Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Psychogios, Marios-Nikos Dr."
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Anwendbarkeit des Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS) anhand multimodaler CT-Bildgebung in der Schlaganfallfrühdiagnostik und dessen Fähigkeit zur Vorhersage des klinischen Behandlungsergebnisses für Patienten, welche durch Thrombusextraktion durch Aspiration behandelt werden.
(2016-12-14)Ischaemic stroke is a severe incident which requires quick vessel recanalisation. To achieve this, several therapeutic approaches exist. Quick image based patient selection for individual therapeutic decisions is crucial ... -
Halsgefäßstenosen Computertomographische Angiographie (CTA) versus Digitale Subtraktionsangiographie (DSA)
(2013-08-27)The stroke ranks among the most common lethal diseases in Germany. Approximately 20% of the insults are caused by occlusion or embolic effective material of plaque ruptures of constricted cervical vessels. An early diagnosis ... -
Mechanische Rekanalisation bei akutem ischämischen Schlaganfall durch Aspirationsthrombektomie mit dem Penumbra System
(2013-06-03)BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The Penumbra System is an innovative mechanical device designed to recanalize large-vessel occlusions by thrombus aspiration. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and neurologic ...