Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Rickmann, Michael PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Kortikale Repräsentation der humanen aurikulären Muskulatur: Eine Untersuchung mittels robotergestützter und neuronavigationsbasierter transkranieller Magnetstimulation
(2016-12-12)Little is known about the neuroanatomy of the auricular muscles in humans. To locate the cortical representation of the posterior auricular muscle (PAM) in humans, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) mapping was performed ... -
Untersuchung der Schwann-Zell-Migarion und -Proliferation im peripheren sympathischen Nervensystem der Maus
(2011-10-27)Schwann cells are glial cells of the peripheral nervous system which are responsible for the myelination of nerve axons taking on a nutrimental function at the same time. The expansion of ... -
Morphologische Veränderungen im Nucleus nervi facialis und im Motorkortex adulter Ratten nach Durchtrennung des Nervus facialis
(2011-10-19)The results of this study provide an insight into reorganization processes of nerve cell groups within the central nervous system (cortex) after peripheral Fazialisaxotomie in the rat. In ... -
Postnatale Gliogenese und Synaptogenese im somatosensorichen Coex der Maus
(2011-10-19)The present experimental work is based on an electron microscopic examination of brain tissue that was removed from postnatal mice at a specified time sequence. A special role has the ...