Human- und Zahnmedizin
Recent Submissions
Machbarkeits-Studie zur Implementierung formativer Key-Feature-Prüfungen in der Zahnmedizin
(2025-02-07)This study examines the feasibility and optimization of formative key feature cases in dental education. The aim was to determine whether this examination format is suitable for capturing critical key aspects of dental ... -
Evaluation des Einflusses einer Beckenfraktur auf klinische Parameter und das Outcome Schwerverletzter eines überregionalen Traumazentrums
(2025-02-06)The prevalence of pelvic fractures has remained constant at 3–8% over the years. Despite continuous advancements in medicine and a general reduction in trauma-related mortality, pelvic ring fractures are often associated ... -
Veränderungen der Ultrastruktur des axonalen Cytoskeletts während der akuten axonalen Degeneration
(2025-02-06)The ultrastructure of the cytoskeleton of axons shows a periodically arranged sub-plasmalemmal membrane skeleton. It is formed by ring-shaped actin filaments and associated membrane proteins and is connected by spectrin ... -
A cross-sectional study on the impact of herbal medicine on the prevalence of bacterial and fungal pathogens in wound infections and surgical site infections in rural Ghana
(2025-02-06)This study was performed to get a better understanding about the use of traditional herbal medicine on wound infection in Ghana, and to analyze possible effects on wound pathogen composition and pathogen resistance. Our ... -
Outcome und Adhärenz moderierende Faktoren einer intensiven Sportintervention in drei psychiatrischen Störungsentitäten: subjektiver Gesundheitszustand, somatoforme Symptomlast, sportliche Vorerfahrung
(2025-02-06)According to the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010, mental illnesses account for 7.4% of the globally lost healthy life years (Whiteford et al. 2015). Identifying and researching effective therapeutic approaches is ... -
Chondrogene Differenzierung mesenchymaler Stammzellen: Der Einfluss von Hyaluronan und Kollagen-Typ-II auf die Chondrogenese in PEGDA-Hydrogelen
(2025-02-05)The treatment of cartilage defects is challenging since cartilage, as a bradytrophic and avascular tissue, lacks the necessary self-regeneration capacity to adequately repair degenerative, inflammatory or traumatic defects. ... -
Patientenadhärenz in der ambulanten Nachsorge der Frühgeborenenretinopathie an der UMG-Augenklinik
(2025-02-05)Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) poses a serious risk of lifelong visual impairment or even blindness for affected children, which is why consistent screening examinations are essential. While in the inpatient setting, ... -
Computertomographie bei COVID-19 Pneumonien und pulmonalen Non-COVID Erkrankungen: Diagnostische Genauigkeit der radiologischen Beurteilung und maschineller Lernverfahren
(2025-02-05)Since early 2020, the novel Covid-19 pneumonia has been spreading worldwide and poses a diagnostic challenge. Medical imaging techniques such as computed tomography (CT) play an important role in diagnosing Covid-19. ... -
Finite element analysis investigation of positive reduction in the femoral neck fracture
(2025-02-05)Aim Gotfried positive reduction offers an alternative strategy for femoral neck fracture (FNF) when achieving anatomical reduction is challenging. However, quantifying positive reduction and assessing the potential issues ... -
Untersuchung des Stuhlverhaltens von Neugeborenen in Abhängigkeit von extrinsischen Faktoren (Kohorten Studie)
(2025-02-03)Delayed meconium passage in preterm infants is common in very low birth weight infants, and there is evidence in the literature of a high risk of gastrointestinal complications, particularly in preterm infants of low ... -
Suizidalität bei Depressionen unter repetitiver transkranieller Magnetstimulation
(2025-01-31)Suicidality is a serious global public health problem and is closely associated with depression. There is a need for effective anti-suicidal therapies. rTMS shows promising potential as a modern form of therapy. Due to the ... -
Analyse der Phagozytoseaktivität in humanem Vollblut gesunder Probanden unterschiedlicher Altersgruppen und an Clostridioides difficile-Enteritis erkrankter Patienten
(2025-01-31)This dissertation deals with the analysis of phagocytosis activity in human whole blood from healthy volunteers of different age groups and patients suffering from Clostridioides difficile enteritis. For this purpose, two ... -
Die Etablierung normgerechter Schneidezahninklinationen – eine Überprüfung von potentiell relevanten Einflussfaktoren auf kephalometrische Zielgrößen
(2025-01-31)According to the results obtained in this retrospective in vivo study, neither the use of incisor brackets with torque differences of 10° (Roth vs. Ricketts brackets) nor the alternative use of 0.017x0.025 CNA finishing ... -
Sportliche Aktivität: Häufigkeiten und Assoziationen mit kardiovaskulären Risikofaktoren, Ernährungsverhalten und psychischem Wohlbefinden in einer Nordwest-Deutschen Kohortenstudie
(2025-01-31)Physical activity is closely linked to cardiovascular risk factors, dietary behavior, and psychological well-being, as demonstrated by the northwestern German ELITE study involving over 4,600 participants. The aim of the ... -
Stellenwert der Leberbiopsie zur Klärung der Ätiologie unklarer chronischer Leberwerterhöhung
(2025-01-31)Elevated liver enzymes are common and require thorough investigation to enable timely treatment and prevent fibrosis progression. Advances in diagnostics have reduced the need for liver biopsies, but they remain valuable ... -
Genetische Variabilität im Enzym CYP2D6: Bedeutung für die Pharmakokinetik und Pharmakodynamik von Metoprolol bei einmaliger und mehrfacher Dosierung
(2025-01-31)Introduction: Treating caradiovascular diseases with metoprolol, there are significant differences between groups of patients. Several previous studies identified the effect of CYP2D6 polymorphism on the pharamacokinetics ... -
Entwicklung eines Perfusions-CT basierten Vasospasmus-Score zur Prädiktion des klinischen Langzeitergebnisses nach einer aneurysmatischen Subarachnoidalblutung
(2025-01-31)Introduction: Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) is associated with high mortality and morbidity rates. The high morbidity is primarily due to delayed neurological deficits, which are exacerbated by the occurrence ... -
Einfluss des hämodynamischen Subtyps der Aortenklappenstenose auf das Langzeitüberleben nach TAVI
(2025-01-30)Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is an established treatment option alongside surgical aortic valve replacement for severe symptomatic aortic valve stenosis. This study investigated the influence of hemodynamic ... -
Klinisch-radiologische Untersuchung traumatischer Facettengelenkverletzungen der subaxialen Halswirbelsäule
(2025-01-30)Background. One of the latest developments in the field of traumatic spinal injuries is the new AOSpine injury classification of the subaxial cervical spine. Based on the classification of the thoracolumbar spine, facet ... -
Funktionelle Ergebnisse nach lasermikrochirurgischer Abtragung benigner Befunde der Stimmlippen
(2025-01-28)The aim of this study was to evaluate whether patients with benign vocal fold lesions benefit from laser micro-surgical excision in terms of voice quality and whether the laser can be used as a safe instrument in ...