Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 868-887 of 1645
Macromolecules in Motion by High-resolution Cryo-EM
(2024-05-06)Protein synthesis, the translation of the genetic code into a defined sequence of amino acids, is a central, highly dynamic and regulated step in gene expression. The well-defined bacterial translation system enables to ... -
Male migration and alpha male takeovers in crested macaques, Macaca nigra
(2015-05-26)In gregarious living mammals, males are often forced to leave their natal group as a consequence of selective pressures from within group competition and inbreeding avoidance. A successful natal dispersal increases a male´s ... -
Male Reproductive Strategies in Verreaux's Sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi)
(2009-04-28)The lemurs of Madagascar are the evolutionary endpoints of a spectacular primate adaptive radiation and provide a unique opportunity to study convergent evolution in social organization. ... -
Male social relationships among wild Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis)
(2016-11-08)General socioecological theories predict that in multi-male multi-female mammalian groups, males and females compete over resources of different nature. While females mainly compete over generally sharable food, males ... -
Mammal conservation status and prospects for community-based wildlife management in coastal Guinea-Bissau, West Africa
(2005-07-12)In Guinea-Bissau, wildlife species in general and mammals in particular are suffering increasing pressure, mainly from overhunting and habitat reduction and fragmentation. The lack of ... -
Mammalian spermiogenesis and the formation of the sperm head to tail coupling apparatus
(2021-08-24)The head-tail coupling apparatus (HTCA), also known as connecting piece, provides the physical linkage between the sperm head and its tail. The HTCA morphogenesis initiates during spermiogenesis and is assembled at the ... -
Manganese as a site factor for epiphytic lichens
(2005-09-12)The effect of Mn on the viability of the epiphytic lichens, with special reference to Hypogymnia physodes, was studied. In Chapter 1 a general introduction to metal adsorption and toxicity in lichens is presented. Chapter ... -
Manganese uptake, transport, and toxicity in two varieties of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) as affected by mycorrhizae: from the cellular to the organismic level
(2006-10-12)Manganese is an essential micro-nutrient in all organisms but may become toxic when present in excess. We found that Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) variety glauca (DFG) and variety ... -
Mangrove crabs diversity as bio-indicator for the ecology of mangrove ecosystem at Gam Bay-Sawinggrai Research Station, Raja Ampat, Papua
(2020-09-02)This study about mangrove crabs diversity as bio-indicator for the ecology of mangrove ecosystems was established at Gam Bay-Sawinggrai Research Station, Raja Ampat, Papua, from 2th May- 11 June 2011. In order to indentify ... -
Manipulating the Conformational Landscape of Large Macromolecular Complexes
(2022-04-08)The de novo synthesis of fatty acids is one of the most central metabolic pathways in all forms of life. Among all known organisms, fatty acids are highly essential. Besides their role as energy resource, they are also ... -
Mass Spectrometric Analyses of Post-Translationally Modified Proteins
(2011-01-05)Protein post-translational modifications (PTMs) possess key functions in the regulation of various cellular processes. In this thesis, several new technologies are developed to map protein ... -
Mating systems and infant care of cooperatively breeding black-fronted tamarins (Leontocebus nigrifrons)
(2020-04-21)In animal societies, individual fitness partly depends on a decision on whether or not to provide parental care, and the number of mating partners. The later defines a social mating system, whereas consequences of copulations, ... -
Maturation of GABAergic signaling during brainstem development
(2007-07-13)In the central nervous system, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is known to act as an inhibitory neurotransmitter, via ligand-gated GABAA receptor channels and G protein-coupled GABAB receptors. ... -
Measuring communicative complexity across modalities: a new framework in the context of the “social complexity hypothesis” and its application in true lemurs
(2021-03-25)Animals exhibit an astonishing diversity of communicative systems, with substantial variation in both the nature and the number of signals they produce. Variation in communicative complexity has been conceptually and ... -
Mechanismen der Durchbrechung der sekundären Antiöstrogenresistenz durch GnRH-Analoga in Mammakarzinomzellen
(2009-11-18)The development of a resistance against the antiproliferative and proapoptotic actions of the antiestrogen tamoxifen is a major clinical problem in the treatment of estrogen receptor positive ... -
Mechanismen der Entwicklung des zerebralen Kortex
(2005-01-19)The current concept of the cerebral cortex patterning involves certain genes with a region specific expression in the cortical primordium, such as paracrine factors and transcription factors. ... -
Mechanismen der Inhibierung von Wirtszellapoptose durch <i>Toxoplasma gondii</i>
(2009-02-02)Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular apicomplexan parasite. Due to its broad spectrum of hosts and its lifelong persistence in the host it is one of the most successful parasites. ... -
Mechanisms of chromosome segregation errors in mammalian oocytes
(2023-02-23)During fertilization, a human embryo needs to inherit precisely one copy of each chromosome from both parents. However, human eggs frequently carry an incorrect number of chromosomes, they are aneuploid. Aneuploidy is the ... -
Mechanisms of color processing in the retina
(2018-11-27)In the sensory system, many neurons are specified to detect different environmental signals and transfer the signals to downstream neurons. These downstream neurons integrate the detected signals and generate an output ... -
Mechanisms of homologous chromosome synapsis and recombination in mammalian meiosis
(2022-10-13)Homologous chromosome synapsis and recombination are key events that occur during meiotic prophase and result in the formation of chromatin structures called chiasmata. These chromatin structures physically connect ...