Human- und Zahnmedizin
Recent Submissions
Körperliche Belastbarkeit und systolische und diastolische Funktion bei Patient*innen mit asymptomatischer systolischer Herzinsuffizienz mit reduzierter linksventrikulärer Ejektionsfraktion
(2024-11-06)This dissertation took a closer look at 213 NYHA I patients with a reduced ejection fraction from the prospective-cohort study TransitionCHF-DZHK2 in Göttingen. Patients received a detailed echocardiographic examination ... -
Einfluss von GnRH-Analoga auf Proliferation und Invasion von GnRH-Rezeptor-positiven Zervixkarzinomzellen
(2024-11-06)Despite a significant decline in the incidence of cervical cancer in Germany due to the intensification of preventive measures, the five-year overall survival rate for cervical cancer remains at 65%. Conversely, cervical ... -
Gastrointestinale Motilität und infektiologischer Verlauf bei kritisch kranken Patienten mit spontaner intrazerebraler parenchymatöser Blutung
(2024-11-05)This study aims to identify the risk factors for the development of inflammatory processes such as systemic inflammatory response syndrome and sepsis in patients with spontaneous intracerebral parenchymal hemorrhage and ... -
Ressourcen und Grenzen Angehöriger von Menschen mit fortgeschrittener COPD besser verstehen: eine qualitative Studie
(2024-11-05)Research question: COPD is a chronic disease that is very stressful both mentally and physically in its advanced stages and is now the third most common cause of death worldwide. People with COPD are reluctant to seek ... -
Rescue des proarrhythmogen letalen Phänotyps einer Ca2+/Calmodulin abhängigen Proteinkinase II-Überesxpression durch gezielte Inhibition einer neuronalen Natriumkanalisoform
(2024-11-05)Heart failure is a complex condition that induces cardiac arrhythmias, significantly contributing to high morbidity and mortality rates. The overexpression of Ca2+/Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) leads to ... -
Use of lyophilized bovine pericardium (Tutopatch®) for surgical management of strabismus
(2024-11-01)Objective: This study evaluates the application of lyophilized bovine pericardium (Tutopatch®) as an alternative material for tendon elongation in complex strabismus revision surgeries, addressing challenges posed by ... -
Evaluation der diagnostischen Genauigkeit der B-Bild Sonographie zur Graduierung der Lebersteatose bei Patienten mit chronischer Lebererkrankung
(2024-10-30)AbstractFatty liver disease is characterised by excessive storage of fat. The prevalence in Germany is about 30%. The worldwide prevalence is approximately 25%. This means that about 1.8 billion people are ...
Characterization of therapeutic strategies for the treatment of ARID1A-deficient pancreatic cancer
(2024-10-29)Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is characterized by great molecular heterogeneity, with a large number of epigenetic factors playing a central role in addition to known genetic changes such as the KRAS mutation. ... -
Einfluss von pulsierender transkranialer Wechselstromstimulation auf die Bearbeitung der Stroop Aufgabe
(2024-10-29)Cognitive control is an essential everyday skill that is associated with increased activity in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (LDLPFC) and the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC). Although the relevance of the ... -
Die Rolle der Östrogenrezeptoren, einschließlich des G-Protein-gekoppelten-Östrogenrezeptors, beim ERα- positiven Mammakarzinom unter Behandlung mit selektiven ERβ-Agonisten
(2024-10-29)The role of estrogen-receptors in breast cancer is an important topic regarding potential targeted therapies. This study investigates the effects of the estrogen-receptor-β-agonists Liquiritigenin and ERB-041 on ... -
Untersuchung des unterschiedlichen Therapieansprechens FGFR1-amplifizierter Lungenkrebszellen
(2024-10-28)Lung cancer still continues to be the leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. While there already exist molecular targeted therapies for the treatment of pulmonary adenocarcinomas molecular targets for squamous ... -
Die Bedeutung des Immunoproteasoms in der Behandlung epithelialer Thymustumoren
(2024-10-28)Thymic epithelial tumors are rare neoplastic diseases of the thymus and are divided into thymomas and thymic carcinomas based on their histopathological characteristics. Surgical tumor resection is the first choice of ... -
Drug Monitoring von Ciprofloxacin bei Patienten mit allogener Stammzelltransplantation
(2024-10-28)Patients undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation are highly immunosuppressed and have an increased likelihood of acquiring an infection. Especially nosocomial infections with Pseudomonas aeruginosa are a particular ... -
Differentielle Indikation zu ambulanter oder stationärer Psychotherapie
(2024-10-25)Mental disorders are common illnesses that cause great personal suffering for the patients affected. In terms of costs generated, mental illnesses are in third place after cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the digestive ... -
Risikofaktoren für postoperative Komplikationen nach einer Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK)
(2024-10-24)The aim of this study was to determine possible risk factors for postoperative rebubbling after Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK). It investigated also if the rebubblings themselves lead to further ... -
Der Bestand und die Qualität mobiler Applikationen zur Unterstützung der Sekundärprävention bei chronischer Herzinsuffizienz: Eine systematische Übersichtsarbeit
(2024-10-22)Mobile health applications (mHealth apps) offer great potential for medical use due to their suitability for everyday use through the use of smartphones. The development of mHealth apps in the secondary prevention of heart ... -
Accuracy and Control of Bilateral Jaw Clenching Force in People with Myogenic TMD
(2024-10-18)TMD is often of muscular origin but also often related to the displacement of the articular discus. Both can lead to limited mouth opening, which can cause severe pain and difficulties in eating and speaking and can lead ... -
Analyse der morphologischen Parameter der Kardiomyozyten und der myokardialen Vaskularisierung des Primaten mit transplantierten Kardiomyozyten-Patches
(2024-10-18)The heart sustains the systemic and pulmonary circulation through its pumping function. A wide range of cardiac diseases can impair heart function. The high morbidity and mortality associated with cardiac diseases, along ... -
Der Einfluss notärztlicher Beteiligung auf die präklinische Versorgungsqualität und Versorgungszeiten beim akuten ischämischen Schlaganfall
(2024-10-16)Cerebrovascular diseases, such as the ischemic stroke, are the third most common cause of death in Germany and the second most common cause of death worldwide (Heuschmann et al. 2010; Moskowitz et al. 2010). One of the ... -
Redoxmodulation epileptischer Anfälle in einem Mausmodell für das Rett-Syndrom.
(2024-10-16)The aim of the present dissertation was to investigate and evaluate the therapeutic benefit of an oral antioxidant therapy on the epilepsy symptoms associated with Rett syndrome. A shift in the cellular redox balance towards ...