Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Klinge, Lars PD Dr."
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Untersuchungen zum Einfluss der Dysferlindefizienz auf den speichergesteuerten, transsarkolemmalen Kalziumstrom und triadenassoziierte Proteine im murinen Skelettmuskel
(2021-11-25)Dysferlinopathies constitute a group of progressive muscle diseases, whose pathogenesis is not entirely understood. Compared to other muscular dystrophies, a distinctive clinical feature of the Dysferlinopathies is the ... -
Charakterisierung der Skelettmuskelregeneration im Mausmodell der Einschlusskörpermyositis
(2014-05-26)The inclusion body myositis is the most common acquired myopathy in patients over 50 years. The pathogenesis is not well known. Besides of degenerative and inflammatory mechanisms, an alteration in the regeneration capicity ...