenous 17β-estradiol. Human beings are exposed to the ED by ingestion, inhalation ...