Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Feltgen, Nicolas Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
Die bakterielle Endophthalmitis- Retrospektive Analyse über 10 Jahre an der UMG-Augenklinik
(2023-06-27)Bacterial endophthalmitis describes a rarely occurring intraocular inflammatory process, which is also one of the most serious diagnoses in ophthalmology. The cause of endophthalmitis is the spread of germs into the interior ... -
Beurteilung des Kontrastsehens von Patienten mit idiopathischem Makulaforamen bzw. vitreomakulärer Traktion 6 Monate nach Injektion von Ocriplasmin
(2020-11-03)BACKGROUND: Ocriplasmin is admitted for treatment of vitreomacular traction and small macular foramina respectively. Anatomic changes are often accompanied by improvement in function. We were interested in whether or not ... -
Ergebnisse der Behandlung retinaler Erkrankungen mit Makulaödem anhand des modifizierten Treat & Extend-Schemas im 3er-Block. Retrospektive Analyse aus der täglichen klinischen Anwendung. 1. Chorioidale Neovaskularisation im Rahmen einer altersabhängigen Makuladegeneration (AMD) 2. Diabetisches Makulaödem 3. Makulaödem nach retinalem Venenverschluss
(2022-05-31)Background. As part of intravitreal operative medication injections (IVOM) in the therapy of diseases with macular edema patients receive also associated frequent check-ups, which altogether causes treatment discontinuitations ... -
Functional changes in surgical treatment of epiretinal membrane
(2021-03-23)With the increasing aging in our society, ERM represents one of the treatable causes of vi-sion impairment, especially in elderly people. Patients with ERM present with reduced and distorted vision, metamorphopsia, ... -
Häufigkeit der intra- und frühen postoperativen Blutungskomplikationen bei Netzhautoperationen in Abhängigkeit von gerinnungshemmenden Substanzen
(2024-04-26)In numerous fields of operative medicine, high-quality studies and guidelines are available for the perioperative management of hemostasis-modulating agents. However, in vitreoretinal surgery, meaningful recommendations ... -
Häufigkeit des postoperativen Makulaödems nach primärer rhegmatogener Ablatio retinae
(2020-02-25)Purpose To assess the incidence of cystoid macular edema (CME) diagnosed by spectral domain-optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) after primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) surgery. Methods From April 2016 ... -
Intraoperative Blutungskomplikationen bei Patienten mit primärer rhegmatogener Ablatio retinae unter dem Einfluss von Gerinnungshemmern
(2015-02-23)Bleeding during surgery among patients with primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment is not very common. The few hemorrhagic complications that occurred were almost all easily manageable. The choice of anticoagulation had ... -
Kardiovaskuläre Risikofaktoren bei Patienten mit frischem, nicht-arteriitischem Zentralarterienverschluss - Bedeutung der systematischen Abklärung und Einfluss auf die Therapie
(2014-03-31)Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) is an uncommon illness with an acute onset of painless visual loss and a poor prognosis for long-term vision. So far no treatment method has proven to be effective in a prospective ... -
Die operative Versorgung der kindlichen Katarakt. Eine retrospektive Datenanalyse über 25 Jahre
(2019-03-19)Background: The aim of this study was to assess the spectrum and frequency of intra- and postoperative complications in children with congenital lens opacity requiring treatment. In addition there was an investigation of ... -
Perioperative Blutungskomplikationen bei Netzhaut- und Glaukomeingriffen
(2021-07-07)Objective: (1) To evaluate the use of a standardized preoperative bleeding questionnaire (by PD Dr. J. Koscielny and PD Dr. C. Sucker, Charité Berlin) in intraocular surgery, which is used in many different surgical ... -
Prospektive Evaluation kardiovaskulärer Risikofaktoren bei Patienten mit venösen Gefäßverschlüssen im Auge
(2016-02-10)Retinal vein occlusions are one of the most common vascular diseases of the retina. During the occurrence and course of retinal vein occlusion in the eye, cardiovascular risk factors play a decisive role. As patients with ... -
Untersuchung der postoperativen Komplikationen bei skleranahtfixierter Kunstlinsenimplantation
(2019-05-29)Background.The sutured scleral-fixated posterior chamber lens is a technique often used for the treatment of eyes with or without poor capsular support. Objectives. To analyze the postoperative complication profile. ... -
Verlauf der funktionellen und morphologischen Veränderungen des Makulaödems unterschiedlicher Ursache unter dem Einfluss des Versicherungsstatus
(2020-07-23)Background: In ophthalmology, therapy with intravitreal drug applications (IVOM) has gained increasing importance in recent years, especially in the treatment of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic macular ... -
Verlauf der Sehschärfe unter dem Einfluss der intravitrealen Medikamentenapplikation. Retrospektive Analyse der Daten aus der klinischen Anwendung zum Erkrankungsbild der altersabhängigen Makuladegeneration.
(2022-01-21)The present retrospective study investigated which results can be expected by patients who were treated with intravitreal injection therapy due to age-related macular degeneration at the Eye Clinic of the University Medical ... -
Versorgung von Patienten mit Makulaödem in der Göttinger Augenklinik: Vergleich zweier intravitrealer Applikationsformen hinsichtlich Akzeptanz und Verträglichkeit
(2017-11-16)Purpose: Intravitreal drug injection is typically performed with 30 gauge cannulas using liquid or gas, while the 22 gauge applicator is used in dexamethasone implantation. The aim of the study was to compare patient ... -
Weitwinkel-Angiographie-Bildgebung zur Detektion von Ischämien bei Retinalen Venenverschlüssen
(2024-02-21)Retinal vein occlusions (RVO) are a relatively common and clinically relevant ophthalmological condition with numerous potential complications. Since diagnosis using fluorescein angiography (FAG) imaging, particularly the ... -
Wie viel Aussage hat DRIL? Bedeutung der inneren Netzhautschichten bei Patienten mit retinalen Gefäßverschlüssen
(2024-07-23)Purpose: To examine the interrater and intrarater reliability of qualitatively and quantitatively assessed disorganization of retinal inner layers (DRIL) and disorganization of retinal outer layers (DROL) by multiple raters. ... -
Wirksamkeit von Ranibizumab bei Patienten mit Chorioidaler Neovaskularisation (CNV) bei altersabhängiger Makuladegeneration (AMD) -RABIMO-
(2018-01-04)The purpose of this research was to evaluate prospectively the efficacy and safety of a fixed bimonthly ranibizumab treatment regimen (RABIMO) in eyes with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) and to compare ...