Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 1059-1078 of 1658
Oxidative stress pathways in the pathogenesis of renal fibrosis
(2016-05-23)In the pathogenesis of renal fibrosis, oxidative stress (OS) enhances the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) leading to sustained cell growth, inflammation, excessive tissue remodelling and accumulation, which ... -
Oxidativer Metabolismus von Kynurensäure und ihren Analoga
(2002-02-05)In the following work I am examining the oxidative metabolism of kynurenic acid by taking also into consideration the enzymatic and non-enzymatic reaction phases. Therefore, I used, on one ... -
Oxygen-dependent regulation of the activating transcription factor-4 (ATF-4)
(2010-01-21)The prolyl-4 hydroxylase domain enzymes 1-3 (PHD1-3) are involved in regulating the protein stability of the alpha subunit of the hypoxia inducible factor (HIF), which is the master regulator ... -
Oxylipinstoffwechsel in Physcomitrella patens
(2011-07-01)During the presented doctoral thesis enzymes of the oxylipin metabolism from P. patens have been purified & described. Therefore, the bifunctional PpLOX1 & two AOC enzymes (PpAOC1 & PpAOC2) ... -
Oxytocin - not only a "social" neuropeptide
(2016-11-15)Research on the effects of oxytocin on social cognition and behavior is constantly growing. Moreover, oxytocin is already discussed to be used as a drug supporting common therapies for a range of disorders displaying ... -
Die ökologische Bedeutung von Hecken für Vögel
(2002-04-17)From historical and esthetical point of view, hedges are important features in our cultured landscape. Many species of native animals and plants maintain largest parts of their population ... -
p53 activity during adenovirus infection
(2010-06-24)Adenovirus is a small DNA tumour virus that has been extensively studied, leading to fundamental discoveries in molecular biology of mammalian cells. In particular, adenovirus oncoproteins ... -
Palaeoecological Evidence of Ecosystem Dynamics in Sumatra, Indonesia. Case Studies of Tropical Submountains and Mangroves
(2019-07-03)The mountain and mangrove ecosystems are an important component of Sumatra’s landscape. These highly diverse ecosystems provide numerous ecological services as well as socio-economic function, but they are also sensitive ... -
Palynologische Untersuchungen zur Geschichte von Umwelt und Besiedlung im südwestlichen Harzvorland (unter Einbeziehung geochemischer Befunde)
(2005-01-28)This work contains pollenanalytical results from sediments originated from three sinkholes: `Aschenhütter Teich` between Herzberg and Osterode, `Wittgerode` next to Bad Sachsa, and ... -
Pancreas Development in <i>Xenopus laevis</i>
(2006-01-02)Previous studies on pancreas development have mainly relied on the use of mouse as a model system in gene targeting experiments. In this study, Xenopus laevis is employed for the analysis ... -
Die parasitophore Vakuole des Mikrosporidiums Encephalitozoon cuniculi: Biogenese und Metabolitaustausch
(2008-11-12)Microsporidia possess a unique invasion mechanism, which is based on the explosive extrusion of a hollow tube, the so called polar tube, from the microsporidian spore. The common infection ... -
Pathogenesis of orthopoxvirus (OPXV) infection in common CM and identification of immune correlates after vaccination with differently attenuated vaccines
(2018-04-10)After the successful eradication of smallpox, mass vaccination stopped and the herd immunity against orthopoxvirus (OPXV) infections has been waning. In the light of bioterrorism, the interest in the development of antiviral ... -
Pathogenicity of a minimal organism: Role of protein phosphorylation in Mycoplasma pneumoniae
(2010-12-17)Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a human pathogen that belongs to the Mollicutes, a group of bacteria with the smallest genomes that are capable of independent life. The reductive evolution of the ... -
Pathophysiological changes of neurofunctional interaction between the dopaminergic reward system and the hippocampus in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
(2018-08-21)Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are severe psychiatric disorders with an overlap in both genotype and phenotype (Cosgrove & Suppes, 2013). Moreover, patients of both disorders have previously been reported to display ... -
Patient-Specific Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Models of Parkinson’s Disease
(2014-06-02)Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the common neurodegenerative diseases. In particular, it affects the elderly and associates with the movement disorder. The hallmarks of PD are progressive loss of midbrain dopaminergic ... -
Patterns of Mountain Vegetation Dynamics and their Responses to Environmental Changes in the South Ecuadorian Andes
(2013-10-30)The South Ecuadorian Andes harbour an outstandingly high species-richness. Many different environmental factors influence one another in a most limited space and create unique and complex ecosystems. This area is highly ... -
Patterns of post-translational histone modifications, chromatin condensation and DNA fragmentation during apoptosis
(2006-04-11)Cell shrinkage, formation of apoptotic bodies and chromatin fragmentation through cleavage of nucleosomal DNA into different fragment sizes catalysed by the DNase CAD (DFF40) are hallmarks ... -
Perspektivenübernahme als eine Kompetenz historischen Verstehens
(2008-11-10)A competency that students should acquire in learning history is inferring thoughts and feelings of people who have lived in past times. This competency called historical perspective taking ... -
Pharmacological studies on the contribution of the neuropeptide proctolin to the cephalic control of singing behavior in grasshopper Chorthippus biguttulus (L.1758)
(2004-11-25)Injections of proctolin into the protocerebrum can elicit species-specific stridulation in both male and female grasshoppers of the species Chorthippus biguttulus. The stimulated behavior ...