Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 992-1011 of 1658
N-linked glycosylation of ether á go-go potassium channels: effects on cell surface expression and functional properties
(2004-04-23)Ether á go-go (Eag1) is a voltage gated potassium channel, apparently involved in a broad variety of cellular events. Results from this work show that in rat tissues the Eag1 protein is ... -
Nachhaltige Landnutzung und Gesundheit als Bildungskontexte für das rurale Madagaskar – Effektivität und Umsetzbarkeit von Maßnahmen aus Sicht von Expert*innen und Lehrkräften
(2022-04-28)Education plays a central role for Sustainable Development. In Madagascar, most of the population only completes primary education, making Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) highly relevant already for primary ... -
Nachweis und Aufreinigung von Abscisinsäure-bindenden Proteinen aus dem Cytosol von Spinat- und Arabidopsis-Pflanzen
(2003-01-09)Goal of this work was to isolate abscisic acid binding proteins of spinach and Arabidopsis plants. Therefore the use of different proteinbiochemic methods like ammoniumsulfate-precipitation ... -
Natural products from Myxococcales and Bacillales & Description of a new myxobacterial taxon
(2015-02-19)With the advent of new pathogens and upsurge in the number of antibiotic resistant microbes, concerted efforts need to be made by pharmaceutical, biotechnological and academic communities to pace up the antibiotic discovery ... -
Nebenwege des zentralen Kohlenstoffmetabolismus von Bacillus subtilis: Regulation der Methylglyoxalsynthase und der Zitratsynthase CitA
(2015-09-22)The phosphoenolpyruvate phosphotransferase system plays a crucial role in carbon metabolism of Bacillus subtilis. Besides uptake of different sugars the components of the PTS exert regulatory functions. This also accounts ... -
Ein Netzwerk von heterodimerisierenden C/S1 AtbZIP-Transkriptionsfaktoren und seine Funktion in Seneszenz, Stressantwort und Samenentwicklung
(2006-09-18)Transcription factors of the bZIP (basic region - leucine zipper) family occur in all eukaryotic organisms analyzed so far. bZIP transcription factors bind DNA as dimers, whereby some bZIP ... -
Neue Einblicke in die SNARE-vermittelte Fusion: Detektion einzelner Proteoliposomen mit einem konfokalen Mikroskop
(2010-01-15)Neuronal exocytosis is of special interest amongst the multitude of membrane fusion processes taking place in different eukaryotic cells. Understanding the mechanism of fusion between the ... -
Neue Enzyminhibitoren und Rezeptoragonisten durch Variation funktionaler Schleifen von Mikroproteinen
(2005-10-25)Cystine knot microproteins are peptidic biomolecules with approximately 28-40 amino acids in length. They are able to fold into extremely stable threedimensional structures characterized ... -
Neue Zugänge zu enantioselektiven lipolytischen Enzymen durch fluoreszenzbasierte Durchmusterung kombinatorischer Bibliotheken
(2008-01-08)This thesis describes the development and evaluation of a high-throughput screening method for the identification and isolation of lipolytic enzyme variants with altered enantioselectivity. ... -
Ein neuer Syntheseweg für wertvolle Fettsäuren in Saccharomyces cerevisiae und Arabidopsis thaliana
(2009-04-03)The production of very long chain fatty acids (VLCPUFAs) with relevance for human nutrition in transgenic oilseeds represents a major challenge for plant biotechnology. Up to now, VLCPUFA ... -
Neural processing of chemosensory information from the locust legs
(2000-11-15)Tarsal chemoreceptors in phytophagous insects can provide information on the chemical nature of the leaf surface, and are thus potentially important in host plant discrimination. Ovipositing ... -
Neural processing of chemosensory information from the locust ovipositor
(2001-05-25)Contact chemoreceptors (basiconic sensilla) located on the ovipositor and genital segments of the locust serve to control the chemical features of the substrate before and during oviposition. ... -
Neuroautonome Regulation und deren emotionale Modulation bei Mäusen
(2005-05-20)In this dissertation, characteristic somatomotor-, neuroautonomic- and endocrine responses of mice to external stimuli with innate or learned aversive attributes were investigated. Unconditioned ... -
Neuroaxonale Schädigung in experimentellen Modellen der multiplen Sklerose
(2008-08-28)Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the commonest non-traumatic neurological disease leading to permanent disability in young adults and is considered to be autoimmune in nature. The hallmarks ... -
Neurodegeneration induced by ß-synuclein in the context of the neurotransmitter dopamine
(2019-05-27)Objective: α-synuclein and degeneration of dopaminergic neurons have been closely associated to Parkinson´s disease. The interaction of α-synuclein with the neurotransmitter dopamine has been connected to neurodegeneration, ... -
Neuroendocrine effects of the endocrine disruptors Vinclozolin and Equol in the adult male rat
(2007-11-21)Numerous anthropogenic chemicals and natural plant-derived products can mimic or disrupt the normal function of endogenous sex steroid hormones by direct interaction with their specific nuclear receptors. These compounds ... -
Neurofeedback bei Kindern mit einer Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung - Ergebnisse auf Verhaltens- und neurophysiologischer Ebene
(2012-04-24)The multicentre randomised controlled trial evaluated the efficacy of neurofeedback (NF) training in children with ADHD. An attention skills training, coupled with the training setting and demands made upon participants, ... -
Neurogenese, Wachstum und Integration von lokalen Nervenzellen in einem multisensorischen Neuropil im zentralen Gehrin adulter Insekten.
(2004-11-19)The paired columnar mushroom bodies (MBs) of the insect brain represent a prominent neuropile for multimodal sensory integration, most important for the organization of olfactory behaviour, ... -
Neurokognitive Funktionen euthymer Patienten mit Bipolar I Störung
(2011-03-14)This dissertation investigates cognitive deficits during the euthymic phase of bipolar I disorder as well as factors that influence cognitive functioning in bipolar patients. First, the ... -
Neuroligin: Charakterisierung eines neuronalen Transmembranproteins
(2004-02-06)Synapses are highly specialized contact sites where the communication between nerve cells takes place. Cell adhesion proteins are the key regulators of synaptogenesis and modulation. The ...