Human- und Zahnmedizin
Recent Submissions
Untersuchung der Assoziation zwischen Dopplerkurvencharakteristika der extrakraniellen, hirnversorgenden Gefäße und Aortenklappenvitien
(2024-09-06)Stroke is a common illness, particularly among older people, and in times of demographic change causes high costs for the healthcare system. A common risk factor for a stroke is thromboembolism, which can arise, for example, ... -
Vergleich der einseitigen und zweiseitigen Osteotomie im osteoporotischen Rattenmodell
(2024-09-06)The aim of this work was to heal a unilateral (UL) with bilateral (BL) osteotomy in the osteoporotic rat model. The assumption was that a UL osteotomy would result in an uneven Stress on the limbs occurs and this ... -
Die Wirkung von additiver systemischer Lysetherapie zur mechanischen Therapie auf das funktionelle Outcome in Schlaganfallpatient*innen mit proximalem Gefäßverschluss (LVOS) der vorderen Zirkulation
(2024-09-04)Background: Endovascular treatment (EVT) represents a highly effective intervention for the management of large vessel occlusion stroke (LVOS). The question of whether intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) prior to endovascular ... -
Erhalt des Restgehörs nach Insertionstrauma der Cochlea durch Applikation von Etanercept in die Scala tympani des Meerschweinchens
(2024-09-04)Objective: Cochlear implantation trauma causes both macroscopic and inflammatory trauma. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the TNF-alpha inhibitor etanercept applied after cochlear implantation ... -
Einfluss antiepileptischer Medikamente auf die funktionelle Konnektivität im Routine-EEG bei Patienten mit fokaler nicht-läsioneller Epilepsie
(2024-09-04)Epilepsy is one of the most important neurological disorders and affects up to 1% of the population in Germany (Brandt 2016). It is currently not possible to make a reliable statement on the prognosis and effectiveness of ... -
T1-Mapping des zervikalen Myelons bei degenerativer zervikaler Spinalkanalstenose
(2024-09-03)Cervical spinal canal stenosis is a common disease of the elderly and can cause a variety of symptoms. There are currently no standardised and clear treatment recommendations regarding the right treatment modality for ... -
Klinisches, neurophysiologisches und genetisches Spektrum der hereditären motorisch-sensiblen Neuropathien im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Eine retrospektive Datenauswertung der Patient*innen der Neuropädiatrie Göttingen aus den Jahren 2000 – 2017
(2024-09-02)In this retrospective, single-center observational study, the clinical, neurophysiological, and genetic spectrum of CMT neuropathies in childhood and adolescence is examined based on 49 patients who were treated at the ... -
Therapeutische Adressierung des PI3K/mTOR-Signalwegs in T-Zell-Lymphomen
(2024-09-02)This dissertation focuses on investigating the relevance of the PI3K/mTOR signaling pathway in T-cell lymphomas. T-cell lymphomas still pose a therapeutic challenge in clinical hematology and are often associated with a ... -
Zur Charakterisierung des humanen Krankheitsgens SLC33A1 und dessen Homologs in Hefe
(2024-08-28)A point mutation in the SLC33A1 gene leads to Huppke-Brendel syndrome, which is already lethal in early childhood. It particularly affects neurological development and is associated with significantly reduced serum copper ... -
Evaluation der Reproduzierbarkeit und Vergleichbarkeit verschiedener Verfahren zur klinisch-visuellen Farbbestimmung und Fotospektralanalyse von Zähnen
(2024-08-28)Summary Due to the increasing digitalization in dentistry and dental technology, a digital, detailed tooth shade analysis and a direct transfer to the production of dental restorations would be desirable. At present, ... -
Die Rekonstruktion von Skalpdefekten unterschiedlicher Genese unter Zuhilfenahme lokaler und regionaler Lappenplastiken - Eine retrospektive Fallstudie der Jahre 2010-2021
(2024-08-28)Background and research question Defects of the scalp are not only a cosmetic problem; intracranial structures protected by the scalp and the skull bone itself are also at risk. Causes include trauma, tumor excisions, ... -
Die Erstversorgung Frühgeborener: der Einfluss von Sauerstoff auf die postnatale Adaptation
(2024-08-28)Objective To date the optimal initial amount of oxygen (FiO2) for resuscitation of preterm infants is still being discussed. Evidence of reduced mortality in term and near-term infants led to a dramatic reduction in the ... -
Modulation der T-Zell-Infiltration und der Aktivierung von Makrophagen/Mikroglia bei der EAE durch zellspezifische Deletion des Arylkohlenwasserstoffrezeptors (AhR)
(2024-08-26)To better understand the pathomechanisms underlying multiple sclerosis, the role of the Ah receptor (AhR) in immune cell recruitment to the CNS was investigated using the murine experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis ... -
Etablierung eines Protokolls zur Differenzierung in sympathische Neurone zur Untersuchung der gegenseitigen Beeinflussung von sympathischen Neuronen und Kardiomyozyten in einem induziert pluripotenten Stammzell-Modell
(2024-08-26)Takotsubo-Syndrome (TTS) is characterized by an acute reversible dysfunction of the left ventricle. Its pathophysiology is not yet understood in its entirety. There are different hypotheses which indicate that the central ... -
Vergleich klinischer und epidemiologischer Parameter der primären Gliomatosis cerebri und primär multifokaler hochgradiger Gliome im Kindes- und Jugendalter
(2024-08-26)To date no differentiation is being made between varying growth phenotypes of pediatric high-grade gliomas (pHGG). This thesis compares primary pediatric Gliomatosis cerebri (GC) and primary multifocal/multicentric (PMF) ... -
Funktionelle Untersuchung der medikamentösen Inhibition von PIM-Kinasen in T-Zell Lymphomen
(2024-08-26)The treatment options for T-cell lymphoma and thus the overall survival of patients are still limited, so there is an urgent need for new therapeutic strategies. In this study, PIM kinases were tested as a new therapeutic ... -
Charakterisierung muriner und humaner Tumoren mit besonderem Fokus auf die Immunzellinfiltration mittels innovativer bildgebender Verfahren
(2024-08-23)3D imaging of the immune cell status in a complex tumour volume represents an important step towards understanding the anti-tumour immune response and a decisive predictor of the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibition. ... -
Hospiz- und Palliativversorgung von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund
(2024-08-22)Background: Studies indicate that people with migration background (MB) seem to be underrepresented in hospice and palliative care (HPC). Evidence about their representation, challenges in care and strategies used to counter ... -
Effects of overexpression of the ALS associated protein TDP-43 and its mutant on the axonal and somal proteome in compartimentalized primary cortical neurons of rats
(2024-08-22)Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease of the motor nervous system. During its course, the function of the upper and lower motor neurons is predominantly lost. It is a very severe ... -
Systematische Zeitpunkt- und ortsabhängige Untersuchung der Legionellenkontamination im Trinkwassersystem der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
(2024-08-22)Hot water pipe systems offer the freshwater bacteria Legionella optimal living conditions. The Drinking Water Ordinance stipulates that testing for Legionella is mandatory. If the technical action value is exceeded, ...