Human- und Zahnmedizin
Recent Submissions
Neurofilament Light Chain als Biomarker einer möglichen neuronalen Zellschädigung unter EKT-Behandlung bei unipolar depressiven Patienten
(2024-10-14)Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a well-established and highly effective treatment for severe treatment-resistant depression, among other conditions. Nevertheless, concerns regarding potential long-term neuronal damage ... -
Spermatozytäre Tumoren – Eine Optimierung des diagnostischen Prozesses
(2024-10-11)Spermatocytic tumors are among the gonadal germ cell tumors, which in turn make up the largest proportion of testicular tumors. Spermatocytic tumors are known as tumors of the older man. However, around 30% of patients are ... -
Evaluation der Standard Operating Procedure für das Leitsymptom „Abdominelle Schmerzen” in der Klinischen Akut- und Notfallmedizin
(2024-10-11)The leading symptom ‘abdominal pain’ is one of the most common reasons for patient presentation in German emergency departments. It is not only gaining in importance due to its heterogeneity of differential diagnoses and ... -
Osteogene und angiogene in vivo Differenzierung auf mit MSC und HUVEC prävaskularisierten Hydroxylapatitmatrizes
(2024-10-11)Autologous transplantation of bone tissue is the gold standard for treating bone defects. Since the complications and limitations of autologous transplantation are diverse, the development of alternatives is of great ... -
„Inter-Kohorten-Vergleich der gastrointestinalen Funktion kritisch erkrankter internistischer Patient*innen“
(2024-10-11)In the treatment of critically ill patients, the administration of medications plays a crucial role. There are two main routes of administration: enteral (orally or via a nasogastric tube) and parenteral (directly into the ... -
Etablierung neuer Biomarker für die Differenzierung von malignen Keimzelltumoren des Hodens
(2024-10-11)Testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) are the most common malignant tumors in young men between the ages of 25 and 45. They account for approximately 90 % of testicular tumors and are divided into seminomas and non-seminomas. ... -
Influence of oligodendrocytes on neuronal network activity
(2024-10-11)Myelination of axons is an important function of oligodendrocytes. This highly complex process is influenced by a multitude of factors, not all of which are known, let alone completely understood. The myelin sheath is ... -
Age-dependent alterations of medial olivocochlear efferent synapses in the murine cochlea
(2024-10-11)Age-related hearing loss, also referred to as presbycusis, is defined as bilateral, symmetrical sensorineural hearing loss caused by age-related alterations of the auditory system. Previous studies on ARHL have investigated ... -
Kinematische Untersuchung des Wirbelsäulensegments C4/C5 mittels Rotationsachsen vor und nach Einbau von Bandscheibenprothesen
(2024-10-11)Cervical disc herniations and degenerative changes in the cervical spine are common causes of neck pain and hold significant medical relevance. In addition to conservative treatment methods, anterior cervical discectomy ... -
Generation of human innervated engineered skeletal muscle
(2024-10-10)In this medical thesis we made use of human induced pluripotent stem cells and organoid technique to establish a protocol for the generation of spinal motor neuron organoids. Additionally, spinal motor neuron organoids ... -
Einfluss medikamentöser Inhibition der anaplastischen Lymphomkinase auf die Regulation der mitochondrialen Apoptose in ALK+ anaplastisch großzelligen T-Zell Lymphomen
(2024-10-08)T-cell lymphomas are a rare, heterogeneous group of diseases of mature post-thymic T- or natural killer cells with primarily nodal or extranodal manifestation. The anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) can be classified ... -
Treffsicherheit der von Notärzten gestellten Verdachtsdiagnose eines ischämischen oder eines hämorrhagischen Schlaganfalls
(2024-10-04)Stroke is the second most common cause of death worldwide and a frequent emergency in the emergency services. The definition of a stroke is an acute neurological deficit due to a lesion in the central nervous system. A ... -
In-vitro-Untersuchung der Zytotoxizität der synthetischen Nanomaterialien Kohlenstoffnanohörner und CdSe/CdS Nanostäbchen
(2024-10-04)As the variety and quantity of synthetic nanoparticles produced increases, so does the potential for inhalation uptake, including as free and airborne pollutants. This work investigated effects of synthetic nanomaterials ... -
Diagnostik, Prävalenz und molekulare Charakterisierung von Clostridioides difficile im ländlichen Ghana
(2024-10-01)This study investigated the role of Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) as a cause of diarrheal diseases in rural Ghana. Between November 2013 and September 2014, 176 stool samples from diarrhea patients and 131 samples ... -
RT-QuIC-Assay zur Detektion von BSE in Rindern im Vergleich zu anderen Proteinaggregat-Detektionsverfahren
(2024-09-25)Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is a transmissible neurodegenerative disease with fatal outcome. Occurring in cattle it can be transferred to humans via the food chain causing variant Creutztfeldt-Jakob disease ... -
Manueller Long-Axis-Strain in der kardialen Magnetresonanztomographie zur Approximierung der linksatrialen Funktion und Risikoprädiktion nach Myokardinfarkt
(2024-09-25)The goal of this dissertation was to retrospectively assess the prognostic utility of left atrial long axis strain (LA LAS) in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in a study population of two multicentric studies of survivors ... -
Die Rolle der Glykogen Synthase Kinase 3β in der Regulation von DNS-Schäden und Chemotherapieresistenz im Pankreaskarzinom
(2024-09-24)Pancreatic carcinoma is one of the most aggressive solid tumour types and is characterized by pronounced molecular heterogeneity. Research is continuing into molecularly definable subgroups that are suitable for targeted, ... -
Pankreatisch zystische Neoplasien und das orointestinale Mikrobiom: Evaluierung als Biomarker
(2024-09-24)Pancreatic cystic neoplasms (PCN) are mostly benign cystic lesions of the pancreas, which can be a precursor lesion for pancreatic cancer. The risk of malignancy varies widely, depending on the entity of the PCN. Despite ... -
Die Identifikation transkriptioneller Biomarker für periphere Polyneuropathien
(2024-09-24)Peripheral polyneuropathies are a heterogeneous group of widespread diseases of the peripheral nerves that can be caused by numerous factors. Differentiating between different types of polyneuropathies and identifying their ... -
Die Auswirkungen von Tenalisib und Ruxolitinib auf Hodgkin-Lymphom-Zellen und Makrophagen sowie auf deren Interaktion
(2024-09-24)Recent research on Hodgkin lymphoma has shown that the tumor microenvironment, particularly macrophages, plays a role in the development and progression of lymphomas. The underlying mechanisms and the potential therapeutic ...