Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 1141-1160 of 1661
Räumlich-zeitliche Auswirkungen der Landnuzung auf die Diversität von Bienen und Wespen.
(2006-03-17)Anthropogenic land use changes may have major consequences for global biodiversity and the functioning and stability of ecosystem processes. However, species diversity is determined by a ... -
Räumliche und zeitliche Untersuchungen zum Teilungsapparat der äußeren Mitochondrienmembran mit hochauflösender Fluoreszenzmikroskopie
(2004-03-26)In the baker´s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae the mitochondrial compartment forms an extended tubular network. The maintenance of this reticulate structure has been proposed to require a ... -
Re-evaluating the Influence of Preferences on Attraction and Relationship Decisions
(2021-12-16)Several theories assume that humans possess partner preferences influencing their selection of a partner. It has been proposed that humans seek a partner meeting their preferences and that a match between their preferences ... -
Real time course of transmitter release of SSVs and LDCVs; SNARE function analysed in synaptobrevin2 and cellubrevin knock out mice
(2003-11-14)Part 1Neurotransmitter release is mediated by Ca2+ dependent exocytosis of synaptic vesicles. The release process has very rapid kinetics. Using carbon fibers as electrochemical detectors, ... -
Recognition of basic sorting motifs within synaptic membrane cargo proteins by the clathrin-adaptor complex AP-2
(2005-08-24)Communication in the central nervous system (CNS) occurs via chemical synapses, intercellular asymmetric junctions between an axon and the dendrite of a neighbouring neuron. Synapses comprised ... -
Reconstitution of the Integrator complex and its interaction with paused transcription elongation complex of Pol II-DSIF-NELF
(2021-10-19)The Integrator complex (INT) is the latest and largest multi-subunit protein complex to be added to the list of factors involved in RNA Polymerase II (Pol II) transcription. INT consist of 15 subunits with an estimated ... -
Reconstruction of late Quaternary landscape dynamics in the Podocarpus National Park region southern Andes of Ecuador
(2013-05-13)The Ecuadorian Andes harbor ecosystems with the highest biodiversity on earth. Background information on past environmental dynamic is needed to understand, conserve and manage the ecosystems and their biodiversity. Three ... -
Redoxmodulation Hippokampaler Neurone
(2007-11-19)Mitochondria constantly release various amounts of superoxide anions which are usually rapidly converted to H2O2. Especially disturbance of mitochondrial function can lead to an increased ... -
Regulation and communication between the NRD kinase COT1, the MAK2 MAP kinase and the Striatin complex in Neurospora crassa
(2012-02-22)Establishment and maintenance of cellular polarity are important and fundamental processes in eukaryotes, which have to be coordinated with cell division, differentiation, and cell growth. ... -
Regulation and function of actin nucleators Dia and FMNL in the early Drosophila embryo
(2018-11-19)The formation of the subapical domain during cellularization in Drosophila embryogenesis is mediated by a pathway including the proteins Rap1, Canoe and their downstream effectors Bazooka and Armadillo. The cortical domain ... -
Regulation der Aktivität und Lokalisation von Antiterminatorproteinen der BglG-Familie
(2012-11-12)The regulation of gene expression is essential for all bacteria and allows adapting to changing life conditions. Different transcription and translation factors have an important impact on gene regulation. The antermination ... -
Regulation der Glutamatsynthese in Bacillus subtilis durch die Glutamatdehydrogenase RocG und das Aktivatorprotein GltC
(2006-11-20)Bacillus subtilis is able to utilize a huge number of carbon sources. For efficient utilization of a carbon source both, carbon and nitrogen metabolism, have to be well coordinated. ... -
Die Regulation der humanen H3-Histongene
(2003-11-14)The intention of the present thesis was to elucidate the transcriptional regulation of the 11 replication-dependent histone H3 genes and to investigate relationships to the in vivo ... -
Regulation der Neurogenese durch bHLH-O-Proteine in Xenopus laevis
(2006-12-11)Transcriptional activators and repressors of the bHLH protein family are involved in multiple developmental processes, including the formation of the nervous system in vertebrates and ... -
Die Regulation der Pankreasentwicklung von Xenopus laevis durch Transkriptionsfaktornetzwerke
(2008-12-05)Pancreas development is under control of signalling pathways and a complex transcription factor network. It was previously reported that in Xenopus laevis retinoic acid (RA)- signalling was ... -
Regulation der Synthese der Glukosamin-6-Phosphat Synthase GlmS in Escherichia coli durch das neuartige Protein YhbJ
(2009-03-19)Amino sugars are essential building blocks of life. In bacteria, they are mainly used as precursors for the biosynthesis of the cell wall. Their de novo synthesis starts with the transformation ... -
Regulation des mitochondrialen Zerfalls innerhalb der neuronalen Apoptose
(2007-05-23)Under physiological conditions, mitochondrial morphology dynamically shifts between a punctuate appearance and tubular networks by fission and fusion events. Mitochondrial apoptosis pathways ... -
Regulation of Actin dynamics by Formin in early Drosophila embryogenesis
(2015-02-16)During the development, cells have to change their shape, migrate and rearrange their internal structure properly etc. All these processes depend on actin cytoskeleton. In Drosophila embryonic development, the actin filaments ... -
Regulation of Cell Polarity in the Budding Yeast <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i>
(2003-02-05)The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae establishes cell polarity at several stages during cell division. At the beginning of the division cycle, yeast cells choose sites for cell division ...