Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Krick, Wolfgang PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
Variabilität der Magenentleerungsgeschwindigkeit und ihre Beziehung zum Spontan-Nüchtern-Blutzucker bei Patienten mit langjährigem Diabetes mellitus Typ 1
(2016-11-16)Gastric emptying can be delayed due to a neuropathy of the gastrointestinal tract. Former experiments showed that a rapid changing in the blood glucose concentration leads to a deceleration (hyperglycaemia) or increase ... -
Der positiv inotrope Effekt von Insulin am menschlichen Myokard
(2016-06-09)Insulin has been shown to exert positive inotropic effects in several in vitro and in vivo models, but signal transduction and substrate dependency remain unclear. We examined inotropic responses and signal transduction ... -
Nierenschützende Wirkung von Calcitriol additiv zu Ramipril auf die Nierenfibrose im AlportMaus-Modell
(2016-03-01)Background: Alport syndrome (AS) is a hereditary, progressive, glomerular nephritis that leads to end-stage renal disease in young adult life. AS is a rare and presently uncurable condition; available treatments tackle ... -
Neue Therapieansätze für das Alport-Syndrom: Nephroprotektives, antifibrotisches und antiinflammatorisches Potential von Paricalcitol additiv zu Ramipril in einem Mausmodell für progressive Nierenfibrose
(2014-07-25)Background: Alport syndrome (AS) is a hereditary, progressive, glomerular nephritis that leads to end-stage renal disease in young adult life. AS is a rare and presently uncurable condition; available treatments tackle ... -
Einfluss der Kollagenrezeptoren ITGA2 und DDR1 in der Pathogenese von glomerulären Nierenerkrankungen am Doppelknockout-Tiermodell
(2014-05-07)The majority of chronic renal diseases is caused by glomerular defects. In this dissertation therefore the role of collagen – receptors DDR1 and ITGA 2 in the pathogenesis of glomerular defects was investigated. The main ... -
Bedeutung der Blockade des lokalen Angiotensinsystems für die chronisch progrediente Niereninsuffizienz im Rahmen der Alport-Nephritis
(2012-08-30)The alport syndrome is the second most common hereditary renal disease, that is characterized by chronic and progressive renal failure. The main therapeutic focus at present is to delay the progression of the disease, since ... -
Prävention des Nierenversagens und der Nierenfibrose bei hereditären Erkrankungen der glomerulären Basalmembran (Alport-Syndrom) bei COL4A3-Knockout-Mäusen mit dem Reninantagonisten Aliskiren
(2012-05-31)The nephroprotectiv properties of the direct renin inhibitor Aliskiren in homozygote COL4A3 knockout mice were analysed in this paper. Consistent with the human disease Alport Syndrome, the mouse model shows the same ... -
Der Einfluss von Interleukin-1 und des Interleukin-1-Rezeptorantagonisten (Anakinra) auf die epithelial-mesenchymale Transition von Tubulusepithelzellen in vitro
(2011-09-28)The end stage renal disease is one of the central problems in nephrology. The worldwide prevalence of chronic kidney disease is rising annually. The process of renal fibrogenesis is thereby ... -
Intraokularlinse Acri. Lyc 59 RET® mit unveränderter Brechkraft bei Silikonöltamponade
(2011-06-16)Silicone oil tamponade is used in vitreous surgery for different ophthalmic diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy and proliferative vitreoretinopathy. An unwanted side effect of silicone ... -
Untersuchung der Expression von Cyclooxygenase-2, VEGF und der Gefäßdichte im Nierenzellkarzinom
(2010-08-10)Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) influences the cell transformation to malignant cells, their proliferation, migration and tissue invasion, apoptosis and tumorangiogenesis. The latter is a fundamental ... -
Entwicklung und Erprobung eines in-vitro-Modellsystems zur Untersuchung von lastabhängigen Regulationsvorgängen der myokardialen Genexpression
(2007-01-31)The objective of this study was to develop a control setup for the culture of isotonically contracting muscle strip-preparations, based on an existing isometric long-term culture system. With this setup it would be possible ...