Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 1638-1657 of 1661
Yeast Chorismate Mutase: Molecular Evolution of an Allosteric Enzyme
(2003-01-30)Chorismate mutase (CM, EC, encoded by ARO7, catalyzes the Claisen rearrangement of chorismate to prephenate in the biosynthesis of the amino acids tyrosine and phenylalanine. The ... -
Yeast cleavage factor Hrp1 is a novel guard protein that surveils pre-mRNA 3’ processing
(2022-05-10)Hrp1 is a component of the cleavage and polyadenylation complex (CPF-CF) for pre-mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation in S. cerevisiae. It specifically binds to a relatively conserved UA-rich domain called the efficiency-element ... -
Zeitwahrnehmung in isochronen Sequenzen
(2009-09-03)The predictions of three different psychological models for time perception were compared with the results of seven experiments. In each experiment the participants listened to a sequence ... -
Zellbiologie der Knochenresorption
(2002-12-04)Recently, several lines of evidence suggested that activated fibroblasts might contribute to bone resorption in rheumatoid arthritis and also in aseptic prosthesis loosing. Till now, only ... -
Zellbiologische Untersuchung α-Mannosidase-defizienter und Enzym-behandelter Mäuse
(2009-11-04)The deficiency of the lysosomal α-mannosidase leads to the lysosomal storage disease α-mannosidosis. A feasible option for the treatment of this disease is the substitution of the missing ... -
Zellspezifische Funktionen des Typ 1 Interferonrezeptors bei der experimentellen autoimmunen Enzephalomyelitis
(2007-11-22)Multiple sclerosis (MS) is considered to be an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS), the etiology of which remains unclear. It is generally held that ... -
Zelltyp-spezifische Interaktionen von Toxoplasma gondii und murinen Skelettmuskelzellen in vitro
(2014-06-26)Toxoplasma gondii is one of the most common intracellular protozoan parasites worldwide and an important human pathogen. Its life cycle includes three stages: sporozoites, tachyzoites and bradyzoites. While sporozoites are ... -
Zentrale und periphere Populationen von Hornungia petraea: Biodiversität und Demographie auf unterschiedlichen raum-zeitlichen Skalenebenen
(2004-06-14)Hornungia petraea is a winter annual species of the Brassicaceae. The species has a submediterranean-subatlantic distribution. On the basis of H. petraea populations, different ... -
Zirkulierende Nukleinsäuren als molekulare Marker zur Trächtigkeitsbestimmung beim Rind
(2012-07-12)Circulating nucleic acids (CNAs) are specified as DNAs and RNAs outside cells that are circulating in the blood free or wrapped in membrane vesicles of healthy and diseased individuals. In this study CNA profiles from serum ... -
Zur Bedeutung von Saccharose-Transportern in Pflanzen mit offener Phloemanatomie
(2001-12-04)Plants translocate photoassimilates, e.g. sucrose, through a specialized transport tissue called phloem. This long distance transport between different parts of the plant is essential for ... -
Zur Expression und Funktion von Prm3: ein ungewöhnliches Protamin
(2003-10-28)In this work the Protamin3 (Prm3) gene as well as the resulting protein were characterized. Because this gene, along with the two other protamins (Prm1 and Prm2), is located in the same ... -
Zur Feststellung der Eignung von Schülern für das Fachgymnasium Wirtschaft: Entwicklung und Validierung eines Auswahlinstrumentariums
(2007-04-13)The present dissertation describes the empirical approach employed in the development of a system of tools to aid the evaluation and selection process for students entering the eleventh ... -
Zur Funktion des MPH1-Gens von Saccharomyces cerevisiae bei der rekombinativen Umgehung von replikationsarretierenden DNA-Schäden
(2004-02-11)MPH1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae codes for a protein of the DEAH family. Genetic interaction studies of mph1 mutants, which show an mutator phenotype and are sensitive to a variety of ... -
Zur Funktion von Leupaxin beim Karzinom der Prostata
(2006-12-13)Prostate cancer is the most frequent cancer in man and the second leading cause of cancer related deaths in western countries. The cancer first developes as an androgen-dependent lesion, ... -
Zur Pluripotenz Spermatogonialer Stammzelllinien
(2008-12-16)Spermatogonial stem celllines isolated and cultivated from adult mouse testis are pluripotent. For further investigation we compared these celllines with pluripotent embryonic stem celllines ... -
Zur Rekonstruktion historischer Biodiversität aus archivalischen Quellen: Das Beispiel des Oderbruchs (Brandenburg) im 18. Jahrhundert
(2008-07-21)This study demonstrates the usefulness and efficiency but also the limits of archival sources and collections for the reconstruction of historical biodiversity. The research focuses on the ... -
Zur Rolle der Therapeutenrotation und von Patientenmerkmalen für die Wirksamkeitsprozesse der Ambulanten Langzeit-Intensivtherapie für Alkoholkranke (ALITA)
(2004-07-09)This thesis comprises two articles which are concerned with the process and outcome research on the Outpatient Long-term Intensive Therapy for Alcoholics.For nine years, the so-called ... -
Zur Struktur und Funktion regulatorischer Elemente des cbb-Regulons in Ralstonia eutropha
(2001-11-13)For autotrophic CO2 assimilation Ralstonia eutropha H16 requires the enzymes of the Calvin cycle. The genetic control involved in the adjustment of carbon metabolism between ... -
Zur Substratspezifität und Substratbindung des periplasmatischen Chaperons SurA aus <i>Escherichia coli</i>
(2006-05-16)The Escherichia coli protein SurA which has been characterized as a periplasmic peptidyl-prolyl-isomerase (PPIase) and chaperon is involved in the maturation of trimeric outer ... -
Zur Transkriptions- und Translationskontrolle des Gens für Transitionsprotein
(2001-06-06)In the framework of this study, the transcriptional and translational regulation of rat Tnp2 gene were investigated by means of in vitro and in vivo systems. In order to determine the minimal ...