Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 103-122 of 1658
Application of RNA Interference for the Study of Lethal Genes and Dynamic Processes
(2016-02-08)RNA interference (RNAi) is a highly conserved cellular mechanism and in the last years it has become to a major tool for functional analyses of genes in different species. Moreover, RNAi has recently been suggested as a ... -
Approaching Consciousness with Masked Priming
(2014-10-28)Masked Priming is an established paradigm to investigate consciousness. The impact of prime visibility on specific priming effects determines whether associated processes can occur independently of consciousness or might ... -
Arabidopsis basic leucine Zipper transcription factors function as quantitative modulators of auxin mediated transcription
(2012-04-10)The essential plant growth hormone auxin orchestrates a wide range of developmental and environmental processes in the course of plant life. In general, these responses are predominately implemented by the encoded activity ... -
Arabidopsis thaliana class II TGA transcription factors provide a molecular link between salicylic acid and ethylene defense signalling
(2011-11-15)Since plants are exposed to a multitude of different attackers, a complex innate immune system has evolved to protect them from devastating diseases. Depending on the type of pathogen or ... -
Arbeitsgedächtnis und Lernstörungen
(2009-02-23)The aim of the present study was to analyze the working memory functioning (Baddeley, 1986) in children with different learning disabilities. To this end, a broad batterey of working ... -
Arbeitsgedächtnis und Schulleistungen in Mathematik und Schriftsprache bei älteren Grundschülern
(2011-11-10)The relationship between working memory functions based on the model of Baddeley (1986) and the performance in mathematics, reading, spelling, and intelligence is being investigated. The ... -
Are words special in early development?
(2023-08-03)In the realm of early development, words have been considered as unique due to their ability to facilitate the formation of physical object categories by highlighting common visual features among them. Nevertheless, ... -
Aspects of Temporal Cognition in Children's Development:
(2014-02-10)The dissertation focuses on three aspects of children’s temporal cognition: (1) Children’s capacity to reason about temporal and causal relations between past, present and future events was investigated. In two experiments, ... -
Aspekte der Translationskontrolle in der Drosophila-Spermatogenese: Charakterisierung regulatorischer Elemente
(2002-12-04)Protein-RNA interactions are essential in the control of translation during cell differentiation in many organisms. The goal of this work was to characterize such interaction during ... -
Assessment of antibiotic resistance in soil and its link to different land use types and intensities
(2020-07-15)Nowadays, bacterial infections pose a serious risk for human health again, due to multi-resistant pathogens insensitive to antibiotic treatment. Some of the antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) carried by these pathogens ... -
Assessment of the functional diversity of soil microbial communities in the German Biodiversity Exploratories by metagenomics
(2011-04-18)Soil is the most complex microbial habitat on Earth with respect to bacterial species diversity and community size. Therefore, assessing the bacterial community composition in soil is a ... -
Assessment of the toxicity of inorganic and organic pollutants using the benthic alga Closterium ehrenbergii
(2024-03-20)In this thesis, Closterium ehrenbergii was selected as test species for the assessment of the toxicity of environmentally relevant pollutants towards a representative of benthic algae. Therefore, a miniaturized bioassay ... -
Association of killer immunoglobulin-like receptor genes with viral loads in experimental SIV infection of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)
(2013-01-09)Multiple epidemiological studies in human demonstrated associations between KIR/MHC class I gene combinations and HIV-1 disease progression, implicating important roles of KIR-expressing NK cells in defencing HIV. The ... -
Attention and Adaptation in Visual Motion Processing
(2007-11-20)This thesis contributes to the questions of how cognition and the history of the visual input influence the processing of sensory information in the brain. The main part of this work consists ... -
Attention shift and remapping across saccades
(2017-03-15)Humans and monkeys make two to three saccades per second on average when they are awake, and they are able to keep track of relevant visual stimuli while making saccadic eye-movements to scan a visual scene. Since the ... -
Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) im Erwachsenenalter: Stressreagibilität und Stressbewältigung unter Laborbedingungen und im Alltag
(2009-03-12)The examination of the literature on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults reveals that assumptions of an elevated vulnerability towards stressors and of deficits in ... -
Auswirkungen der Deletion membranständiger Dehydrogenasen auf Gluconobacter oxydans DSM 7145
(2009-11-06)Gluconobacter oxydans is one of the most important organisms in industrial biotechnology because of its ability to incompletely oxidize various sugars, sugar alcohols and sugar acids. The ... -
Auswirkungen von räumlichem Populationswachstum auf die genetische Vielfalt
(2015-02-09)The growth of a population accompanied by a subsequent distribution into new territories is referred to as a range expansion. In the course of evolutionary history, many species extended their range, amongst others due ... -
Auswirkungen von Trockenheit und Entlaubung auf den Wasserhaushalt von Stiel- und Traubeneiche
(2002-12-09)As indicated indirectly by tree ring analysis and climate records, defoliation in at least two consecutive years together with a dry summer is considered to be the most important combination ... -
Änderung der Glycindecarboxylase- und Serinhydroxymethyltransferase-Aktivität in Blättern:
(2005-09-28)In C3/C4-intermediate plant species, photorespiration is avoided by compartmentation of CO2 evolution and glycine production in the bundle sheath of the leaves. This CO2 concentration ...