Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Baraki, Hassina Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Auswirkung von verschiedenen Gefäßklemmen auf die Kollagenmatrix der ovinen biosynthetischen Gefäßprothese
(2024-03-04)Background: Ovine biosynthetic prostheses have established themselves in the field of vascular surgery; they can be used effectively both for septic vascular surgery – in cases where there are no autogenous bypass materials ... -
Biografische Besonderheiten und Persönlichkeitsmerkmale habilitierter Chirurginnen und Chirurgen
(2019-07-11)Purpose: Given the high attrition rate in the field of academic surgery, we aimed to characterise the professional and personal situations of female and male academic surgeons as well as to gather data on their respective ... -
Früh- und Spätergebnisse nach Latissimus-dorsi-Lappenplastiken bei sternalen Wundheilungsstörungen und Wundinfektionen
(2020-05-14)Background: This study aimed to describe the subjective and objective results of the latissimus dorsi muscle flap and propose it as a reconstructive option for postoperative thoracic defects. Methods: A systematic search ... -
Histologische Analyse einer Serie chirurgisch explantierter Okkluder für den interventionellen Verschluss von Atriumseptumdefekten
(2021-10-26)Devices for interventional atrial septal defect closure are meant to remain in patient’s bodies for several years. Up until now little is known about the long-term biocompatibility. The main goal of this work was ... -
Der roboterassistierte Lymphknotentransfer mittels vaskularisiertem Omentumlappen in der Therapie des sekundären Lymphödems der Extremitäten
(2021-11-25)Secondary lymphedema of the extremities is a chronic progressive disease of the lymphatic system, which in the western world occurs predominantly after oncological-surgical therapy and radiotherapy. Great suffering and ...