Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Title
Now showing items 2982-3001 of 3061
Wnt-Signale in der Invasivität von Hodgkin-Lymphomen
(2012-07-04)For the diffusion of lymphoma cells, migration and invasion are an important prognostic factor. Following the function of their benign progenitor cells, the lymphoma cells are disseminated already in early stages of ... -
Die Wnt-Signalkette in der Pathophysiologie der kongenitalen obstruktiven Uropathie der Ratte
(2010-08-03)Objective: To investigate the role of the Wnt-signaling events in relation to the pathophysiology of congenital obstructive uropathy in the rat, in the present study the expression patterns ... -
Der Wnt-Signalweg in der Makrophagen-induzierten Invasion von Brustkrebszellen
(2010-10-07)The interactions between malignant tumor cells and the surrounding benign stromal cells are an important factor in tumor biology. Wnt proteins are potential candidates to mediate this ... -
Wnt-Signalwegsanalysen während der Metastasierung von Mamma-Karzinomen
(2016-10-26)Wnt signaling plays a crucial role in developmental processes and diseases such as cancer. We recently revealed activation of β-Catenin independent Wnt signaling in cerebral metastases of breast cancer patients (Klemm F ... -
Wort oder Unwort? Eine Analyse der Metapher Medizintourismus in der ethischen Debatte
(2017-05-22)The aim of this dissertation was to analyse the usage of the term 'medical tourism' in the ethical professional debate and to examine the normative consequences of its usage in particular. If looked at it from the ... -
Wundheilungsraten nach Roboter-assistierter minimalinvasiver Pedikelschraubenosteosynthese im Vergleich zu konventioneller fluoroskopisch-gestützter Instrumentierung bei pyogener Spondylodiszitis.
(2019-09-19)Postoperative wound healing can pose a problem in patients undergoing instrumented surgery for pyogenic spondylodiscitis. Robotic guidance allows the minimally invasive placement of pedicle screws in the thoracolumbar ... -
Xeroderma-Pigmentosum-Gruppe-C- und -G-Gen-Polymorphismen: Alternatives Splicing und funktionelle DNA-Reparatur beim multiplen Melanom
(2011-05-18)Xeroderma pigmentosum C and G gene polymorphisms, alternative splicing and functional DNA repair in multiple melanoma patientsK.-M. Thoms1, S. Vollert2, P. Laspe1, A. Rosenberger3, S. ... -
Yoga vs cardiovascular exercise for complementary management of metabolic and psychometric parameters in type II diabetics
(2014-07-08)Background The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is very high among Asian Indians and especially among those residing in urban areas. In the face of this, there is much scope for research in understanding the mechanisms and ... -
Zahnärztliche Diagnostik und Versorgung von Demenzpatient*innen in non-Compliance-Situationen
(2024-01-03)The aim of this dissertation is to use a descriptive questionnaire study to show how dentists and nursing staff assess the refusal attitudes of patients with dementia in treatment and care situations and what the level of ... -
Zahngesundheit bei übergewichtigen und adipösen Kindern und Jugendlichen
(2020-07-02)OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to analyse the prevalence and severity of caries experience and dental erosion in children and adolescents with overweight and (extreme) obesity compared to children with normal weight ... -
Zeitabhängige Prädiktoren für postoperative Wundinfektion nach Acetabulumfraktur
(2024-08-06)Acetabular fractures represent a surgical challenge. Heterogeneous as the fracture pattern, patient characteristics and the range of complications regularly require regularly require individual solutions. Surgical wound ... -
Zeitbedarf für die präklinische Ganzkörperimmobilisation bei Schwerverletzten
(2022-11-24)Background: Spinal stabilisation is recommended for prehospital trauma treatment. In Germany, vacuum mattresses are traditionally used for spinal stabilisation, whereas in anglo-american countries, long spine boards are ... -
Zeitverlauf und Therapie axonaler Schädigung bei NMO
(2021-10-25)In this doctoral thesis, the time course of axonal damage and the effect of glutamatergic and purinergic receptor antagonists on acute axon pathology were investigated in the focal experimental NMO rat model for the first ... -
Zellexperimentell vergleichende Untersuchung zum Androgenrezeptor beim kastrationsresistenten Prostatakarzinom
(2020-06-18)The androgen receptor plays an important role in the progression of prostate cancer to castration-resistant prostate cancer. In this stage of the disease the standard treatment of androgen deprivation therapy does not work ... -
Zelluläre Elektrophysiologie und Calciumhomöostase an Kardiomyozyten aus induzierten pluripotenten Stammzellen von einem Patienten mit Fallot'scher Tetralogie
(2021-08-26)Introduction: Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is the most common congenital cyanotic heart defect and many patients with TOF proceed to suffer from arrhythmias (both atrial and ventricular). The aim of this thesis was to identify ... -
Das zelluläre Prionprotein im Liquor cerebrospinalis von Patienten mit verschiedenen neurologischen Erkrankungen
(2010-09-13)We performed a study on levels of the cellular prion protein (PrPc) in humans affected by different neurological diseases and assessed the influence of several factors such as age, gender, ... -
Zentrale Sensibilisierung, Schmerzlokalisation und -ausdehnung bei Arthrose des Hüftgelenks
(2020-05-25)Osteoarthritis (OA), especially with regard to current demographic trends a common health problem, frequently presents as a complex heterogeneous collection of musculoskeletal dysfunctions. Evidence suggests that the ... -
Zerebrale Perfusion in der Akutphase nach aneurysmatischer Subarachnoidalblutung - Einsatz der CT-Perfusion für die Erfassung der frühen Hirnschädigung und der verzögerten zerebralen Ischämie
(2023-10-24)Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) is a devastating cerebrovascular disease associated with high morbidity and mortality due to early brain injury (EBI) and delayed complications like delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI). ... -
Zervikale Lymphknotenmetastasen bei unbekanntem Primärtumor - Eine retrospektive Analyse zu Diagnostik und Therapie
(2017-05-22)Cervical lymph node metastases from cancer of unknown primary site – a retrospective analysis to diagnostic work-up and treatment methods Objectives: The management of patients with cervical lymph nodes from an unknown ... -
Die Zielsteuerung peroxisomaler Membranproteine mit tail anchor
(2017-11-15)The targeting of PEX26, a peroxin involved in peroxisome biogenesis and maintenance, is similar to Pex15- its analog in baker's yeast. Both are tail anchored proteins, that share more than a common protein class and function: ...