Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 1502-1521 of 1645
Ueber die Funktion von Zinkfinger Proteinen bei der Induktion des Mesoderms in Xenopus laevis
(2001-12-10)Mesoderm induction and dorsal-ventral patterning in vertebrates and invertebrates involves signalli ng by members of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily cytokines. ... -
Umwelt-Genomik als Quelle für die Isolierung von neuen Operons und Genclustern aus mikrobiellen Konsortien
(2002-10-15)The main goal of the present work was the isolation of biotin biosynthesis genes and operons from microbial consortia employing a combined enrichment and direct cloning strategy. Cosmid ... -
Understanding cellular differentiation by modelling of single-cell gene expression data
(2019-08-16)Over the course of the last decade single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) has revolutionized the study of cellular heterogeneity, as one experiment routinely covers the expression of thousands of genes in tens or hundreds ... -
Understanding the role of the transcription factor MGA in primordial germ cell differentiation
(2023-06-20)One of the most crucial cell lineage decisions in mammalian embryos is the differentiation of a few pluripotent epiblast cells into primordial germ cells (PGCs). PGCs are unique for their ability to mature into either sperm ... -
Understanding Transcriptional Control During Primordial Germ Cell Differentiation
(2022-07-08)AP2γ, encoded by Tfap2c, is a transcription factor which both represses and activates target gene expression. It is required for the survival of the early mouse embryo; depending on the context of its depletion, the loss ... -
Unmasking the perception of temporal successions
(2023-03-02)Temporal and masking research share theoretical, methodological and empirical similarities indicating that they might investigate a similar aspect of our neural functioning. Nevertheless, temporal and masking mechanisms ... -
Unraveling psychiatric sub-phenotypes: The price of the reduction of myelin basic protein
(2016-07-29)Myelin, the proteolipidic layer that wraps around the axon, is one of the evolutionary advantages for animals with complex behaviour and reasoning. Myelin ensures axonal support and synchronised electrical communication ... -
Unraveling the causal links between ecosystem productivity measures and species richness using terrestrial ferns in Ecuador
(2013-03-14)This work focuses on the relationship between terrestrial fern species richness and productivity, and on the fern nutrient availability along a tropical elevational gradient in Ecuador. During three yearly field phases ... -
Unraveling the structure of monomeric and fibrilized 441-residue tau with NMR spectroscopy
(2011-09-14)The microtubule-associated, intrinsically disordered protein tau is a key- protein in maintaining the axonal transport in neurons. The association to and the dissociation from microtubules is regulated via a complex ... -
Unravelling mechanisms linking plant diversity to plant-disease suppression
(2015-09-01)The use of microbes for biological control of plant diseases represents an environmentally friendly and promising approach. Plant diversity is known to increase numerous ecosystem functions and also increases the resistance ... -
Untersuchung bispezifischer Intradiabodies gegen die Integrine avb3, avb5 und a5b1 auf ihre anti-angiogenen Eigenschaften
(2013-02-21)Angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels from preexisting vasculature, is a fundamental process in development, wound repair and reproduction. This process is influenced by growth factors, such as vascular endothelial ... -
Untersuchung der Expression und Aktivität des Molybdän-Eisen Protein in Wolinella succinogenes
(2010-04-27)In nature, the ability to fix nitrogen is restricted to some prokaryotes that possess the enzyme nitrogenase. It was possible to simulate this important process and achieve industrial ... -
Untersuchung der Fruchtkörperentwicklung bei dem Hyphenpilz Sordaria macrospora
(2010-12-02)Functional analysis of mammalian striatin-family proteins gain in importance since they are thought to act as central components in calcium-dependent signal transduction pathways, which ... -
Untersuchung der Heterogenität submitochondrialer Proteinverteilungen mit hochauflösender Mikroskopie
(2015-01-15)Mitochondria are essential organelles of eukaryotic cells. They fulfill a multitude of fundamental tasks: besides their outstanding significance for energy production they possess a central role in metabolism, ion homeostasis ... -
Untersuchung der Lebensraumansprüche des Grauspechts Picus canus und seiner Verbreitungsgrenze in Niedersachsen
(2018-06-11)The grey-headed woodpecker (Picus canus) is a semi-frequent species distributed worldwide from West France over Central Europe and East Russia up to Japan and Sumatra. The populated habitats vary and comprise boundary-abundant ... -
Untersuchung der Spezifität von Antiterminationsproteinen in Bacillus subtilis
(2009-02-20)Regulatory systems often evolve by duplication of ancestral systems and subsequent specialization of the components of the novel signal transduction systems. In the Gram-positive bacterium ... -
Untersuchung der Stressantwort von <i>Picrophilus torridus</i> mittels 2D-Gelelektrophorese und Charakterisierung ausgewählter Dehydrogenase
(2008-07-09)The thermoacidophilic archaeon Picrophilus torridus belongs to the Thermoplasmatales and is the most acidophilic microbe yet known. Optimal living conditions are at 60°C and pH 0.7. Some ... -
Untersuchung der sub-mitochondrialen Lokalisation des MINOS-Komplexes in humanen Zellen
(2014-05-28)MINOS (mitochondrial inner membrane organizing structure) is a large hetero-oligomeric complex in the inner mitochondrial membrane. Originally identified in mitochondria of yeast cells, components of the complex were found ... -
Untersuchung der sub-mitochondrialen Proteinverteilung von MICOS mittels STED-Mikroskopie
(2015-09-28)Mitochondria are essential components of eukaryotic cells. They consist of an outer and inner membrane, which itself is divided into the inner boundary membrane and the cristae. The transition from the inner boundary ...