Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Hasselhorn, Marcus Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 21-40 of 41
The therapist in inpatient psychotherapy
(2008-07-04)The focus of this dissertation was on the investigation of therapist variables in the context of inpatient psychotherapy. The dissertation is divided into four separate empirical studies. ... -
Sprachentwicklung vom 2. bis 8. Lebensjahr: Zur Rolle des frühen Wortschatzes
(2008-03-25)This longitudinal study of early language development investigates into the stability of language development, the predictive validity of early expressive vocabulary and the relevance of the age of first words for later ... -
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)
(2008-02-12)This study examines whether the German translation of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a reliable and valid screening instrument and whether it is as effective a tool for clinical diagnostics and ... -
Learning Prerequisites for Biodiversity Education
(2008-01-31)Most international legal frameworks that aim at protecting biodiversity place great importance on educational measures (e.g. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Art. 13a). However, ... -
Entwicklung Kumulativen Rehearsals als Gedächtnisstrategie
(2007-11-13)Rehearsal processes have been shown to undergo developmental changes between the age of 8 and 12. These changes can be observed both in terms of the implementation and the execution of ... -
Förderung von Medienkompetenz - Formative Evaluation eines medienpädagogischen Projektes
(2007-10-30)Media has an increasing influence on everyday life, and so teaching media literacy is a more and more important task. Meanwhile there are many pedagogical projects t mprove media literacy. But what ca ... -
Kognitive Determinanten unterschiedlicher Rechenleistungen in der Primarstufe: Arbeitsgedächtnismerkmale und Aufmerksamkeitsaspekte
(2007-07-03)Recent research has focused on cognitive factors as predictors for arithmetical achievement in elementary school. The present study investigates whether individual differences among selected ... -
Weekly headache in children and adolescents: Biopsychosocial correlates and their specificity
(2007-04-27)Pediatric weekly headache is an impairing chronic illness that is increasing in prevalence. Knowledge of associated biopsychosocial variables and their specificity is necessary for the ... -
Zur Feststellung der Eignung von Schülern für das Fachgymnasium Wirtschaft: Entwicklung und Validierung eines Auswahlinstrumentariums
(2007-04-13)The present dissertation describes the empirical approach employed in the development of a system of tools to aid the evaluation and selection process for students entering the eleventh ... -
Visuell-räumliche Navigationsleistungen und parietales Cortexvolumen bei schizophrenen Patienten im Paradigma der "Virtuellen Realität"
(2007-02-19)Hitherto only few studies focused on parietal dysfunctions in schizophrenia. Therefore the current study aimed to investigate deficits in classica "parietal n functions b using a virtual navigation ... -
Butterfly communities in the natural landscape of West Khentej, northern Mongolia: diversity and conservation value
(2006-01-16)This thesis provides an insight into the natural history of butterfly species which are found in the West Khentej mountains of northern Mongolia. The study area is located in the transition ... -
Interferenzanfälligkeit bei kognitiven Leistungen im Altersvergleich: Eine kritische Betrachtung von Modellebene und Empirie
(2005-02-24)The assumption of deficient inhibitory functions and therefore higher susceptibility to interference is a well established global model to explain age related differences in cognition (e.g. ... -
Zur Wirksamkeit von Trainings bei Kindern mit Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen
(2005-01-21)In the dissertation the efficacy of 3 cognitiv-behavioral trainings for children with attention disorder was examined. The treatments were evaluated in 4 studies. 126 children, aged 7 trough ... -
Nutzung und Effektivität der kategorialen Organisationsstrategie im Grundschulalter
(2004-11-30)Based on several cross-sectional studies, strategy development has often been conceptualized as a gradual, continuous process of enrichment, concerning not only strategy production but also ... -
Erklärung von Rechtschreibleistungen durch phonologische und auditiv-sensorische Informationsverarbeitungskompetenzen: Eine Untersuchung mit lese-/rechtschreibgestörten Kindern
(2004-11-09)The purpose of the presented work is to test if the MMN paradigm could provide a tool for early diagnosis of dyslexia. All data were taken from children with reading and spelling deficiencies ... -
Rehearsal-Strategien im Grundschulalter - Allgemeine und differentielle Entwicklungsveränderungen
(2004-05-14)In cognitive developmental psychology, memory activities that use an inner (or loud) process of memorizing or repeating of the items to be learned are referred to as "rehearsal". During ... -
Therapieziele in der psychosomatischen Rehabiliation
To lay the foundation for a goal oriented treatment planning in psychosomatic rehabilitation and other psychotherapeutic settings, it was investigated: 1. Which goals do Patient try to attain ... -
Vergleichende Evaluationsstudie zur Wirksamkeit des Tinnitus-Bewältigungs-Trainings und der Tinnitus-Retraining-Therapie
(2003-07-25)Using a randomized control group design the long term efficacy of Tinnitus-Retraining-Therapy (TRT) as conceived by Jastreboff (1996a) was compared to the Tinnitus-Coping-Training (TCT, ... -
Neuropsychologische Testleistungen, psychopathologische Symptomatik und Hippocampusvolumen bei psychisch traumatisierten Patientinnen
(2003-05-26)Individuals having experienced childhood physical or sexual abuse frequently present with a range of psychiatric symptoms and disorders. Recently it has been shown that persons having ...