Human- und Zahnmedizin
Recent Submissions
Inzidenz von Arrhythmien nach Leberoperationen: Risikofaktoren für das Auftreten von postoperativen Herzrhythmusstörungen und deren Einfluss auf den postoperativen Verlauf von Patienten
(2024-12-13)Not only after cardiac or thoracic operations, but also after abdominal operations such as liver resections, cardiac arrhythmias (CA) regularly occur as a postoperative complication during the inpatient course. This is ... -
Klinisches outcome nach adjuvanter Radiotherapie bei Patienten mit oralem Plattenepithelkarzinom unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Ablehnung der adjuvanten Therapie
(2024-12-13)Adjuvant radio- or radiochemotherapy is considered an effective means of improving the overall survival or disease-free survival of patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma. Despite the advantage of adjuvant therapy, ... -
Charakterisierung der Synapsen-spezifischen Verteilung des Proteins Mover während der Differenzierung neuronaler Primärkulturen
(2024-12-13)The protein Mover was identified as a binding partner of the presynaptic scaffolding protein Bassoon using a yeast two-hybrid system. Biochemical studies have shown that Mover is associated with synaptic vesicles. ... -
Patient-Reported Disease Measurement
(2024-12-13)The aim of this work was to find an approach to give psychiatric patients an opportunity to send information about their mental and health status (in advance of treatment) digitally to the clinic and thus to the treating ... -
The assessment of multidimensional psychopathological outcomes after traumatic brain injury
(2024-12-13)Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is frequently associated with neuropsychiatric impairments such as symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can be screened using self-report instruments such as the Post-Traumatic ... -
Ausmaß der Symptomkontrolle nach chirurgischer Fensterung von Pinealiszysten
(2024-12-13)The clinical management of pineal cysts remains controversial, with varying opinions regarding their pathological significance and the need for surgical intervention. While most patients are asymptomatic, some experience ... -
Analyse der In-vitro-Funktion verschiedener Anti-Siphon-Ventile in Kombination mit verschiedenen Differenzdruckventilen mit und ohne Bewegung
(2024-12-13)Shunt therapy using adjustable differential pressure valves combined with anti-siphon devices (ASDs) is a well-established approach for treating normal pressure hydrocephalus but continues to pose risks of severe complications, ... -
Molekulare Charakterisierung von kolorektalen Lebermetastasen mit unterschiedlichen histopathologischen Wachstumsmustern
(2024-12-12)Colorectal cancer liver metastases express different histopathological growth patterns. The three common ones are the replacement, the desmoplastic, and the pushing histopathological growth patterns. Whereas the both latter ... -
Der Einfluss von Raloxifen und Ostarine als Kombinationstherapie aus Östrogen- und Androgenrezeptormodulatoren auf die Knocheneigenschaften bei ovariektomierten Ratten
(2024-12-11)This study combined two pharmacological classes to investigate their preventive effect on the skeletal system of ovariectomised rats. The osteoanabolic properties of SARM Ostarine and the antiresorptive effect of SERM ... -
Die subakuten Effekte des Psilocybin auf Persönlichkeit, Achtsamkeit und die Auflösung des Selbst
(2024-12-10)Psychedelics are a class of drugs that can occasion similar changes in conscious ex- periences mediated via the G-protein coupled Serotonin 2A receptor. These changes vary from slight distortions in perceptions to ... -
Die Evaluierung einer innovativen, multifaktoriellen Formel zur Berechnung der individuellen Erfolgschancen einer Ocriplasmin-(Jetrea®)-Therapie in Augen mit durchgreifendem Makulaforamen
(2024-12-09)The eye, with its ability to see, is one of the most important organs in the human body. It is therefore valuable for life and survival and contributes significantly to the quality of life. With age, the eye also changes ... -
Vergleich der Artikulationsmuster von stotternden und nicht stotternden Probanden anhand der Echtzeit-Magnetresonanz-Tomographie
(2024-12-09)The original neurogenic non-syndromic stuttering begins in early childhood and can persist into adulthood. Its characteristic symptoms are repetition of sounds and syllables, prolongation of sounds, blocking and a variety ... -
Ganganalyse nach Talusfraktur
(2024-12-09)The talus is the bony connection between the lower leg and foot. It articulates with the tibia, fibula, calcaneus and navicular bone and is part of the ankle joint and the subtalar joint. The talus fracture is a rare ... -
Osteoporose bei Mastozytose: Retrospektive Analyse von Betroffenen kutaner oder systemischer Form
(2024-12-09)Mastocytosis is an infiltration of clonal mast cells either in the skin (cutaneous mastocytosis; CM) or at least one extracutaneous organ (systemic mastocytosis; SM). The most frequent systemic subtype is the indolent ... -
Evaluierung des scapholunären Abstandes mittels Echtzeit-MRT
(2024-12-09)The scapholunate interosseous ligament plays a crucial role in maintaining wrist stability, and its dysfunction can lead to instability and progressive joint degeneration. This study investigates the use of real-time MRI ... -
Optogenetic characterization of targeting-optimized Chronos and f-Chrimson variants for auditory encoding in mice
(2024-12-03)Electrical cochlear implants bypass the physiological micromechanics and synaptic sound encoding by sensory hair cells in the cochlea and provide state-of-the-art treatment of sensorineural hearing loss. To overcome the ... -
Role of FOXM1, GPX1, and CCNB1 in cisplatin resistance in malignant thymomas and thymic carcinomas
(2024-12-02)Cisplatin resistance in malignant thymomas and thymic carcinomas remains a significant challenge, impairing therapeutic efficacy and patient outcomes. This study investigates the roles of Glutathione Peroxidase 1 (GPX1), ... -
Die Beteiligung der Transmembranproteine EMMPRIN und Connexin 43 an der Epithelial-Mesenchymalen Transition (EMT) und Metastasierung im oralen Plattenepithelkarzinom
(2024-12-02)Metastasis is a major challenge in the progression of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and is closely related to epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) of tumor cells. In the present study, the expression profiles of ... -
Shear Stress and NETosis
(2024-11-29)Neutrophil granulocytes, the most abundant type of circulating immune cells, engage in a process called NETosis when encountering certain pathogens and danger signals or experimentally induced by phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate ... -
Genetische Polymorphismen im Bereich der Interferon Lambda (IFNL)-Gene und deren prädiktiver Wert für ein Ansprechen auf eine Chemo- oder Radiotherapie bei onkologischen Patienten
(2024-11-29)Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are among the pillars of conventional cancer treatment. The toxic effects of chemotherapeutic agents and the ionizing effects of radiotherapy induce necrosis in neoplastic cells, leading to ...