Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 1086-1105 of 1658
Phosphorus nutrition of poplar
(2017-05-29)Phosphorus (P) is a major plant nutrient required for the biosynthesis of nucleic acids, nucleotides, membrane lipids and metabolites such as organic esters. P further plays a role in enzyme regulation by phosphorylation. ... -
Phosphorylation dependent stability control of the deneddylase DenA and its impact on Aspergillus nidulans development
(2016-04-05)Summary Malfunctioning protein degradation in higher eukaryotes is associated with numerous diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders and cancer. Understanding regulation mechanisms of protein degradation is thus ... -
Photosynthetic capacity and nitrogen nutrition of Ecuadorian montane forest trees
(2014-04-11)With increasing elevation, the growth conditions of trees in tropical mountains become generally more adverse in terms of decreasing nutrient availabilities, decreasing temperatures and decreasing atmospheric concentration ... -
Phylogenetic and functional diversity of soil prokaryotic communities in temperate deciduous forests with different tree species
(2019-04-30)Forest ecosystems provide an important contribution to global carbon storage through processes mediated by trees. As the dominant forest vegetation, trees largely drive primary productivity and mediate the flow of aboveground ... -
Phylogenetische Entwicklung asiatischer Wasserbüffel anhand Polymorphismen in der mitochondrialen D-loop Region
(2001-05-11)Die Phylogenese der Wasserbüffel (Bubalus bubalis) wird noch immer kontrovers diskutiert. In der Vergangenheit variierte die Divergenzzeit zwischen Fluß- und Sumpfbüffeln, je nach Analysemethode, ... -
Phylogenetische Untersuchungen an Schädeln der Neuweltaffen (Platyrrhini)
(2005-10-14)In the present study, the statistical procedure of Q-factor analysis with a Varimax rotation (see e.g. BORTZ, 1993) was applied to detect complex characters from skull measurements of New ... -
Phylogeny of Gibbons (Family Hylobatidae) with Focus on Crested Gibbon (Genus Nomascus)
(2010-05-10)Although the phylogeny and phylogeography of gibbons (Hylobatidae), a primate family endemic to Southeast Asia, has been studied in detail, phylogenetic relationships among taxa remain ... -
Physikalische Kartierung der RT1-C/M-Region des Haupthistokompatibilitätskomplexes der Ratte
(2001-10-09)The rat is an important model for studying organ graft rejection and susceptibility to certain complex diseases. The MHC, the RT1 complex, plays a decisive role in controlling these traits. ... -
Physiologische Untersuchungen zur Regulation des Aminosäure-Stoffwechsels von Bacillus licheniformis DSM13
(2011-05-05)In contrast to his close relatives Bacillus licheniformis is able to grow fermentative under strict anaerobic conditions. Investigations of the anaerobic growth in a defined medium have ... -
Piwi and piRNAs act upstream of an endogenous siRNA pathway to suppress Tc3 transposon mobility in the Caenorhabditis elegans germline
(2008-12-16)Several hundred endogenous small RNAs, namely microRNAs (miRNAs), repeat- associated small interfering RNAs (rasiRNAs), small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) have been discovered in diverse ... -
Planar Cell Movements and Axial Patterning During Early Gastrulation of the Rabbit Embryo
(2014-05-22)During mammalian gastrulation cellular mechanisms such as cell movements and cell proliferation give rise to the primitive streak and thereby fix the body axes and create the basis for the ‘milieu intérieur’. Although many ... -
Plant - Invertebrate Interactions in Agriculturally Managed Grasslands Under Functional Group Manipulation
(2013-12-12)Within the last few centuries the rapid growth of the human population, along with increasing economic development, has caused increasing demands for agricultural products such as food and fuel. This has led to an extension ... -
Plant community composition and biodiversity of irrigated rice ecosystems in Vietnam and the Philippines
(2021-11-26)Irrigated rice landscapes in tropical and subtropical Asia are complex agroecosystems that have evolved mostly from natural wetlands. Millennia of interaction between human communities and their surrounding ecosystems have ... -
Plant-specific glutaredoxin ROXY9 regulates hyponastic growth by inhibiting TGA1 function
(2017-04-04)In the rosette plant Arabidopsis thaliana, different environmental cues trigger upward (hyponastic) leaf movement which is evolutionary beneficial when it comes to avoid shading by neighboring plants. Hyponasty results ... -
Pleistocene and Holocene environmental changes in the Brazilian Amazon region
(2014-02-18)The biodiverse Amazon rainforest biome is the world’s largest rainforest ecosystem and plays an essential role for global climate, carbon budget, and the hydrological cycle. In the light of future climate change the ... -
Ploidy-dependent effect of prolonged photoperiod on mode of reproduction and photosynthesis in the Ranunculus auricomus complex (Ranunculaceae)
(2021-07-23)Polyploidy, whole-genome duplication, enhances stress-tolerance to drastic environmental compared to their diploid progenitor by enabling more extensive adaptation as advantages of gene and genome duplication. Polyploidy ... -
Pluripotency of multipotent adult germ-line stem cells: analysis of apoptotic and epigenetic features
(2012-05-10)Pluripotency is the potential of cells to proliferate incessantly (self-renewal) and to develop into all cell types of the three germ layers as well as to the germ line. Recently established multipotent adult Germ-line ... -
Pollenanalytische Untersuchungen zur holozänen Vegetationsgeschichte entlang des östlichen unteren Odertals und südlichen unteren Wartatals in Nordwestpolen
(2005-03-01)The postglacial vegetation development of an area in northwest Poland and its chronological course was reconstructed based on four pollen diagrams from two sites in the eastern Lower ... -
Pollinator biodiversity, functional complementarity and dynamic plant-pollinator interaction networks
(2012-11-06)Worldwide declines in biodiversity have prompted concerns about the functioning of ecosystems that may rely on it. This is also true for the pollination of plants, which is essential for the reproduction and thus long-term ... -
Polymorphisms in heat shock protein receptors
(2009-10-29)Extracellular heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) can act as an immunological danger signal and stimulate the activity of cytotoxic T lymphocytes and natural killer cells. Therefore, HSP70 is ...