Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Rödig, Tina PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Effizienz von ProTaper-Universal-Retreatment-Instrumenten für die Entfernung thermoplastischer Guttapercha aus gekrümmten Wurzelkanälen - Eine Mikro-CT-Studie
(2019-11-08)AIM: Ex vivo study to evaluate the efficacy of ProTaper Universal Retreatment instruments in removing Thermafil, GuttaCore and vertically compacted gutta-percha from curved root canals using micro-CT. METHOLOGY: 60 curved ... -
Effektivität von reziprok und rotierend arbeitenden Nickel-Titan-Instrumenten zur Revisionsbehandlung an gekrümmten Molaren - Eine Mikro-Computertomografie-Studie -
(2019-05-29)Aim: To compare the efficacy of reciprocating and rotary NiTi-instruments in removing filling material from curved root canals using micro-computed tomography. Methodology: Sixty curved root canals were prepared and filled ... -
Formkongruenzen zwischen Ein-Feilen-NiTi-Systemen und korrespondierenden Guttaperchastiften
(2019-03-13)Abstract: Introduction: To simplify the preparation and obturation of root canals, various manufacturers offer single-file systems with matching gutta-percha points (GP). The aim of this study was to determine the file ... -
Vergleich der antibakteriellen Effektivität vier unterschiedlicher Techniken zur Aktivierung der Wurzelkanalspülung (Hand, Ultraschall, RinsEndo®, EndoVac®) auf Enterococcus faecalis anhand eines Wurzelkanal-Biofilm-Modells
(2018-01-24)OBJECTIVE: The failure of primary root canal treatments is mostly due to persisting bacteria. Several irrigation techniques have been introduced with the main objective of improving root canal disinfection. The aim of this ... -
Antibakterielle Wirksamkeit der photodynamischen Therapie bei verschiedenen Insertionstiefen einer LED-Lichtquelle anhand eines Enterococcus faecalis-Biofilm-Modells
(2017-08-08)OBJECTIVE: The failure of root canal treatments are often associated with the extremely resistant bacterium Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis). The aim of the present study was to investigate the PDT for the germ reduction ...