Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 335-354 of 1661
DAHP Synthasen aus Pilzen
(2002-07-09)The first step of the biosynthesis of the aromatic amino acids is the condensation of erythrose-4-phosphate and phosphoenolpyruvate to 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptuloso-nate 7-phosphate. This ... -
Deciphering the Catalytic Mechanism of the Zn Enzyme Glutaminyl Cyclase and the Deduction of Transition-State Analog Inhibitors
(2015-07-20)Zn(II)-dependent glutaminyl cyclase (QC) converts N-terminal glutamine or glutamate residues of peptides and proteins. The reaction product is in both cases N-terminal pyroglutamic acid (pyroGlu). In animals the glutaminyl ... -
Decision Time in Social Dilemmas – Personality and Situational Factors Moderating Spontaneous Behavior in First and Second Order Public Good Games
(2020-02-26)There is an ongoing discussion regarding the circumstances under which individuals seek to maximize the welfare of the common good rather than their own benefit – two motives that are contrasted in social dilemmas. In this ... -
Decision-Making During Ongoing Actions
(2022-06-21)Contemporary theories of action-based decision-making suggest that making decisions between goods, and specifying the actions required to obtain these goods, are parallel and intertwined processes, which allows for highly ... -
Decision-making Strategies and Self-regulated Learning: Fostering Decision-making Competence in Education for Sustainable Development
(2012-01-16)Environmental problems, the exploitation of natural resources and social injustice in a globalized world require the political actions and responsible behavior of all citizens. Therefore, ... -
Deeds not Words? Dynamics in Word and Action Learning during Early Childhood
(2019-10-08)Children grow up in a complex, multimodal environment and need to extract information from this environment to learn about the world. When caregivers interact with their children, they often use words and actions concurrently, ... -
Dendroecological investigations on subfossil mire pine woodland in northwest Germany
(2018-02-23)The present work is a dendrochronological investigation of peat-preserved pines (Pinus sylvestris) from northwest German mires (Fed. State of Lower Saxony). The project (DFG funded project LE 1805/2-2) continued the work ... -
Deneddylation and fungal development - Regulation of Nedd8 protein modification by DenA and the COP9 signalosome
(2012-08-16)Ubiquitin dependent protein degradation is a common principle in eukaryotic organisms to control appropriate temporal and spatial protein levels. Abnormal regulation leads to embryonic lethality in plants, insects and ... -
Denken mit und über Kausalmodelle
(2001-03-07)Causal models are representations of causal structures and processes in the world. In this thesis two main questions concerning causal models are explored: "What are the differences between different causal models" (normative ... -
Dependence of soil microbial community structure and function on land use types and management regimes
(2016-11-10)Soil microbial communities are the most diverse assemblages of organisms on earth. They play key roles in nutrient cycling and help prevent soil erosion. Soil microbial communities also harbor many potentially plant-associated ... -
Deskription der Schwermetallgehalte in Knochen, Organen und Haaren von Fledermäusen (Chiroptera) im Zeitraum 1987 bis 1999
(2001-02-22)In the past 20 years, bat carcasses have been collected and conserved by deep-freezing. This was initiated by the environmental conservation agency in Lower Saxony (Federal Republic of Germany), now called Niedersächsisches ... -
Detektion funktioneller RNAs in Genomsequenzen
(2009-05-08)Using approved tools a pipeline for fRNA prediction in complete genome sequences is developed. The program allows the prediction of new and until now unknown fRNAs as well as members of ... -
Determinants and outcomes of group coordination and decision-making in red-fronted lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons)
(2011-10-07)In order to reap the benefits of group-living, gregarious animals have to maintain group cohesion. However, differences among group members in terms of sex, age or physiological constitution ... -
Determinants of cognitive performance and social preferences across age in Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus)
(2021-02-11)Aging is a universal process that occurs in almost all organisms and is defined as a progressive decrease in physiological functioning. For centuries, researchers have been interested in aging processes and their consequences. ... -
Determinants of Emotion Work
(2003-11-25)Emotion work is an inherent part of service work, including organizationally-desired emotions regarding customer interactions and psychological strategies of service workers necessary to regulate these emotional demands. ... -
Determinants of vocal usage in the genus Chlorocebus
(2023-08-04)The vocal communication of non-human primates has been the center of extensive research efforts that aimed to advance our understanding of the evolution of vocal communication and human speech. The alarm call system of the ... -
Determination of Genetic Interactions Required for Dystrophin-Dystroglycan Function and Regulation in a Drosophila Model of Muscular Dystrophy
(2010-01-20)In humans genetically diverse forms of muscular dystrophy (MD) are associated with a disrupted Dystrophin-Glycoprotein Complex (DGC). The DGC consists of dystrophin, dystroglycans, sarcoglycans, ... -
Determination of the Structure of the Spliceosomal U6 snRNP from Yeast, <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i>
(2007-08-09)The U6 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) undergoes major conformational changes during the assembly of the spliceosome and catalysis of splicing. It associates with the specific protein Prp24p, ... -
Development and Application of Tools for the Characterization of the Optogenetics Stimulation of the Cochlea
(2020-07-17)Five per cent of the world population suffers nowadays from some kind of disabling hearing impairment, and 90% out of them is due to a defective functioning of the first step in the transduction of the soundwave into a ... -
Development and metamorphosis in the male pedipalp of the cob-web spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum
(2019-02-12)Tracing from marine ancestors, spiders have adapted to a terrestrial lifestyle independent from the insects. Many of the adaptations of spiders to life on land involve the shape and function of their appendages. From these ...