Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Gersdorff, Nikolaus PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Die Effizienz von D-RaCe- und ProTaper-Universal-Retreatment-Nickel-Titan-Instrumenten und Handfeilen bei der Entfernung von Guttapercha aus gekrümmten Wurzelkanälen. Eine Micro-Computertomografie-Studie
(2012-10-23)AIM: To compare the efficacy of two rotary NiTi retreatment systems and Hedström files in removing filling material from curved root canals. METHODOLOGY: Curved root canals of 57 extracted teeth were prepared using FlexMaster ... -
Einfluss der In-situ-Pellikel auf die erosive Kalzium-Freisetzung aus Zahnschmelz
(2012-01-06)Aim: The aim of the present study was to investigate the protective properties of the pellicle layer with regard to different formation times and intraoral sites during incubation with ... -
Einfluss verschiedener Reinigungsmethoden auf die Haftkraft rezementierter implantatgetragener Zirkoniumdioxid-Kronengerüste
(2013-11-07)Steadily increasing demands for aesthetically pleasing fixed restorations have led to an enormous development in dental implantology. Further the development of dental ceramics resulted in a more frequent application of ... -
Evaluation der Abzugskräfte von implantatgetragenen Kronengerüsten auf Zirkoniumdioxidbasis in Abhängigkeit von der Abutmentgeometrie und Zementierungsart
(2013-11-07)The investigations of tests were conducted to determine the necessary adhesive force for cementation of 60 single crowns made of circonia frameworks cemented on implant abutments. As variable parameters three different ... -
Kephalometrische und photogrammetrische Analysen von Weichteilveränderungen des Gesichtsprofils nach orthognathen chirurgischen Eingriffen
(2013-07-30)For dysgnathia of Angle Class II and III, the goal of therapy is not only the correction of dental and basal deformities itself, but also to achieve attractive aesthetics with improvement of the facial profile. For this ... -
Kraftabgabe thermoplastisch geformter Schienen mit inzisaler Schlitzung zur orthodontischen Zahnbewegung
(2012-08-09)This study's aim is to determine the initial forces generated by thermoplastic appliances of various designs when tipping an upper central incisor in palatinal and vestibular direction. For these tests, newly developed ... -
Retrospektive Analyse zur Untersuchung implantatgetragener, stegretinierter Deckprothesen zur Versorgung zahnloser Kiefer
(2013-05-29)Objectives: Implant-supported, bar retained overdentures in the edentulous maxilla and in the mandible were examined for their restoration- and their implant-related survival rates and the prevalence of technical and ... -
Technische und biologische Komplikationen von einteiligen Zirkonoxidaufbauten und Vollkeramikkronen auf Einzelzahnimplantaten: 5-Jahresergebnisse einer retrospektiven klinischen Studie
(2014-08-14)This retrospective study evaluates the clinical outcomes of prefabricated one-piece zirconia abutments and all ceramic crowns in the anterior region over an observation period of five to seven years with closer examination ... -
Tissue Engineering von Knochen-Vergleichende Untersuchung der Differenzierung humaner Knochenmarkstromazellen (hBMSC) auf Kalziumkarbonat-Biomaterialien unter Verwendung zweier unterschiedlicher Besiedelungstechniken
(2011-10-05)The aim of the present study was to analyze, if human bone marrow stroma cells, seeded on scaffolds with addition of fibrin lead to unequal differentiation in comparison to the seeding ... -
Untersuchung der Formstabilität verschiedener Kunststoffe zur Herstellung steriler dentaler Implantatschablonen
(2013-09-12)The aim of the study was to evaluate different dental plastics for the possibility of sterilization and for form stability in order for them to be used (law-compliant) as an implant drilling template. Five plastics were ... -
Untersuchungen von Extraktionsalveolen mit der Stützimmersionsendoskopie
(2012-04-24)The purpose of this study was to visualise and to assess extraction sockets directly after extraction with the use of a support immersion endoscope. This for reason, 132 extraction sockets were evaluated endoscopically ... -
Vergleichende In-Vitro-Studie zur Applikation von Kalziumhydroxid-Einlagen mit verschiedenen Techniken und Medikamenten
(2014-03-07)Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate various application methods and drugs on the achievable homogeneity of the filling in the introduction of a calcium hydroxide paste in the root canal. Furthermore, the ... -
Eine vergleichende In-vitro-Studie zur maschinellen Wurzelkanalpräparation mit den Nickel-Titan-Systemen S5, Mtwo und ProTaper Universal
(2013-05-27)The introduction of rotary endodontic instruments made of nickel titanium has led to an important progress in endodontic treatment. Meanwhile there are numerous NiTi instruments on the market mainly varying in file design. ... -
Vergleichende Studie der Effektivität vier verschiedener Spültechniken zur Entfernung von Kalziumhydroxid aus einem gekrümmten Wurzelkanalsystem
(2012-07-27)Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of different irrigation techniques on the removal of calcium hydroxide from curved root canals with the focus on the angle and radius of curvature. Methodology: ...