Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Kauffmann, Philipp PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
Dreidimensionale Analyse der Kiefergelenkposition bei orthognather Chirurgie
(2022-01-14)Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of general anaesthesia during orthodontic surgery on centric condylar relation (CR) using a new three-dimensional method. Previous studies on the registration of ... -
Der Einfluss der Induktion von Tumornekrosefaktor α und Transforming-Growth-Factor β auf die epithelial-mesenchymale Transition oraler Plattenepithelkarzinome im CAM-Assay
(2021-02-09)Introduction: The oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) belongs to one of the highest malignant carcinomas of the upper aerodigestive passages. The aim of this study was to see if the fresh OSCC tumor samples could be used ... -
Epidemiologischer Vergleich und Analyse der operativen Versorgung von Patienten mit Lippen-, Kiefer-, Gaumenspalten - eine Mono-Center Analyse
(2022-11-29)From 2001 to 2019 404 patients with orofacial clefts have visited the clinic for maxillofacial surgery in Göttingen. An increasement of case numbers has shown during this period, even higher in male patients. The gender ... -
Knochenregeneration von akuten Critical-size-Defekten in der Mandibula des Göttinger Minischweins durch die kombinierte Freisetzung von rhBMP-2 und rhVEGF165 aus einem PDLLA/CaCO3-Komposit
(2023-06-15)The present study was designed to clarify whether the combined release of the growth factors rhBMP-2 and rhVEGF165 from PDLLA/CaCO3 composite material results in equivalent new bone formation to loading the carrier materials ... -
Metastasierungsmuster von Kopf-Halskarzinomen bei Erstdiagnose und in der Rezidivsituation - Eine retrospektive Analyse
(2021-08-17)The lymph node status is a decisive prognostic factor in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck and has a decisive influence on the 5-year survival rate of the patient. The present study on 313 patients with oral ... -
Mundgesundheitsstatus und Untersuchungen zur Auswirkung einer Botulinumtoxin-Injektionstherapie bei oromandibulären Dysfunktionen auf das stomatognathe System
(2019-10-17)The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of botulinum toxin injection therapy on the stomatognathic system in patients with oromandibular dysfunctions. In addition, the condition of the oral health and the ... -
Proteomanalyse parodontaler Zellen in Kultur mit Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans und Eikenella corrodens
(2022-05-12)The periodontium is formed by gingiva, root cementum, PDL and alveolar bone. It is responsible for elastic anchorage of the tooth in the alveolar bone, proprioception during mastication, speech, and protection of adjacent ... -
Standardisierte und qualitätsgesicherte Video-Prüfung: Aufklärungsgespräch vor der Operation
(2019-07-04)Background: Communication skills combined with specialized knowledge are fundamental to a good and trust-based doctor/patient relationship. Our aim was to develop a quality-assured video-recorded objective structured ... -
Untersuchung zur Reliabilität elektronischer Registriersysteme am Beispiel des ARCUSdigma II
(2021-05-27)In digital axiography relative motions of the mandible are recorded with a paraocclusal mounted writing bow and a facebow attached to the head. The attachment of the writing bow is either carried out by individualized ... -
Vergleich analoger und digitaler Aktendokumentation im Fachgebiet der Mund-, Kiefer-, Gesichtschirurgie sowie Anwendung und Akzeptanz des Digitalisierungsprozesses
(2023-06-26)Digital documentation forms the basis for efficient cooperation between the service providers involved in the care process of a patient. The Universitätsmedizin Göttingen (UMG) started implementing the new hospital information ... -
Wissen und Fähigkeiten von Notfallmedizinern zum dentalen Traumamanagement in der präklinischen und klinischen Notversorgung
(2022-08-09)Doctors in preclinical and clinical emergency medicine are often confronted with dental trauma in the course of their work. Adequate diagnosis and an early start are often decisive for the prognosis of the injured tooth. ...