Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 1385-1404 of 1661
The Development of Recursive Meta-Representational Theory of Mind
(2023-06-02)Domain-general theories of Theory of Mind development assume that the ability to understand mental states (representations) as such is based on a fundamental understanding of representa-tions as representations ... -
The Diversity of TLR4-triggered Responses in Mouse Microglia
(2010-10-08)Microglia are the major immunocompetent effector cells of the CNS. Steadily monitoring their neighborhood they are always ready to transform to activated states upon encounters with ... -
The dual role of MTG3 during human mitoribosome biogenesis
(2024-12-05)Mitochondria are the main energy provider of the cell, and because of the endosymbiotic event they arise from, still contain a small independent genome. Only with the vast ATP production through the mitochondrial OXPHOS ... -
The E2F1-responsive microRNA-449 promotes apoptosis
(2011-07-22)E2F1 is a positive regulator of cell cycle progression and also a potent inducer of apoptosis, especially when activated by DNA damage. To identify E2F1-inducible microRNAs, I performed ... -
The early Development of the Germline in Drosophila melanogaster
(2018-12-14)The germline cells are of fundamental importance for all animals as they have the ability to give rise to the next generation. Their precursors, the primordial germ cells (PGCs), are determined very early during animal ... -
The Ecology of the Red Rainbowfish (Glossolepis incisus) and the Impact of Human Activities on Its Habitats in Lake Sentani, Papua
(2013-10-04)Summary Located in the western half of New Guinea, Papua is facing rapid and poorly-planned social and economic development, increasing habitat degradation and threatening its high level of species richness and endemicity. ... -
The effect of the mycorrhizal type on root-rhizosphere interactions in AM and ECM tree species: field studies and mesocosm experiments
(2019-02-20)Based on the two main types of mycorrhizal associations in temperate forests, which are arbuscular (AM) and ectomycorrhiza (ECM), the idea of a mycorrhizal-associated nutrient economy framework developed (Phillips et al., ... -
The effect of visible skin condition on the perception of female facial age, health, and attractiveness
(2011-09-14)Evolutionary psychologists argue that humans have evolved preferences for those facial features that signal health and fertility and thus facilitate mate selection. While there is ample ... -
The effects of climate change on fine root dynamics in a Norway spruce forest
(2008-10-06)Because of methodological restrictions, exact quantifications of the carbon sink strength of fine root systems are not available for mature forests. However, for assessing the effects ... -
The effects of ovulatory cycle shifts in steroid hormones on women's mate preferences and attraction
(2018-10-02)Do women’s mate preferences and attraction change across the ovulatory cycle? This is a central question in human evolutionary sciences. Psychological changes, especially shifting mate preferences, across the ovulatory ... -
The enzymatic product of SH2 domain-containing inositol 5-phosphatases supports the fitness of BCR-dependent Burkitt lymphoma cells by promoting the energy metabolism
(2023-11-23)Burkitt lymphoma (BL) is an aggressively growing neoplasm owing to an over expression of the MYC oncogene and exploitation of the tonic B cell receptor (BCR) signaling for its survival. While it is known that the survival ... -
The establishment and characterization of an improved cell-free assay for exocytosis in neuroendocrine PC12 cells
(2005-11-04)Regulated exocytosis in neurons and neuroendocrine cells is mediated by the SNARE proteins synaptobrevin/VAMP, SNAP-25, and syntaxin 1. During fusion, these SNAREs form a stable complex ... -
The establishment of a recombinant system for Papiine alphaherpesvirus 2
(2022-05-10)Simplexviruses of primates are closely related neurotropic herpesviruses that establish lifelong latent infections. While neuropathogenic infections are uncommon in their respective natural hosts, zoonotic transmission of ... -
The Evolution of the Australian Amitermes group
(2022-04-05)Although the Australian Amitermes Group (AAG) is the most diverse and speciose group of higher termites (Termitidae) in Australia, relatively little is known about the origin and evolution of the group. Recent phylogenetic ... -
The evolutionary roots of intuitive statistics
(2018-12-04)Intuitive statistical reasoning is the capacity to draw intuitive probabilistic inferences based on an understanding of the relations between populations, sampling processes and resulting samples. This capacity is fundamental ... -
The function of Nup358 in nucleocytoplasmic transport
(2010-10-20)Nucleocytoplasmic transport occurs through nuclear pore complexes (NPC). Some nucleoporins, components of the NPC, have been suggested to function as initial or terminal binding sites for ... -
The functional characterization of a root knot nematode effector Mi131 and an investigation of the role of jasmonic acid during the Arabidopsis-root knot nematode interaction
(2015-12-15)Root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are devastating pests to agriculture worldwide. The best control measure for these small, microscopic roundworms is to fumigate the field with nematicides prior to planting. However ... -
The Genus Ceratolejeunea Jack & Steph. (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) in Tropical America
(2000-12-13)The genus Ceratolejeunea Jack & Steph. (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) in Tropical America. Gregorio Dauphin L. Albrecht-von-Haller-Institut für Pflanzenwissenchaften, Abt. Systematische Botanik Untere Karspüle 2, D-37073 ... -
The GRAS Protein SCL14 and TGA Transcription Factors Interact to Regulate Stress-Inducible Promoters
(2008-11-12)This work deals with the identification of signal components involved in plants reaction to xenobiotic substances. The regulatory protein Scarecrow-like 14 (SCL14) was identified as a ... -
The impact of ants on the aboveground and belowground ecological network - field studies in a grassland and experiments with microcosms
(2011-03-15)In this work, two areas of ants` functioning in ecosystem were studied. On the one hand, I investigated how ants affect the aboveground system by acting as mutualistic partners and predators ...