Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 2-21 of 1658
A cell-based NRG1-ERBB4 assay designed for high-throughput compound screening to identify small molecule modulators with relevance for schizophrenia
(2012-12-07)Summary A cell-based NRG1-ERBB4 assay designed for high-throughput compound screening to identify small molecule modulators with relevance for schizophrenia Schizophrenia (SZ) is as severe and phenotypically as well ... -
A Detailed Study of Axon Initial Segment Maturation and Structural Organization by Fluorescence Microscopy
(2016-02-03)The distribution and density of neuronal voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs) is important for neuronal excitability, maturation and plasticity. High density of VGSCs in the axon initial segment (AIS) depends on the ... -
A genetic system to study the nuclear pore complex permeability barrier of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
(2012-11-20)All nucleocytoplasmic transport occurs through nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). To hinder uncontrolled mixing of cytoplasmic and nuclear content, NPCs maintain the permeability barrier that suppresses passage of inert macromolecules ... -
A healthy social life? Sociality and health indicators in wild red-fronted lemurs
(2022-06-29)In the last 40 years, an increasing number of studies from medicine, neurosciences, and psychology demonstrated links between many aspects of sociality, health, and fitness in humans and laboratory animals. Some studies ... -
A method for the genetically encoded incorporation of FRET pairs into proteins
(2014-09-03)Proteins are composed of 20 canonical amino acids whose unique arrangements predefine a protein’s structure and function. Importantly, most proteins are not static conformations but rather very dynamic entities that undergo ... -
A neuronal PIP3-dependent program of oligodendrocyte precursor recruitment and myelination
(2017-01-26)Evolution of myelin has enabled rapid impulse propagation and development of complex brain circuitry. However, the in vivo mechanisms that trigger and orchestrate proliferation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs), ... -
A new rodent model of Parkinson s Disease based on neuron specific downregulation of glutathione production.
(2009-04-21)Parkinson s disease (PD) is characterized by a progressive degeneration of the nigrostriatal system. Only in few patients genetic mutations have been identified to cause disease onset, ... -
A novel pathway for VLDL assembly in the mouse liver
(2006-12-11)LDL is thought to be endocytosed and completely degraded by peripheral cells and the liver. Using primary mouse hepatocytes, mouse liver perfusion and intravenous LDL-injection in mice, it ... -
A novel rRNA quality control function for Npl3 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
(2024-03-25)In all domains of life, ribosomes are essential complexes that are the sole source for protein synthesis. Ribosome biosynthesis, the most energy-consuming process in a cell, has to be tightly regulated. Misregulation ... -
A Phytosociological Study of Glacier National Park, Montana, U.S.A., with Notes on the Syntaxonomy of Alpine Vegetation in Western North America
(2001-09-14)The alpine and parts of the subalpine vegetation of Glacier National Park, Montana, USA, are investigated using the European phytosociological method of Braun-Blanquet.Based on ... -
A Role for Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 beta in the Regulation of Glucagon Gene Transcription by Insulin
(2003-11-21)Insulin binding to its receptor on the a-cells in endocrine pancreas initiates a signalling cascade that results in inhibition of glucagon gene transcription. Evidence suggests that the ... -
A short story: senescence in an annual reptile, Labord’s chameleon (Furcifer labordi)
(2020-12-10)Among animals, the fast-slow continuum is the dominant axis that shapes life-history variation. As resources are limited a trade-off occurs between a short lifespan, young age at maturity, high reproductive rates and high ... -
A system for production of pure Influenza A virus defective interfering particles (DIPs) and assessment of their antiviral activity
(2021-09-09)Influenza A virus (IAV) epidemics and pandemics constitute a major threat to human health.The ability of IAV to rapidly acquire mutations can render antivirals and vaccines ineffective andnovel antiviral strategies are ... -
A Systems Level Analysis of Neuronal Network Function in the Olfactory Bulb: Coding, Connectivity, and Modular organization
(2008-12-15)The olfactory bulb (OB) is the first brain region that receives and processes sensory inputs from the nose. It contains highly specialized neuronal networks organized by individual glomeruli, which are sites of synaptic ... -
A Taxonomy of Inverse Priming Based on Stimulus Characteristics
(2011-11-28)One intriguing question in cognitive neuroscience is whether subliminal stimuli can affect overt behavior. A straightforward experimental approach to demonstrate effects of subliminal stimuli ... -
Ablation of cell-specific cholesterol synthesis affects cerebral β-amyloidosis
(2023-03-13)Cholesterol, an essential membrane component, among others modifies membrane fluidity and regulates cell signaling. CNS cholesterol metabolism is separated from peripheral cholesterol by specific properties of the ... -
Abundance, niche breadth and stress in the centre and at the border of the distribution range.
(2008-11-10)Macroecology investigates abundance and distribution patterns over large geographical scales. Some patterns, like the positive relationship between range size and abundance or niche ... -
Acculturative Stress and its Association with Academic Stress and Psychological Well-being of International Students
(2012-09-04)The current study explored acculturative stress and its association with academic stress and psychological well-being (including distress symptoms and positive affect) among international students in Germany. It was also ... -
Acetabularia-Rhodopsin, eine lichtgetriebene Protonenpumpe aus einem autotrophen Eukaryoten
(2006-10-23)A rhodopsin from Acetabularia acetabulum (AR) is characterized by molecular genetic and electophysiological means. On the basis of a published, incomplete sequence, the whole transcript ... -
Acyl-acyl carrier protein synthetases from bluegreen algae and plants
(2008-12-02)All metabolic processes involving fatty acids are preceded by the activation of the fatty acid to form a thioester derivative. Activation by acyl-CoA synthetase is well established whereas ...