Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Engel, Wolfgang Prof. Dr. Dr."
Now showing items 1-17 of 17
Assoziation von Polymorphismen und alternativen Splicevarianten von DNA-Reparaturgenen mit der Entwicklung von malignen Melanomen
(2004-07-08)Individuals with xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) are sun-sensitive and exhibit a 1000-fold increased risk for developing skin cancers including malignant melanoma. Inherited polymorphisms of XP genes may, thus, contribute ... -
Das CHARGE-Syndrom – Quantifizierung eines Gonadenmosaiks und Interaktionspartnersuche des CHD7-Gens
(2013-02-04)CHARGE syndrome is an autosomal dominant malformation syndrome. The majority of cases are due to de novo mutations in the CHD7 gene. In only ⅔ of the cases, a mutation in CHD7 gene could be found. In this study a family ... -
DNA-Strangbrüche in männlichen Keimzellen der Maus
(2013-01-23)Involuntary childlessness is caused by men in 30% of cases. Infertility is attributable to genetics in 10-15% of infertile couples. Recently DNA-strand breaks in sperm gained importance in diagnosis of infertility as well ... -
Klinische Resultate nach Sofortbelastung dentaler Implantate unter Anwendung kortikaler Mikrofixation
(2011-05-05)Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the success rate of immediately loaded interforaminal implants stabilized through cortical satellite implants and furthermore to assess the ... -
microRNA expression profile of undifferentiated and differentiating pluripotent cells
(2009-06-04)One of the aims of this study was to provide a comprehensive view of the whole miRNAome of differentiating maGSCs (multipotent adult Germline Stem Cells) compared with that of differentiating ... -
MicroRNA Expression Profiling of Multipotent Adult Germline Stem Cells
(2008-11-18)Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) isolated from the adult mouse testis and cultured have been shown to respond to culture conditions and become pluripotent, so called multipotent adult ... -
Molekulargenetische Untersuchungen des SPG31-Gens bei der Hereditären Spastischen Paraplegie
(2014-10-21)The term hereditary spastic paraplegia describes a group of rare, clinically and genetically heterogeneous disorders. Until today more than 48 different genes have been identified whose variant forms lead to this clinical ... -
Organisation, Expression und Funktion des humanen Peroxisomal-Testis-Specific-1(PXT1)-Gens
(2013-05-29)In this work, organization, expression and function of the human Peroxisomal Testis-specific 1 (PXT1) gene were investigated. The mRNA of the human PXT1 gene doesn’t contain two exons as known so far, but five exons. The ... -
Radiologische Querschnittsstudie zur Qualitätsverbesserung von Panoramaschichtaufnahmen mittels Zungenrepositionsmanöver
(2008-12-10)Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of the tongue repositioning manoeuvre (TRM) during panoramic radiography so as to avoid the tongue shadow error. Study Design: ... -
Spätresultate nach minimalinvasiver Sinusbodenaugmentation
(2011-10-31)The aim of this retrospective study was to determine the long-term results after subantroscopic laterobasal sinus floor augmentation (SALSA). The mean follow-up was 6,5 years. 94 patients ... -
Untersuchung zur Mikrobewegung von dentalen Implantaten im spongiösen Knochenpräparat des Rindes unter horizontaler Belastung
(2010-11-03)Aim: to provide objective data for the displacement of titanium screw implants in trabecular bone specimens. 100 Semados implants (Bego, Bremen, Germany), were inserted in trabecular bovine ... -
Zur Funktion des Brunol4-Gens
(2012-07-12)The Brunol family, consisting of six members, is a highly conserved group of RNA-binding proteins, that is widely expressed in vertebrates and plays an important role in the development and maintenance of organisms. Brunol1 ... -
Zur molekularen und funktionellen Charakterisierung von Mutationen in den SPG4- und SPG7- Genen
(2011-02-10)Hereditary spastic paraplegias (HSP), also known as the spastic spinal paralysis or the spastic paraplegia (SPG), are a heterogeneous group of genetic disorders. HSP can be inherited in ... -
Zur molekulargenetischen Charakterisierung der Mutationen in den Endoglin-und ACVRL1-Genen bei den Morbus-Osler-Patienten
(2011-09-29)Osler –Weber-Rendu Syndrome also known as hereditary haemorrhagic teleangiectasia (HHT) is an autosomal dominantly inherited disorder characterised by cutaneous and mucosal telangiectasias, epistaxis and arteriovenous ... -
Zur Risikokalkulation für Mutationen in den Genen BRCA1 und BRCA2 in Familien mit Brustkrebs
(2011-06-24)There are several risk stratifying models for the prediction of mutation carrier probabilities in BRCA1 and BRCA2. Many studies have been carried out evaluating the performance of risk ... -
Zur Rolle von Stra8 in pluripotenten Stammzellen
(2011-01-21)In the present study the expression pattern of Stra8 (stimulated by retinoic acid gene 8) and its function in pluripotent stem cells should be characterized. Stra8 was described as a germ ...