Human- und Zahnmedizin: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 3068
Interaktion von Lymphomzellen und Makrophagen in einem in-ovo-Modell
(2024-11-21)In recent years, there has been increasing evidence that the tumor microenvironment plays a varying but important role in the development of lymphomas in different types of lymphoma and influences the success of treatment. ... -
FOXO3 in myogener Differenzierung vor dem Hintergrund von Sarkopenie und Kachexie
(2024-11-19)Sarcopenia and cachexia are medical conditions that are characterized to different extent by a loss in muscle strength and muscle mass and cause a serious negative impact on patient`s health and quality of life. Until now ... -
Prospektive klinische Studie zur Bewährung metallkeramischer Kronen und vollkeramischer Zirkonoxidkronen nach einem Beobachtungszeitraum von 10 Jahren
(2024-11-19)This practice based prospective clinical study investigated the clinical performance of veneered all-ceramic crowns (VKK) with an anatomically shaped framework design and a ceramic veneer with long-term cooldown compared ... -
Morphologische Studien zu Veränderungen der Vaskularisation der Cochlea bei verschiedenen Formen der Schallempfindungsschwerhörigkeit
(2024-11-19)The objective of this work was the further development and implementation of methods for the qualitative and quantitative investigation of the fine-vascular structures of the lateral wall of the murine cochlea in presbycusis ... -
A single center long-term comparison of remote magnetic navigation-assisted catheter ablation versus manual catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation
(2024-11-19)Background: Data comparing remote magnetic catheter navigation (RMN) with manual catheter navigation (MCN) ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF) is lacking. The aim of the present study was to compare the outcome of RMN ... -
Die Auswirkungen von Ostarine und Raloxifen auf die Skelettmuskulatur im ovarektomierten Rattenmodell
(2024-11-18)Due to demographic change, age-related diseases such as sarcopenia and osteoporosis are becoming an increasing challenge in Germany. One of the main causes of sarcopenia and muscle weakness is low sex hormone concentrations ... -
Die Assoziation zwischen niedrigem Blutdruck und der Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) im Verlauf von Kindheit und Adoleszenz.
(2024-11-18)Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common behavioral disorders in childhood and adolescence, associated with significant psychosocial impairment. The basic pathophysiology of ADHD may be ... -
Auswirkungen von Cannabidiol (CBD) auf das Gedächtnis, Angst- und Lernverhalten sowie die Alzheimer Pathologie in weiblichen 5xFAD Mäusen
(2024-11-15)In this study, the influence of the non-psychoactive cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) on amyloid pathology, neuroinflammation, as well as cognitive and anxiety-related behavioral changes associated with Alzheimer's disease ... -
Calciumtransienten in Peroxisomen
(2024-11-12)Introduction: Peroxisomes are small cell organelles that play an important role in metabolic functions such as alpha- and beta-oxidation of fatty acids and ROS-homeostasis. So far the data of calcium concentrations and ... -
Investigation on female and male hippocampal neurons
(2024-11-12)There is no doubt that there are differences between the sexes. According to present knowledge, they start with the question of whether an individual inherits a second X chromosome or a Y chromosome. From this point ... -
Vorhersage des PD-L1-Status von pulmonalen Adenokarzinomen anhand präoperativer CT-Bildgebung und KI-Verfahren
(2024-11-12)Lung cancer, particularly adenocarcinoma as the most common histological subtype, are one of the most frequent cancer diseases and show increasing incidence and high mortality. In recent years progress has been achieved ... -
Überlebensanalysen von Patienten mit Glioblastomen – Identifikation von klinischen, radiologischen und molekulargenetischen prognostischen Faktoren
(2024-11-12)Obtaining a prognostic assessment at the time of diagnosis is of great importance for the affected patients and their relatives. Clinical, radiological and molecular genetic factors were examined as predictive parameters ... -
Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität nach Polytrauma
(2024-11-12)Introduction Polytrauma is the leading cause of mortality and long-term disability among children and young adults. Advances in polytrauma management over the last decades have significantly improved survival rates. ... -
The effect of electrical tachypacing on optical action potentials of human atrial cardiomyocytes derived from induced pluripotent stem cells
(2024-11-11)Atrial fibrillation is one of the most clinically relevant cardiac arrhythmias worldwide. To improve the understanding of the underlying pathomechanisms and develop further pharmacological therapies for this disease, ... -
Teratome des Hodens mit somatischer Malignität – Eine morphologische, immunhistochemische und molekularpathologische Analyse
(2024-11-11)The prognosis of testicular germ cell tumors, the most common neoplasm in young men, deteriorates when resistance to platinum-based chemotherapy develops. A potential mechanism for this resistance is the development of a ... -
Körperliche Belastbarkeit und systolische und diastolische Funktion bei Patient*innen mit asymptomatischer systolischer Herzinsuffizienz mit reduzierter linksventrikulärer Ejektionsfraktion
(2024-11-06)This dissertation took a closer look at 213 NYHA I patients with a reduced ejection fraction from the prospective-cohort study TransitionCHF-DZHK2 in Göttingen. Patients received a detailed echocardiographic examination ... -
Einfluss von GnRH-Analoga auf Proliferation und Invasion von GnRH-Rezeptor-positiven Zervixkarzinomzellen
(2024-11-06)Despite a significant decline in the incidence of cervical cancer in Germany due to the intensification of preventive measures, the five-year overall survival rate for cervical cancer remains at 65%. Conversely, cervical ... -
Gastrointestinale Motilität und infektiologischer Verlauf bei kritisch kranken Patienten mit spontaner intrazerebraler parenchymatöser Blutung
(2024-11-05)This study aims to identify the risk factors for the development of inflammatory processes such as systemic inflammatory response syndrome and sepsis in patients with spontaneous intracerebral parenchymal hemorrhage and ... -
Ressourcen und Grenzen Angehöriger von Menschen mit fortgeschrittener COPD besser verstehen: eine qualitative Studie
(2024-11-05)Research question: COPD is a chronic disease that is very stressful both mentally and physically in its advanced stages and is now the third most common cause of death worldwide. People with COPD are reluctant to seek ... -
Rescue des proarrhythmogen letalen Phänotyps einer Ca2+/Calmodulin abhängigen Proteinkinase II-Überesxpression durch gezielte Inhibition einer neuronalen Natriumkanalisoform
(2024-11-05)Heart failure is a complex condition that induces cardiac arrhythmias, significantly contributing to high morbidity and mortality rates. The overexpression of Ca2+/Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) leads to ...