Closed Publications
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Rolle des G-Protein-gekoppelten Östrogenrezeptors 1 (GPER1) beim Zervixkarzinom
(2024-03-21)Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women and after the mamma carcinoma the second most common gynecological carcinoma. The G-Protein-coupled Estrogen Receptor 1 (GPER1) is an important ubiquitous receptor ... -
Epigenetische Grundlagen der (Kreuz)-Resistenz von Antiandrogenen neuer und neuster Generation
(2024-03-20)Prostate cancer grows androgene-dependent, because of which, antiandrogen therapy is used in advanced tumor stages. Most antiandrogens inhibit the androgen receptor directly, but Abiraterone inhibits androgen synthesis. ... -
Die Auswirkungen selektiver ERβ-Agonisten auf ERα-positive Brustkrebszellen hängen von den Expressionsniveaus der Östrogenrezeptoren ERα, ERβ und GPER1 und deren Regulation und Interaktion ab
(2023-12-04)Luminal A breast cancers represent the majority of all breast cancers and are more likely to recur and metastasise. In addition, resistance to tamoxifen is a major treatment problem and new therapeutic options are needed. ... -
Etablierung eines automatisierten Verfahrens zur Quantifizierung von Plasmakonzentrationen direkter oraler Antikoagulantien
(2023-10-12)More than a decade after their first approval, the imageability of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) still poses challenges to laboratories worldwide. Even though calibrator- and matrix-dependent chromogenic tests are now ... -
Der Einfluss von Mikrofluidik auf das Wachstum retinaler Ganglienzellen in vitro
(2023-06-01)Purpose: Low extracellular fluid microfluidics influences the direction of growth and the length of outgrowing neurites. This is methodologically relevant for primary cultures with directed neurite outgrowth. Furthermore ... -
SUMOylierung in Nervenzellen und deren Regulation durch Sauerstoff und Glukose
(2023-04-27)Small ubiquitin-like modifiers (SUMO) are post-translational modifications (PTM) which, similar to Ubiquitin, are conjugated to specific target proteins. The conjugation is based on an energy-dependent enzymatic cascade, ... -
Zusammenhang der Biomarker NT-proBNP und Galectin-3 mit dem psychischen Befinden und der Lebensqualität von Patient*innen mit Herzinsuffizienz und erhaltener Ejektionsfraktion
(2023-04-17)Chronic heart failure is a complex clinical syndrome associated with high mortality, frequent hospitalizations, poor quality of life, and cost-intensive medical care. Based on ejection fraction, the clinical picture is ... -
Einfluss von GnRH Analoga auf die GLUT1 Expression in Ovarialkarzinomzellen und Rolle des GLUT1 Transporters im Tumorwachstum
(2021-08-26)Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death in women diagnosed with gynecological cancers. Most of the cases are diagnosed at an advanced stage, which leads to poor outcomes of this disease. Chemotherapy makes the women ...